Donald Trump

Once again I will stress my view that it won’t be. Regular MAGA joes will vote for him; will they foment violent revolution for him after Jan 6? A few absolutely impotent nutters will attempt to be the instrument of a few “fuck it” tragedies assuredly. But some mass uprising, risking their lives, their freedom, their families, their jobs and all they own? No way.
At about the time for formal hand over of power, Congress will be surrounded by an overwhelming security force.
I sometimes think we have it bad over here with the looking election but then look at USA and think fuck me it’s not that bad, two senile old fuckers who could ruin the world. One day we may look back and laugh on this from our bomb shelters!
The worrying thing is that the liberal desire to hunt down trump is clearly playing into his hands - allowing him to portray himself as some sort of politics martyr or even a great patriot. I think the energy may have been better spent persuading people to vote democrat by selling some sort of political vision. As it is I think the door is open for a trump re-election as the 'ya-boo' politics constantly seeking a gotcha moment plays into his hands. I think he'll win :-(
The worrying thing is that the liberal desire to hunt down trump is clearly playing into his hands - allowing him to portray himself as some sort of politics martyr or even a great patriot. I think the energy may have been better spent persuading people to vote democrat by selling some sort of political vision. As it is I think the door is open for a trump re-election as the 'ya-boo' politics constantly seeking a gotcha moment plays into his hands. I think he'll win :-(
The right would have poisoned anything rational people would gave tried. They are crazy with hatred and fear. I think they will only see the light after they get what they want and its a disaster (similar to Brexit in that sense).
The right would have poisoned anything rational people would gave tried. They are crazy with hatred and fear. I think they will only see the light after they get what they want and its a disaster (similar to Brexit in that sense).
I suppose so - the parallels with Brexit in terms of polarisation killing any sensible discussion are certainly there. I think it's a social media thing that people like farage and trump have been quick to switch onto and more adept at using .
Eg “protecting his kid from prosecution”. Biden left ONE Republican Federal DA in place. Guess which one.

So, wait...

Remember the MONTHS of denial and accusations of "Russian propaganda" from the MSM via the DNC against Hunter Biden and the absolute dismissal of it by the posters on here?? How it took absolute persistence for the truth to come out and why he's being put on trial now?

Not a lie, is it...? Never was, just the total belief that that info was 'dis/ misinformation'.

Anything else?
So, wait...

Remember the MONTHS of denial and accusations of "Russian propaganda" from the MSM via the DNC against Hunter Biden and the absolute dismissal of it by the posters on here?? How it took absolute persistence for the truth to come out and why he's being put on trial now?

Not a lie, is it...? Never was, just the total belief that that info was 'dis/ misinformation'.

Anything else?
Blimey. You entitled to your own facts now? How is Biden supposed to have protected his kid from prosecution?
I suppose so - the parallels with Brexit in terms of polarisation killing any sensible discussion are certainly there. I think it's a social media thing that people like farage and trump have been quick to switch onto and more adept at using .
I wish it was such that people could work together for a common good.

I lived there for a while and the people (in the North East at least) are salt of the earth, intelligent, funny, kind people. But almost all were on the verge of being "triggered" once a flag was waved because most are brainwashed from every angle. They just accepted all the crazy things in America as being the price of living in the greatest place on Earth (put its not the greatest place on earth when the crazy things in America are left develop into something that's become more and more dark).

Maybe if Biden wins, dies and has a much better Democrat take over they could try to spend enormous time and energy working together to rebuild respect on both sides. It'd only take 50 years or so. ( gulp)

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