Donald Trump

Well the headline issue will be I suspect Americas withdrawal from NATO, ending the status quo which has kept the world free of nuclear conflict for a few decades now.

How about withdrawal from the Paris climate accord? You probably agree (assuming you don't think climate change is a conspiracy theory, if you do then stop reading here), that that is a bad thing for us all. In addition he has already (in his previous term) removed a number of emissions limits on US industries, causing further environmental damage as a result.

Other issues, oh I don't know, America is already edging towards a Handmaids Tale situation with the introduction of controls/bans on abortion, building walls along borders, insurrection in the Capital, and whilst that is a domestic matter, it still does concern me as a supporter of freedom of choice. (And please don't throw back that I'm advocating against that by supporting the removal of Trump by any means necessary, sometimes the end justifies the means)

As an aside, as President he extolled the killings of the leader of IS and at least 1 leading military figure in a sovereign nation (Iran). If he supports assassination of political adversaries on the international stage, why the outrage when he too is the subject of a politically motivated assassination.
I understand that people that dont like Trump, dont agree with his political views and basically dislike everything about him. But I do think comparing him with Hitler because of the reasons listed above is just extremely disrespectful to the millions of families suffering from the Holocaust and/or WWII.
It's because the Secret Service employs women, apparently. Woke etc etc.

I don't think the women were the issue. The protocols looked pathetic.

The presumption there was only one shooter is idiotic. Perhaps they swept the place well enough to eliminate other potentialities. But still. Even the most basic training for any service person is to expect the unexpected.

Don't assume anything. Until Trump was in a hospital and you knew everyone around by name and rank, you continue as of the treat is present and imminent.

It looked amateurish to me :(
I'm just curious, what do you actually think will happen after Trumps re-election that will have such a devastating effect on the world, comparable to when Hitler rised to power in Germany and the nazis started WWII and killed millions of jews? What exactly happened during his last presidency that makes you think this is the likely outcome?
Well, apart from this ...

... there will be increased support for Netanyahu, Orban, Milie, Erdogan and other would-be despots and there will be further opportunistic and ill-judged foreign policy adventures. He'll also be a disaster for the ordinary American on the economy, on medicare, on climate change and heaven forfend there's another global energency that'l he'll attempt to solve with bleach.
I understand that people that dont like Trump, dont agree with his political views and basically dislike everything about him. But I do think comparing him with Hitler because of the reasons listed above is just extremely disrespectful to the millions of families suffering from the Holocaust and/or WWII.
or perhaps ignoring what happened to 6 million Jews and millions of others is the disrespectful part?
He has already been president once and as far as I'm aware we saw no mass extincions of millions of immigrants, media, political opponents, women or LGBTQ+ during his 4 years in office. Do you think he and the government did this but managed to hide it from the public or that he just "pretended" to be nice the first 4 years to start the mass extincions in November if elected?

I'm not a Trump supporter, in fact I think its crazy that he can have so much support being the way that he is. But its claims and arguments like these, claiming that Trump is the same as HITLER, that makes the left sound like the insane ones to many undecided voters. Quite an accomplishment when its literally Donald the orange man Trump on the other side.
Honestly, I am not an American, but that's how I feel reading this thread today. This level of hatred is scary.

I guess the economy is perfect now under Biden, we have no wars around the world, nobody died of covid under Biden, crime-rate is 0, and there is no massive illegal migration issue. They prosecuted Trump now after all these years (very interesting timing), but we are yet to see any other political figures from the opposite side prosecuted. I guess they are all saints and haven't done anything wrong. Somehow, everything is Trump's fault despite the fact he hasn't been in the office for 3,5 years now, and Democrats have been totally in control of House and Senate. When I see the party in charge, with the president in charge, pointing fingers at others, you have to wonder. Like in this thread today. Someone tried to kill Trump, but he is the bad guy, somehow. Voter ID is racist somehow, but vaccine ID's were totally fine (yes, I am vaccinated).

I was naive enough to think that after laughing at what Trump did wrong for 4 years, people will be able to laugh at Biden for his shortcomings in a similiar fashion. None of it is happening. It's even more about Trump now. Luckily, there are still people out there able to have a normal conversation about both sides, not just attacking one of them.
its claims and arguments like these, claiming that Trump is the same as HITLER, that makes the left sound like the insane ones

Who's talking about the left?

Why does a post of a person who equates Trump to Hitler make him so absolutly part of "the left". Thats uncalled for. Its also uncalled to suggest that "all the left = claim trump to be Hitler" or "Only the left claim Trump to be Hitler", especially it follows as a reply to merely one person.

Gives that its uncalled for to talk about "the left", it seems you just made a very obvious and uncalled assault towards "the left", gaslighting them as they being the cause Trump exists. Sounds extremely suspect man. Sounds conspiciously "blame the left" intended.
I guess the economy is perfect now under Biden, we have no wars around the world, nobody died of covid under Biden, crime-rate is 0, and there is no massive illegal migration issue
Oh look, more narrative oriented hyperbole.
They prosecuted Trump now after all these years, but we are yet to see any other political figures from the opposite side prosecuted.

And claims of hypocrisy and conspiracy against trump, afcourse.
Somehow, everything is Trump's fault

Victimhood achieved

Someone tried to kill Trump, but he is the bad guy, somehow.

One does not exclude the other, being shot at doesnt mean youre a good guy, very often indeed its the other way around.
I was naive enough to think that after laughing at what Trump did wrong for 4 years, people will be able to laugh at Biden for his shortcomings in a similiar fashion.

Ah yes afcourse, non-Trump-Supporter = biden supporter. The logic! the rationale!
Luckily, there are still people out there able to have a normal conversation about both sides, not just attacking one of them.

Moral high ground declared.

You get 6 out of 10 achievement points on the Trumpist propagandistic narrative fostering front.
I don't think the women were the issue. The protocols looked pathetic.

The presumption there was only one shooter is idiotic. Perhaps they swept the place well enough to eliminate other potentialities. But still. Even the most basic training for any service person is to expect the unexpected.

Don't assume anything. Until Trump was in a hospital and you knew everyone around by name and rank, you continue as of the treat is present and imminent.

It looked amateurish to me :(
Clearly the women aren't the issue, but you wouldn't think that from a quick look at US twitter. Sexism is on a different scale in the States.

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