Donald Trump

So, wait...

Remember the MONTHS of denial and accusations of "Russian propaganda" from the MSM via the DNC against Hunter Biden and the absolute dismissal of it by the posters on here?? How it took absolute persistence for the truth to come out and why he's being put on trial now?

Not a lie, is it...? Never was, just the total belief that that info was 'dis/ misinformation'.

Anything else?

Are you sure you’re fully up to speed on the Hunter Biden case? Back in February the GOP were giving their case mouth-to-mouth and calling for the crash cart.

What about the couple years before that?

This is like talking about Oct 7th and not acknowledging anything before.

February was when it transpired the Hunter Biden case was dead. The previous two years were naught but a fevered dream of wishful thinking and political malice.
It's truly shocking that there posters on here that ACTIVELY choose to ignore the presiding over a genocide whilst claiming the former pres is the true ****!! I don't like either, but I'm not willing to look over one that has brought us to the brink of WWIII, for one that's been naughty with moving money around for a PRIVATE sex life.

These posters are LITERALLY ignoring everything Biden has ever done; calling for Blacks to be jailed, funding wars, funding Israel, constantly denying universal healthcare and, worse, through a pandemic, protecting his kid from legitimate prosecution, LIKELY to be taking backhanders from his son, POSSIBLY allowing money laundering from his brother, retreating from Afghanistan and leaving a total disaster zone behind, inflation fuck ups and denying genocide. That's just a FEW to talk of!

Just absolute loads of this shit and Trump is called 'Teflon Don' why, again?? Biden's got staffers resigning because of his bullshit!

I'm truly not arsed as you support this fucking loon, just admit you're zionist, cos you can't support Biden and be against what he was doing in Israel.

I expect, fully, for nobody to admit being zionist, seeing no problem with Biden's wickedness.

You thinking Trump would have prevented what’s happening in Gaza is about as laughable as those that think Russia wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine if Trump was in power.
What's he on trial for? Guns? Taxes?

He's not on trial for a laptop.

Hunter Biden is on trial for a 2018 gun charge, namely

‘Hunter Biden “provided a written statement on Form 4473 certifying he was not an unlawful user of, and addicted to, any stimulant, narcotic drug, and any other controlled substance, when in fact, as he knew, that statement was false and fictitious,” according to the indictment.

It’s a federal crime to lie on the ATF form or to possess a firearm as a drug user. (Hunter Biden possessed the gun for about 11 days in 2018.)

There are also two misdemeanour tax charges.
You thinking Trump would have prevented what’s happening in Gaza is about as laughable as those that think Russia wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine if Trump was in power.

I don't give a fuck about a diluted choice to represent the people; either trump or Biden.

The fact that Trump wasn't in power at the time is factual, so you can't even make a hypothetical argument on this.

Especially when Trump had ACTIVATED no wars in his term.

THAT is factual.

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