Donald Trump

America is fucked, basically. With the widespread proliferation of weapons, social media fuelled divisions and conspiracy theories along with utterly polarised world views, can anyone on here honestly see the situation doing anything other than getting progressively worse, and more violent, whoever wins in November- and if so, how?
Yep. All empires eventually come to an end the we’re at the start of the end of the American one. Can see the country tear itself apart over the next ten years. The only thing that could save it is some inspirational leadership that cuts across the divide and a real external threat to them that could help them unite behind a common cause. There’s little sign of either happening.
What I said was that in the end both parties are gonna have to sit around the table and talk because Ukraine will never in a month of Sundays be able to kick Russia out of Ukraine even though it’s wrong and tragic but it’s a he truth . Hundreds of thousands have died and many more will die . It’s big right what’s happened to he Ukraine people but I think that’s the end game .
Talk about what? Russia won’t abide by anything it agrees to. How can you negotiate with a party that simply won’t keep its word?

Or do you actually think they will?
America is fucked, basically. With the widespread proliferation of weapons, social media fuelled divisions and conspiracy theories, along with utterly polarised world views, can anyone on here honestly see the situation doing anything other than getting progressively worse, and more violent, whoever wins in November- and if so, how?
I’m vehemently hate politics and I despise how horrible the entire discussion has become when discussing anything and I have never ventured into this sub forum before.
But America is such a car crash it’s impossible to look away.

And now, left or right attempting the ‘assassination’ is actually quite irrelevant the thing to consider is what is the next step of escalation? Because as you said it’s only getting worse. And then of course the issue is. How do you stop it?

Let’s hope this train has brakes!
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Talk about what? Russia won’t abide by anything it agrees to. How can you negotiate with a party that simply won’t keep its word?

Or do you actually think they will?
I think it’s always been about the donbass but maybe I’m wrong but sooner or later they are gonna have to talk because the war is not sustainable for the world .

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