Donald Trump

There is one more possible outcome: mistrial because one juror is secret Maga. Nightmare.
I'm sure I read somewhere that 12% of new yorkers voted for trump. So odds are that 1 will slip through the net. But even if you voted trump that doesn't mean you are a hardcore MAGA.

And even if you are, how does your world view change if you sit there staring at him for 6 weeks listening to all the evidence. And of course he won't testify even though he said he would.
I'm sure I read somewhere that 12% of new yorkers voted for trump. So odds are that 1 will slip through the net. But even if you voted trump that doesn't mean you are a hardcore MAGA.

And even if you are, how does your world view change if you sit there staring at him for 6 weeks listening to all the evidence. And of course he won't testify even though he said he would.
The stench from his pants will see him convicted.
Ah right , thought he was just there to intimidate the potential jurors
He has to be there. Also, he would be trying that as well.

His lawyers are constantly delaying selection so far.

He looked like he was wearing his leak proof diapers when he was spouting his shite to the media before hand.
I have just finished listening to the Michael Wolff audiobook "Siege", Its very interesting that this contains alot of the stuff about this incident and how it played out and was seen by the likes of Bannon & Cohen,.
I shouldnt be surprised but it is so sad once again that Trump playing the martyr about how this isnt about him being a sleeze, but is an attack on America..... "but what kind of American are you?", as the trailers are currently saying.

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