Donald Trump

or perhaps ignoring what happened to 6 million Jews and millions of others is the disrespectful part?
Lest we forget.
Let’s not forget the past mistakes so they won't get repeated in future. Unfortunately some people are happy to put their fingers in their ears and pretend it could never happen again.
What we need to do now is to be very ... Tactfull and ... sensitive and ... carefull with our words. Because the age of Trump the victim has arrived. Although i have to say all tactfullness, sensitivity and carefullness in politics has been so heavily crushed under his fat arse that its "just not of this time anymore and really really thanks to him" and it feels effing rich that now we'd be denounced over our "tone", as if the age of "trump the baffoon" should so suddently move into a age where now we have to extremely be careful, mindfull and responsible as how we weigh our words in our remarks on him.

Some real 1984 shit the world is today
'Trump the victim'

Someone tried to kill him at a rally, are you for real? I'm not a fan of either, but it's what it is. I'd be just as vocal if it was Biden. I can't abide partisanship
Who's talking about the left?

Why does a post of a person who equates Trump to Hitler make him so absolutly part of "the left". Thats uncalled for. Its also uncalled to suggest that "all the left = claim trump to be Hitler" or "Only the left claim Trump to be Hitler", especially it follows as a reply to merely one person.

Gives that its uncalled for to talk about "the left", it seems you just made a very obvious and uncalled assault towards "the left", gaslighting them as they being the cause Trump exists. Sounds extremely suspect man. Sounds conspiciously "blame the left" intended.
I never wrote that all the left claim Trump to be Hitler, you just made that up. I was responding to several posters on this forum all making that claim, as I have seen several left-wingers do on most plattforms online. Trump is the leader of the American right-wing so its common sense to assume his critics that make the most deluded claims about him have an opposite political view. I can of course be wrong about this and would like to clarify that anyone comparing the orange man, right or left, to Hitler is completely deluded.

I assume to a lunatic, me not agreeing with outrageous claims like the former US president is basically the same as HITLER is "suspicious".
'Trump the victim'

Someone tried to kill him at a rally, are you for real? I'm not a fan of either, but it's what it is. I'd be just as vocal if it was Biden. I can't abide partisanship

Yeah im for real. And if you want to take CONTEXT into an actually intellectually honest way into account for the reply you took it from then you also recognise that your own reply is not even relevant for that specific discussion it fits in. It fits more into another reply of mine where i explicitly expresed that i have 0 compasion, emphaty or respect for Trump or what happened here and i bloody well know how he will use victimhood for his nefarious aims too. you can also dial back a few posts to me expressing several times that political assasination is eitherhow not acceptable, but that doesnt allow Trump to play victim in everything and victim of the people of his choosing which he wants to vanquish with it as tool.

isnt nuance a *****?
Yeah im for real. And if you want to take CONTEXT into an actually intellectually honest way into account for the reply you took it from then you also recognise that your own reply is not even relevant for that specific discussion it fits in. It fits more into another reply of mine where i explicitly expresed that i have 0 compasion, emphaty or respect for Trump or what happened here and i bloody well know how he will use victimhood for his nefarious aims too. you can also dial back a few posts to me expressing several times that political assasination is eitherhow not acceptable, but that doesnt allow Trump to play victim in everything and victim of the people of his choosing which he wants to vanquish with it as tool.

isnt nuance a *****?
Nuance doesn't come across in the printed word. Unless you have 'joked' and especially when you start stating the victim hood conversation. It's just crass

I'm pretty sure that he was on the way to winning the election before this, so your point is moot

What would your view be if it was Biden?
I never wrote that all the left claim Trump to be Hitler, you just made that up.

I made a direct quote:

its claims and arguments like these, claiming that Trump is the same as HITLER, that makes the left sound like the insane ones

"it is claims and arguments like these" ... what claims?
"claiming that Trump is the same as HITLER" .. who are you refering to as who's saying that?
"that makes the left sound like the insane ones" .. ah yes, "THE LEFT TM", and by extension they are the "nutty ones".
I never wrote that all the left claim Trump to be Hitler, you just made that up. I was responding to several posters on this forum all making that claim, as I have seen several left-wingers do on most plattforms online.

Why is it, that you reply on the claim of an individual, and yet create the association of that with "the left"? Is there any particular reason why you think you can claim that it is more the specific position of "the left", than the individual(s) you attribute it too? Because you are stigmatizing "the left". you are very much making a generalization, assigning a attribute to that generalization, and denouncing it for its "fault", and yet there is no indication whatsoever why this should be attributed specifically to "the left" other than your apparent choice to do so, you reply to the person and that person might just as well be a centrist? RIGHT?

Maybe if you had been more carefull with your words, it wouldnt have made it possible to logically conclude that you are prejudiced against the left
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