Donald Trump

It's funny how everyone wants to blame Biden but aid and bombs and ammo are given by Congress not the President.

Everyone forgets Biden wanted to give tons of aid to Ukraine but couldn't while it was blocked by congress.

No, he ASKED for Israel to get bombs/ weapons and he was GRANTED it by BOTH parties. Same with Ukraine. It doesn't matter when he was granted it, he got it.
It's truly shocking that there posters on here that ACTIVELY choose to ignore the presiding over a genocide whilst claiming the former pres is the true ****!! I don't like either, but I'm not willing to look over one that has brought us to the brink of WWIII, for one that's been naughty with moving money around for a PRIVATE sex life.

These posters are LITERALLY ignoring everything Biden has ever done; calling for Blacks to be jailed, funding wars, funding Israel, constantly denying universal healthcare and, worse, through a pandemic, protecting his kid from legitimate prosecution, LIKELY to be taking backhanders from his son, POSSIBLY allowing money laundering from his brother, retreating from Afghanistan and leaving a total disaster zone behind, inflation fuck ups and denying genocide. That's just a FEW to talk of!

Just absolute loads of this shit and Trump is called 'Teflon Don' why, again?? Biden's got staffers resigning because of his bullshit!

I'm truly not arsed as you support this fucking loon, just admit you're zionist, cos you can't support Biden and be against what he was doing in Israel.

I expect, fully, for nobody to admit being zionist, seeing no problem with Biden's wickedness.
Can’t decide whose meltdown into unhinged, panicked, idiotic gibberish over the last two years has been funn . . . err, sadder — yours or Trump’s.
It's truly shocking that there posters on here that ACTIVELY choose to ignore the presiding over a genocide whilst claiming the former pres is the true ****!! I don't like either, but I'm not willing to look over one that has brought us to the brink of WWIII, for one that's been naughty with moving money around for a PRIVATE sex life.

These posters are LITERALLY ignoring everything Biden has ever done; calling for Blacks to be jailed, funding wars, funding Israel, constantly denying universal healthcare and, worse, through a pandemic, protecting his kid from legitimate prosecution, LIKELY to be taking backhanders from his son, POSSIBLY allowing money laundering from his brother, retreating from Afghanistan and leaving a total disaster zone behind, inflation fuck ups and denying genocide. That's just a FEW to talk of!

Just absolute loads of this shit and Trump is called 'Teflon Don' why, again?? Biden's got staffers resigning because of his bullshit!

I'm truly not arsed as you support this fucking loon, just admit you're zionist, cos you can't support Biden and be against what he was doing in Israel.

I expect, fully, for nobody to admit being zionist, seeing no problem with Biden's wickedness.

Off to block the magat troll goes! 0 posts about City but 30,000+ spraying of the Trump koolaid!

No thanks!
It's funny how everyone wants to blame Biden but aid and bombs and ammo are given by Congress not the President.

Everyone forgets Biden wanted to give tons of aid to Ukraine but couldn't while it was blocked by congress.
True but he could also come out and call them cunts for killing thousands of kids, yes both sides are as bad as each other but he could still do it. I also think Trump is a bellend by the way.
The next few months will be a tinderbox.
Once again I will stress my view that it won’t be. Regular MAGA joes will vote for him; will they foment violent revolution for him after Jan 6? A few absolutely impotent nutters will attempt to be the instrument of a few “fuck it” tragedies assuredly. But some mass uprising, risking their lives, their freedom, their families, their jobs and all they own? No way.
True but he could also come out and call them cunts for killing thousands of kids, yes both sides are as bad as each other but he could still do it.

Yes but I think his LGBT base like me isn't exactly crying about people being killed who would actively kill us for our sexual orientation.

So he's made the calculation that there's more sense sticking with the base than trying to appease some trouble makers who were never the Dem base to begin with.

I mean honestly where were these people for Hillary.. didn't show up for her.. did they? How did that turn out.. Trump stole 3 SCOTUS seats.

So the base is more important! If the so called progressives are willing to hold the party hostage like 2016 and threaten to not show up again.. they shouldn't be catered to!
True but he could also come out and call them cunts for killing thousands of kids, yes both sides are as bad as each other but he could still do it.
And what do you suppose the response from Trump would be if he did? I mean, the guy has never missed one opportunity to criticiz(s)e Biden over any and everything. Why not on this, especially as so many geniuses here seem to believe if Biden would just call Netanyahu a ****, he’d win in a waltz?

I’m really not sure non-Americans understand how short the narrative leap is here between critiquing Israel and being branded “anti-Semitic.” Of course logically it makes no sense. But politically it’s not dissimilar to the gun lobby claiming banning AK-47s is removing a guaranteed Constitutional freedom. It sucks. But it’s the political reality of here. That’s what Biden is caught up in.

If Biden does win it will be very interesting to see how/if the narrative shifts. I’d bet it will. I bet he’d be more aggressive, and good. Certainly some on the left will turn up the heat. But then he’ll have the mid-terms in 26 to think about too.
And what do you suppose the response from Trump would be if he did? I mean, the guy has never missed one opportunity to criticiz(s)e Biden over any and everything. Why not on this, especially as so many geniuses here seem to believe if Biden would just call Netanyahu a ****, he’d win in a waltz?

I’m really not sure non-Americans understand how short the narrative leap is here between critiquing Israel and being branded “anti-Semitic.” Of course logically it makes no sense. But politically it’s not dissimilar to the gun lobby claiming banning AK-47s is removing a guaranteed Constitutional freedom. It sucks. But it’s the political reality of here. That’s what Biden is caught up in.

If Biden does win it will be very interesting to see how/if the narrative shifts. I’d bet it will. I bet he’d be more aggressive, and good. Certainly some on the left will turn up the heat. But then he’ll have the mid-terms in 26 to think about too.
IF he does win how many children will be dead by then, I suppose I’m naive but that’s blood on my conscience I wouldnt want, but but him and Trump will be lucky to see out their presidencies at their age, its ridiculous, they have a minimum age in what you can be president, maybe time they brought in a maximum or at least a fit to run test.

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