Donald Trump

I read somewhere that the tactics of the far right had consciously moved away from action at a federal level because, as you say, these have had real life consequences and the focus now is very much at the local level where their freedom to operate may be less constrained. Hence Proud Boy types providing 'escorts' to right wing people at local meetings. Don't know how extensive a pattern this is but it does strike me that a combination of local nutter politicos, wannabe paramilitaries and localised social influencers would be quite an intimidating trifecta for ordinary citizens, who just want to provide service to their local communities, to have to stand up to.

I hope you're optimism is proven to be correct, either way it does seem like it's critical that decent people don't become exhausted and opt for the quiet life.
Yes, and that's why I posted that bit about Shasta County, which had gone way nutter (if you have time read the history of N-words at city council meetings, rules about concealed carry in government buildings -- which is illegal on a state and federal level -- and my friend Jim's wife Mary being called out by an opposition candidate because her car license has "666" in it). Locals there seem to have awakened and are beginning to pull back from the brink. I hope it's a start -- I know it is, actually -- I just hope nonchalance doesn't douse the flame, to your point.
Think you have me mixed up with @Mad Eyed Screamer. ;-)

I live in Maine, the big purple wilderness.

And I genuinely hope your optimism turns out be more accurate than my pessimism in this case. For everyone’s sake, including my son’s.
Ha, I know he's there; I thought you were too!

Maine is beautiful. Bit colder than FL. :)
That’s because he’s fucking broke (in more ways than financially) and has repeatedly lied about it under oath.

Funny, I'm pretty sure his lawyer has been on every news show she can answering the question "Does Trump have the money?" with "Of course he has, he's a billionaire"
Fucking hell threatening to lock up political opponents. If this cunts gets in again, all bets are off.
If the supreme court overrule the lower court judgement about Presidential prosecution, he'll just have her shot. Or she'll fall out of a window....or fall on a polonium tipped buddy Vlad has lots of of creative suggestions.
Fucking hell threatening to lock up political opponents. If this cunts gets in again, all bets are off.
He’s been doing it for awhile, but his threats are ramping up. And the threats from proxies have already begun to call for various political opponents to be executed.

His lawyers essentially argued that a President has the power to do it with impunity in the Presidential Immunity case (which is an interesting argument, given Trump is not currently president and is the main political rival to the current one).

Only a matter of time before he starts promising to kill various people he (and his cronies) deem “enemies of the people” if he is reelected.

He’s inching toward lone wolf whistles in his rallies, as well.

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