Donald Trump

The defence rests after 2 light days. They basically had no defence evidence other than some phone logs and a witness who is very clearly doing Trump's bidding. He pissed off the judge and called Cohen a liar. But as pointed out by cross he was and is clearly a Trump erand boy.

They did, at best, throw some shade on Cohen's testimony but the prosecution had far more than Cohen.

The jury are back next week for closing arguments. The judge is right now discussing jury instructions and that is possibly the most critical battle. The route to prison time involves the jury agreeing with the prosecution that the individual business records crimes were part of a wider campaign finance crime. How that us explained to them is critical.
Trump’s a dead man walking. The jury hated the defence counsel and Trump’s farts and snores pissed them off.
The prosecution need a full house and the defence only need 1 juror to hang it for them. Cohen admitting he stole from Trump Org, “hated Trump” and “wanted him to go to jail” undoubtedly adds an element of jeopardy to the prosecution case.

Personally I’d be amazed, but obviously develop a hernia laughing, if they manage to get a conviction at this point
The prosecution need a full house and the defence only need 1 juror to hang it for them. Cohen admitting he stole from Trump Org, “hated Trump” and “wanted him to go to jail” undoubtedly adds an element of jeopardy to the prosecution case.

Personally I’d be amazed, but obviously develop a hernia laughing, if they manage to get a conviction at this point
Nothing Cohen said is necessary for a conviction. You are going to be amazed; he will be convicted on the misdemeanour, maybe not on the felony.
Nothing Cohen said is necessary for a conviction. You are going to be amazed; he will be convicted on the misdemeanour, maybe not on the felony.
If all they can get is a misdemeanour they might as well have not bothered

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