Donald Trump

I know they're trained for it but who knows how you'd react to being shot at never mind shot, not something that happens every day even in America. Sure some on here will have better knowledge but I thought they did pretty well perpetrator was dispatched in seconds and the security services surrounded him instantly which must take some balls when bullets are flying.
The lady agent kept bending down to pick up his fucking hat then dropping it and picking it up again. Absolute amateur hour
Whatever people might think about Trump, and personally I think the world would be a discernibly better and safer place without him, anyone thinking his assassination would have done anything other than to make matters even worse and divided in the US is wrong. And there would also almost certainly be severe consequences for the wider world following that.

History has shown us previously that political assassinations can unleash forces that cannot be contained or predicted.
Assassination or attempted assassination, i think they equate. Both would and will leave a wake of turmoil and deeper divide. The latter has the door widely open for an another Trump reign and this time the shackles are off. Ukraine and possibly wider Europe are fucked.
Missed the part about the plan to kill millions, could you perhaps pinpoint where on the linked site its mentioned?
Can you point me to the part of Hitler’s platform in the early 1930s that explicitly called for the mass murder of Jewish people?

His antisemitic rhetoric was clear and violent before he was elected, as is Trump’s now toward specific groups, but the explicit “Final Solution” for the Holocaust, was developed and implemented after he rose to power. Trump is even using the same terms and phrases that Hitler used during his campaign (to villainise and dehumanise Jewish people) to villainise and dehumanise immigrants, members of the media, and political opponents/dissenters. He will likely continue to do the same with women and LGBTQ+ people once he is in office and is free from what few restraints on his hate speech are left.

As he has shown over and over again, he will slowly ramp up the rhetoric until his supporters are generally in support of actions and policies that would have been opposed (or even unthinkable) in the past. Only some are waking up to those tactics now with recent Supreme Court decisions eliminating decades of hard fought civil rights gains.
Those who have studied the fascist rise to power, see among others a common element of a populist movement that grew large and was ultimately mobilized in great number to force the system to their hands. The Weimar republic per the Versailles treaty was only allowed to have 100.000 serving men and they were also supposed to be the country's police. Hitlers "brownshirts" grew to numbers well beyond that, hundreds of thousands, and then Hitler even had a lot of sympathizers among the army. This created the situation (or powervacuum) that while the state had nominal authority over the country, defacto effective control fell more and more with the brownshits and Hitler. By the time the 1936 ellections came around, the Brownshirts pretty much controlled the ellection process with armed millitants "organizing" the ballots.

Mussolini did a similar thing with his great march. Huge angry armed mobs are no joke.

Trump's abillety/tendency to want to be able to mobilize large numbers, regardless if it might consist in part even of armed KKK'rs or rednecks, is very concerning. Anger, hate, vitriol, instabillety, distrust and fear are all usefull to fan the flames so people would pick up their pitchforks and trump knows how to use it.

I can't disagree with any of that. But what does it have to do with a glib joke about county councils not having standing armies?
Yes I have. And my point still stands, the separation of powers exist.

Project 2025 is a pipedream, and a democratic nation like the US won't allow themselves to be ruled by what would ostensibly be a dictator.
"Pipedream" is a curious choice of word. Whose pipedream is it? Whose nightmare?
Can you point me to the part of Hitler’s platform in the early 1930s that explicitly called for the mass murder of Jewish people?

His antisemitic rhetoric was clear and violent before he was elected, as is Trump’s now toward specific groups, but the explicit “Final Solution” for the Holocaust, was developed and implemented after he rose to power. Trump is even using the same terms and phrases that Hitler used during his campaign (to villainise and dehumanise Jewish people) to villainise and dehumanise immigrants, members of the media, and political opponents/dissenters. He will likely continue to do the same with women and LGBTQ+ people once he is in office and is free from what few restraints on his hate speech are left.

As he has shown over and over again, he will slowly ramp up the rhetoric until his supporters are generally in support of actions and policies that would have been opposed (or even unthinkable) in the past. Only some are waking up to those tactics now with recent Supreme Court decisions eliminating decades of hard fought civil rights gains.
He has already been president once and as far as I'm aware we saw no mass extincions of millions of immigrants, media, political opponents, women or LGBTQ+ during his 4 years in office. Do you think he and the government did this but managed to hide it from the public or that he just "pretended" to be nice the first 4 years to start the mass extincions in November if elected?

I'm not a Trump supporter, in fact I think its crazy that he can have so much support being the way that he is. But its claims and arguments like these, claiming that Trump is the same as HITLER, that makes the left sound like the insane ones to many undecided voters. Quite an accomplishment when its literally Donald the orange man Trump on the other side.
Assassination or attempted assassination, i think they equate. Both would and will leave a wake of turmoil and deeper divide. The latter has the door widely open for an another Trump reign and this time the shackles are off. Ukraine and possibly wider Europe are fucked.
Fucked in what way? Genuine question not trying to be a smart arse.
Can you point me to the part of Hitler’s platform in the early 1930s that explicitly called for the mass murder of Jewish people?

His antisemitic rhetoric was clear and violent before he was elected, as is Trump’s now toward specific groups, but the explicit “Final Solution” for the Holocaust, was developed and implemented after he rose to power. Trump is even using the same terms and phrases that Hitler used during his campaign (to villainise and dehumanise Jewish people) to villainise and dehumanise immigrants, members of the media, and political opponents/dissenters. He will likely continue to do the same with women and LGBTQ+ people once he is in office and is free from what few restraints on his hate speech are left.

As he has shown over and over again, he will slowly ramp up the rhetoric until his supporters are generally in support of actions and policies that would have been opposed (or even unthinkable) in the past. Only some are waking up to those tactics now with recent Supreme Court decisions eliminating decades of hard fought civil rights gains.
I dont get these comparisaons between Trump and Hitler. Hitler was 100% popular in his country and he rode that wave to be able to do whatever he pleased. Trump is nowhere near that. He cannot achieve that power and belief in his politics. This attempt on his life might just do that, but even then our media are free, always will be, they hate him and love him. Totally not nazi germany.

He can pick away at the fabric of democracy, but four years isnt enough for him to turn it into a totalitarian state or anything like that. He can achieve things for the Republicans, but not for himself and his power.

Is it only 4 years he can serve now or does the clock reset and he can do another 8? Maybe he could get away with changing that part of presidential law.

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