Donald Trump

Probably do a Putin and change the rules
In his words:”It will be a bloodbath.”
It seems that will likely happen either way, sadly.

But I genuinely believe it will be worse if he gets a second term, as he and his (and McConnell’s) corrupted Supreme Court will finish his work to dismantle what is left of the functional democratic republic and he would refuse to leave office at the end of the term, even without the constitutional amendment necessary to allow for additional terms (which is not possible without him essentially forcibly dissolving the federal government, which he may try to do anyway, negating the need for the amendment).
I know its roots lie with the Sept 11th attacks, but I’ve always found the dept name ‘homeland security’ quite fascistic, and every time I hear it, it’s reminiscent of 1984’s doublethink ministeries - eg ministry of peace (war).

The evangelical far-right’s playbook… err.. playing out, slowly but surely since the times of Reagan and ‘the moral majority’, through Bush, Bush2 and now rapidly accelerated with Trump/MAGA.

‘civil war’ is what will happen if Trump doesn’t win, a Trumpian victory will, I fear, see the most powerful, anti freedom fascist state since… antiquian/mongol times
I fear the same.

Let’s hope we are both wrong.
I know its roots lie with the Sept 11th attacks, but I’ve always found the dept name ‘homeland security’ quite fascistic, and every time I hear it, it’s reminiscent of 1984’s doublethink ministeries - eg ministry of peace (war).

The evangelical far-right’s playbook… err.. playing out, slowly but surely since the times of Reagan and ‘the moral majority’, through Bush, Bush2 and now rapidly accelerated with Trump/MAGA.

‘civil war’ is what will happen if Trump doesn’t win, a Trumpian victory will, I fear, see the most powerful, anti freedom fascist state since… antiquian/mongol times
Along these same lines is the "Space Force" created by Trump, its members no doubt known as "Space Cadets"! LOL.

In case the term Space Cadet is an Americanism...
Those cunts forget how many European troops died defending the USA after it was attacked on 9/11. Absolute fucking shithouses.

True but those troops didn't die defending the USA. They died in complete vain anyway.

The USA didn't need to invade and control Afghanistan for 20 years and had the military capability to do it alone anyway.
Those cunts forget how many European troops died defending the USA after it was attacked on 9/11. Absolute fucking shithouses.
The problem is not that they’ve forgotten. The problem is that they intentionally don’t know and aggressively don’t care.

Most of them couldn’t pick out Afghanistan or Ukraine on a map, much less tell you what has happened in those countries over the course of the last 25 years (and definitely not the last 75).

And they actively cultivate a hostility toward caring about the plight of anyone outside of the American Nazi Party (aka “America First” / MAGA), in the US or beyond. Even their interest in most of those comprising the ANP is fairly limited to “what is necessary to keep them compliant?”

Their (and their bases’s) glorified ignorance and wilful apathy (often shifting in to violent abhorrence when politically or economically expedient) is part of their platform and is a designed outcome of decades of far-right programs and governance at the state and local level to develop an electorate that can not only be manipulated and exploited for the benefit of the far-right elite, but that can produce and support candidates for higher office that serve the same role. The Tea Party was just an transitional movement from traditional conservatism to the pseudo techno-theocratic authoritarianism that has taken hold now. It is why I find Dick Cheney’s outspoken denouncements of Trump and the “America First” movement so infuriating—he is one of the principle architects of the structure that made it possible.

The only thing that wasn’t planned is for a degenerate conman demagogue to come round and co-opt—then hijack—the very base that had been so carefully engineered.

The far-right has tried to pivot and control him, and redirect their human machine, with only limited, infrequent success. And now many are trying tooth and nail to render Trump irrelevant so they gain back control over the monster they built and finally realise their vision for America. Hence the Koch brothers and several other major far-right players, after realising they can manipulate but not control Trump (because Trump is not even in control of himself) have effectively tried to go to war with him and his base. Up until now, they are losing.
They technically did as Article 5 of NATO was invoked.

Technically but not factually. The United Nations deployed troops to the Korean Peninsula and it went from the defensive intervention in favour of the South to a large scale offensive and almost complete defeat of the Korean communists until China intervened and the eventual stalemate.

It would be a stretch to call that a peacekeeping mission.
Lot's of things I love about the US. Lou Reed, Dylan, David Crosby, Billy Wilder, Ben Gazara, Colombo, Mark Rothko, Patti Smith, Mapplethorpe, Gil Scott Heron, Marilyn, Mitchum, Paul Auster, Philip Roth, Film Noir, Sinatra, Scorcese, Jack Lemon. In fact the list is endless.

However I loathe their political system and the politicians it produces. Their foreign policy has been a blight on the world.

And were Trump to get in again it would just highlight the fact that it's a fucked up place

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