Donald Trump | Found guilty on all 34 counts

Nothing Cohen said is necessary for a conviction. You are going to be amazed; he will be convicted on the misdemeanour, maybe not on the felony.
If all they can get is a misdemeanour they might as well have not bothered
His campaign team—and, surprisingly, many journalists—are saying this was just a case of a staffer posting something without scrutinising the content properly.

But I think that is very naive, specifically because this ‘say/post > cause controversy via abhorrent allusion > dismiss/delete > claim ignorance or accident’ tactic is among Trump’s go-to ploys. He (or his campaign / WH staff) have done this over, and over, and over again.

It is a way to get out a message to a specific cohort of his support whilst maintaining some sort of plausible deniability, even if any sane, rational observer knows he/they are lying with their follow up explanations. It is a strategy employed by (and likely adapted from) Putin.

In this case, it was to play to the Neo-nazis and white nationalists in his base—a group he has whistled to quite regularly over the last decade (and beyond, really).

And, once more, this tactic is used to “soften” the ground for increasingly more obvious (and more difficult to excuse) rhetoric over time, until he can stand at a rally in late October and say (again) that Hitler and the Nazis did many great things and maybe we should think about emulating some of them when he becomes president again and no one that is somewhat partial to his thinking will even bat an eye.

To accept the official line is inept gullibility in my opinion.
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While Trump shouldn’t be above the law, at this point it’s pretty clear he is, so this amount of effort and a public trial for ‘only’ a misdemeanour conviction is just going to play into his narrative that this is ‘election interference’ *insert eye-roll emoji*

It’s arguable if even a felony conviction on these charges would’ve moved the needle, but a misdemeanour certainly isn’t going to hurt him.
While Trump shouldn’t be above the law, at this point it’s pretty clear he is, so this amount of effort and a public trial for ‘only’ a misdemeanour conviction is just going to play into his narrative that this is ‘election interference’ *insert eye-roll emoji*

It’s arguable if even a felony conviction on these charges would’ve moved the needle, but a misdemeanour certainly isn’t going to hurt him.
Your judgement is all awry. This guy, in case you have forgotten, was President of the United States. The first President in 250 years to face criminal charges. Just for starters, US Foreign policy will be destabilised by a conviction of any sort followed by a successful election. The US would lose all moral authority in the West and Trump would be at the beck and call of Putin and his like. Why do you think Nixon was pardoned before he could be sent for trial?

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