Donald Trump

Jo Cox and David Ames's were thoroughly decent human beings. Don't disingenuously compare them to a morally bankrupt bigot who instigated an insurrection against his own people, beats women, defrauds the American people time after time, and normalises hate speech on his platforms.
I’m afraid it’s you being disingenuous my point is you don’t murder people you disagree with politically, you don’t vote for them and hope enough people agree with you. If they don’t then suck it up and admit you might not be right.
Jo Cox and David Ames's were thoroughly decent human beings. Don't disingenuously compare them to a morally bankrupt bigot who instigated an insurrection against his own people, beats women, defrauds the American people time after time, and normalises hate speech on his platforms.
So it’s ok to shoot certain political people?
Who decides?
I do wonder what the fallout would have been, it could have kick started some serious violence against anyone in the white house or at protests or events in the run up to the election.
Well as someone who has hated and feared and opposed Trump since the start, I'm happier with him winning the election than standing next to people who would drop civilised & democratic values in such a way. America's democratic institutions will surely survive another 4 years of Trump.

This means more coverage for Trump and Farage and co. Of course I feel like I would give anything to stop them. But I won't give that.

Because I won't live up to the negative stereotype. I won't embody the straw man RW's have put up since the start.

And it may well be that in the future I need to plead with "RW's" that focused violence is unacceptable. That they are anti-democracy and democracy's protection is bigger and more important.

I can't do that if I'm a hypocrite.

So yeah. I guess we'd better start figuring this out.
Or, alternatively, we could talk about Donald Trump.
Not someone I particularly agree with, but I’m not American, It’s up to the Americans as a democratic country to decide if they want him as president, which thanks to the scumbag who tried to murder him today I would have thought is now nailed on.I hope you’re not going to say you approve of murdering politicians.
I’m afraid it’s you being disingenuous my point is you don’t murder people you disagree with politically, you don’t vote for them and hope enough people agree with you. If they don’t then suck it up and admit you might not be right.
I've never murdered anyone I disagree with politically, funnily enough. But if you think the actions of this shooter were purely down to political disenfranchisement, and not who Donald Trump is as a person, then you need to give your head a wobble.

It's not about being right or left politically, it's about comprehending why many won't give a fuck that somebody tried to kill him. And if you can't comprehend that, then you haven't been paying attention for the last eight years.

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