Donald Trump

It is a dangerous road, I agree. But unfortunately, it's a road that has been oft-travelled for centuries. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, This New Guy. The sad thing is if Congress saw sense and tightened gun laws then these incidents would be the stuff of fiction thrillers, not real life.

Incidentally, a court of law declared Trump a criminal a month ago. And he's on trial later this year for a much more egregious (potential) offence. And yet, remarkably, he's still running for the presidency. When those are the facts presented, we're never getting out of the rabbit hole.
Thats the Yanks for you, that said we have some pretty strict gun control yet several we’ve lost plenty of politicians down the years sadly.
Thoughts with the deceased and the injured. I am not shocked. The narrative by the liberals is so nasty and so unpleasant which is exemplified by the left on here day after day shows what sensible people are up against.

I hope he is ok.

He will be the elected leader of America democratically in 3 months and yet on here he is compared to some Evil tyrant. It’s wrong. Awaits the predictable abuse.

Must admit Worsley can you imagine if someone told their base a Political opponent was fair game for Assassination.
America is fucked, basically. With the widespread proliferation of weapons, social media fuelled divisions and conspiracy theories, along with utterly polarised world views, can anyone on here honestly see the situation doing anything other than getting progressively worse, and more violent, whoever wins in November- and if so, how?
False equivalence. So no point reading the rest of your post.
I’m sure there’s a few nutcase conservatives who think similar about starmer or democrats who think the same about Biden.

I think Tony Blair is a war criminal, but I don’t think he should be assassinated.

‘No point in reading the rest’ I’m not really surprised by that. If it’s something that doesn’t match your opinion you don’t tend to want a discussion from what I’ve seen.
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When you say negative to the Ukraine war, what exactly do you mean?
What I said was that in the end both parties are gonna have to sit around the table and talk because Ukraine will never in a month of Sundays be able to kick Russia out of Ukraine even though it’s wrong and tragic but it’s a he truth . Hundreds of thousands have died and many more will die . It’s big right what’s happened to he Ukraine people but I think that’s the end game .
If it was keir Starmer who was potentially assassinated and I posted what you put, you’d be ok with that?

What if I thought a democrats views were dangerous, should they be killed? Would that be ok.

Your basically advocating for violence and extremism because you don’t agree with someone.

And do you honestly think assassinating a former president would make America or the world safe? The fall out would be huge and politicians would be scared to speak in public - but your alright with that.

you’re advocating violence and hatred, which is basically what trump does a lot. Your just on the other side of it.
My preference would be he would be in jail for one of the myriad of charges he’s faced and is guilty of and not running for the most powerful office on earth.

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