Donald Trump

I sometimes think we have it bad over here with the looking election but then look at USA and think fuck me it’s not that bad, two senile old fuckers who could ruin the world. One day we may look back and laugh on this from our bomb shelters!
I sometimes think we have it bad over here with the looking election but then look at USA and think fuck me it’s not that bad, two senile old fuckers who could ruin the world. One day we may look back and laugh on this from our bomb shelters!
Yeah, I wake up every morning worried about Biden ruining the world.
Just a simple point that seems to evade people - Trump is the arch grifter - everybody knows BUT there are so called journalists, commentators and "experts" who grift a living off the back of the existence of the grifter in chief.

Similar to the grift of "experts" off the back of Harry and Meghan - these things are kept alive by the oxygen of the grifters who need to keep it going because if they don't they have no income. All prey on the vulnerable.
It's truly shocking that there posters on here that ACTIVELY choose to ignore the presiding over a genocide whilst claiming the former pres is the true ****!! I don't like either, but I'm not willing to look over one that has brought us to the brink of WWIII, for one that's been naughty with moving money around for a PRIVATE sex life.

These posters are LITERALLY ignoring everything Biden has ever done; calling for Blacks to be jailed, funding wars, funding Israel, constantly denying universal healthcare and, worse, through a pandemic, protecting his kid from legitimate prosecution, LIKELY to be taking backhanders from his son, POSSIBLY allowing money laundering from his brother, retreating from Afghanistan and leaving a total disaster zone behind, inflation fuck ups and denying genocide. That's just a FEW to talk of!

Just absolute loads of this shit and Trump is called 'Teflon Don' why, again?? Biden's got staffers resigning because of his bullshit!

I'm truly not arsed as you support this fucking loon, just admit you're zionist, cos you can't support Biden and be against what he was doing in Israel.

I expect, fully, for nobody to admit being zionist, seeing no problem with Biden's wickedness.
Just a simple point that seems to evade people - Trump is the arch grifter - everybody knows BUT there are so called journalists, commentators and "experts" who grift a living off the back of the existence of the grifter in chief.

Similar to the grift of "experts" off the back of Harry and Meghan - these things are kept alive by the oxygen of the grifters who need to keep it going because if they don't they have no income. All prey on the vulnerable.

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