Donald Trump

America is fucked, basically. With the widespread proliferation of weapons, social media fuelled divisions and conspiracy theories, along with utterly polarised world views, can anyone on here honestly see the situation doing anything other than getting progressively worse, and more violent, whoever wins in November- and if so, how?
Strange, strange country. My partner is from the US and can't really bear to see any news coming from the debates.

One hand you've got a narcissistic nutjob who is doing everything in his power to make life demonstrably worse for women and ensure that immigrants feel more unwelcome than they ever have in the US(despite the country being built upon immigration).
On the other hand you've got a delerious old man, who doesn't know where he is, backed by the most pathetic political institution which actively benefits from the republicans being so awful people are forced to vote against instead of for. They don't want to do anything to make the country better for anyone who doesn't invest in them.

Completely fucked and I can only see this getting far, far worse.
America is fucked, basically. With the widespread proliferation of weapons, social media fuelled divisions and conspiracy theories, along with utterly polarised world views, can anyone on here honestly see the situation doing anything other than getting progressively worse, and more violent, whoever wins in November- and if so, how?

All good points. Completely agree. Difficult for anyone to form a coherent and intellectually honest argument against your points.

The most heavily armed state for conventional warfare and nuclear warfare, and civilian owned weapons descending towards civil war can only be a bad thing.
what point are you trying to make? Because he’s said those words that justifies an assassination attempt?

You might not like his words or opinions but violence on either side isn’t justified because of words.
Just highlighting the character of the man to his fans on here . His words and actions have left a trail of death and destruction .
Just highlighting the character of the man to his fans on here . His words and actions have left a trail of death and destruction .
Fair enough. I could argue that Joe Biden has played a big part in facilitating in the destruction of Gaza and the death of the thousands of people. I don’t think he should be shot for it though.

The obvious answer if you don’t like someone is to vote them out or just disagree without using violence
I’m sure there’s a few nutcase conservatives who think similar about starmer or democrats who think the same about Biden.

I think Tony Blair is a war criminal, but I don’t think he should be assassinated.

‘No point in reading the rest’ I’m not really surprised by that. If it’s something that doesn’t match your opinion you don’t tend to want a discussion from what I’ve seen.

No it's not about opinions. Trump is menace by any objective measure. When Starmer or whichever politician you use an example starts inciting mobs to murder his deputy and half of the parliament you have a valid comparison. Otherwise you don't. It's as simple as that.

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