Donald Trump

I remember seeing … Reagan with platforms like this…
It gave me a sense of unease then… the obvious parallel’s of lines of Swastika’s with Nazi’s… but I put it down to US patriotism for their country, as the rhetoric wasn’t fascistic … jingoistic maybe but not fascistic. The use of the US flag , or variations of (stars/colours etc)… litter the US political scene at any political rally since that time (ie when 1st saw it on tv).

Trump… well that takes the usage of the US flag to another level, combined with his Rhetoric, his dismissing and subverting of US law, unfacts presented as facts, his idolatry using faithful…

History repeats itself in cycles of about 100 years… the Munich putsch was 1923, it failed like January 6th insurrection , but it was only a few years later that it happened again, with more disinformation, more organisation… and coming on the back of disillusionment with the establishment (depression/economic crunch)… and we all know what happened when Hitler was handed the power to ‘save Germany’ by an ailing hindenburg.

The rise of the (extreme far) right indeed.
Not a nice person. His politics were very right wing. He was a supporter of the far right McCarthyite House un-American Activities Commitee that wrongly accused many people of being communist. They got Hollywood studios to blacklist over 300 actors, screenwriters, directors and others they claimed were communist. These included Charlie Chaplin, Orson Welles and Paul Robeson. He produced, directed and starred in the shamelessly pro Vietnam War propaganda film The Green Berets. He also made disparaging and anti-semitic comments about Henry Kissinger, referring to him as "that Jew" in correspondence with his close friend Richard Nixon.
Not a nice person. His politics were very right wing. He was a supporter of the far right McCarthyite House un-American Activities Commitee that wrongly accused many people of being communist. They got Hollywood studios to blacklist over 300 actors, screenwriters, directors and others they claimed were communist. These included Charlie Chaplin, Orson Welles and Paul Robeson. He produced, directed and starred in the shamelessly pro Vietnam War propaganda film The Green Berets. He also made disparaging and anti-semitic comments about Henry Kissinger, referring to him as "that Jew" in correspondence with his close friend Richard Nixon.
Decent actor, though. Well, sometimes. I’d have thrown Glenn Miller and Herbert Hoover in the mix, too, but try finding a gif…
I remember seeing … Reagan with platforms like this…
View attachment 104234
It gave me a sense of unease then… the obvious parallel’s of lines of Swastika’s with Nazi’s… but I put it down to US patriotism for their country, as the rhetoric wasn’t fascistic … jingoistic maybe but not fascistic. The use of the US flag , or variations of (stars/colours etc)… litter the US political scene at any political rally since that time (ie when 1st saw it on tv).

Trump… well that takes the usage of the US flag to another level, combined with his Rhetoric, his dismissing and subverting of US law, unfacts presented as facts, his idolatry using faithful…

History repeats itself in cycles of about 100 years… the Munich putsch was 1923, it failed like January 6th insurrection , but it was only a few years later that it happened again, with more disinformation, more organisation… and coming on the back of disillusionment with the establishment (depression/economic crunch)… and we all know what happened when Hitler was handed the power to ‘save Germany’ by an ailing hindenburg.

The rise of the (extreme far) right indeed.
Reagan came in after America felt utterly denuded, impotent and out of control. Losing Vietnam, Watergate, inflation, an aggressive Fed jacking rates, recession, the energy crisis (being held to ransom figuratively) and then the Iran hostage drama (being held to ransom literally). Carter was the best of men, but woefully ineffective. So Reagan wrapping himself in the flag was 1) honestly how he felt, 2) necessary in his mind politically to win and 3) an attempt to shift confidence levels in the future. History has been kind to Reagan’s first term; less his second (he delegated too much domestic policy to idiots and then there was Iran-Contra which he was too naive to prevent). So I look at his jingoism vs Trump’s fascism as very different. In many ways Reagan really was selflessly devoted to America — maybe more so than any President since, though that’s arguable. And certainly he birthed an awful lot of serious issues later — especially from a trickle-down laissez-faire economic perspective — but in many ways I think that’s due to his naïveté rather than him being sinister.
Reagan came in after America felt utterly denuded, impotent and out of curatively) and then the Iran hostage drama (being held to ransom literally). Carter was the best of men, but woefully ineffective. So Reagan wrapping himself in the flag was 1) honestly how he felt, 2) necessary in his mind politically to win and 3) an attempt to shift confidence levels in the future.
There was a very apt political cartoon the day of his first inauguration showing Reagan waking up in bed, stretching and smiling in his PJs as the sun streamed in through the U.S. flag-draped windows. "Morning in America" was the caption.

And yes a very different feel to it than Trump's xenophobia.
I remember seeing … Reagan with platforms like this…
View attachment 104234
It gave me a sense of unease then… the obvious parallel’s of lines of Swastika’s with Nazi’s… but I put it down to US patriotism for their country, as the rhetoric wasn’t fascistic … jingoistic maybe but not fascistic. The use of the US flag , or variations of (stars/colours etc)… litter the US political scene at any political rally since that time (ie when 1st saw it on tv).

Trump… well that takes the usage of the US flag to another level, combined with his Rhetoric, his dismissing and subverting of US law, unfacts presented as facts, his idolatry using faithful…

History repeats itself in cycles of about 100 years… the Munich putsch was 1923, it failed like January 6th insurrection , but it was only a few years later that it happened again, with more disinformation, more organisation… and coming on the back of disillusionment with the establishment (depression/economic crunch)… and we all know what happened when Hitler was handed the power to ‘save Germany’ by an ailing hindenburg.

The rise of the (extreme far) right indeed.
You should read Project 2025!

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