Donald Trump

As Mrs. Merton might have said, "What first attracted you to the narcicistic, lying, philandering fraudster,fantasist and Putin supporting insurrectionist that is Donald Trump?"

1st time round, he pulled out of various agreements. Next time? Very worrysome.

If he gets in, the world's truly gone mad. If he loses, it could be very worrysome still!
As Mrs. Merton might have said, "What first attracted you to the narcicistic, lying, philandering fraudster,fantasist and Putin supporting insurrectionist that is Donald Trump?"

1st time round, he pulled out of various agreements. Next time? Very worrysome.

If he gets in, the world's truly gone mad. If he loses, it could be very worrysome still!

You only have to look at Iran.

Obama’s more moderate approach made it seem like relations were actually stabilising and the US had a good degree of control over its nuclear ambitions with the nuclear deal. Similar to the disarmament treaties with Russia in the 90s.

Then the orange fuck-knuckle pulled out in 2018 and things have just gotten steadily worse. Then this morning I get headlines on my phone saying the US and Iran are on the brink of war and Iran are weeks away from being able to mobilise a nuclear weapon.

Great fucking job there, chief.

I’m not saying Iran ever would have been cowed into moderate behaviour but one things for sure, Trump has only made things worse. And he will continue to make them worse still.
By what metric has Biden been poor?

With a Republican lead house who would rather obstruct than legislate he has actually done very well under the circumstances. I think you've paying far too much attention to the Right-wing propagandists.
Sadly, we now live in an age where people watch programmes that feed their bias. Where facts are increasingly redundant.

Biden could have overseen the greatest economic story ever witnessed and it would count for nought. The MAGA mob would simply reject it, call it “false”.

Trump and his acolytes will play every dirty, underhanded trick they can. And more.

And they’ll win.
And they’ll win.
I'm optimistic that MAGA will not win in 2024 and will in fact experience massive losses. I think that Biden will retain the Presidency and that Democrats will take both the House and Senate.

As for the Presidency, this hinges on a felony criminal conviction against Trump prior to the 2024 election - I think that this will occur.

As far as Democrats taking both the House and Senate - this is going to happen I think, because savvy state Democratic operatives will seek to place abortion rights measures alongside the general 2024 election. This will result in numerous voters showing up and then rejecting anti-abortion measures while meanwhile voting Democrat down the line.
You’ve got guns to stop your country being taken over. They’ve not been used yet for their primary purpose!
I'm still confused.

How does lax gun regulation lead to some sort of political advantage versus Trump?... unless you're advocating some sort of violent non-government reprisal among armed individuals against Trump.

If armed reprisal versus Trump is what you're contemplating... well, it's not the Democrats who are armed to the teeth... it's the nut-job Republicans.
I'm still confused.

How does lax gun regulation lead to some sort of political advantage versus Trump?... unless you're advocating some sort of violent non-government reprisal among armed individuals against Trump.

If armed reprisal versus Trump is what you're contemplating... well, it's not the Democrats who are armed to the teeth... it's the nut-job Republicans.
It was the latter. There must be one crazy Democrat!
Sadly, we now live in an age where people watch programmes that feed their bias. Where facts are increasingly redundant.

Biden could have overseen the greatest economic story ever witnessed and it would count for nought. The MAGA mob would simply reject it, call it “false”.

Trump and his acolytes will play every dirty, underhanded trick they can. And more.

And they’ll win.
If Trump wins, he'll self-pardon in a heartbeat, then go after Biden & Obama on some 'trumped-up' charges.

Basically, the USA is fucked as a functioning democracy at that point, and I don't think I need to stress just how catastrophic that would be for the UK.

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