Donald Trump

He's not done it on his own. His 'ambition' to be in power is driven by greed, and there are forces at work outside of Trump's immediate orbit who are driving pro Trump social media campaigns, spreading disinformation and supporting the suppression of the truth.

Trump is bought and paid for. China alone invested $Millions into Trump businesses whilst he was in office, and that was just the transactions that went through proper financial channels. I wouldn't like to even hazard a guess on how much money ended up in Trump's pockets and election campaign funds from Russian linked bank accounts.

It's not a 'total and complete takeover' just yet...

chuck in Elon Musk.
Musk's political meddlings have more to do with the creation and protection of wealth.
Then its a very perplexing position. Not only has his new image damaged his EV brand, but the new proposed plans in project 2025 for whatever its worth are extremely favoured towards ICE cars. With such proposals as specific large subsidies for those who want to buy oversized pickup trucks running purely on gas. Its hard to see how it all benifits him soo much.

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Then its a very perplexing position. Not only has his new image damaged his EV brand, but the new proposed plans in project 2025 for whatever its worth are extremely favoured towards ICE cars. With such proposals as specific large subsidies for those who want to buy oversized pickup trucks running purely on gas. Its hard to see how it all benifits him soo much.
Russian kompromat is the painless and most likely explanation for why pretty much anyone with a high profile supports the shitgibbon (cf. Lindsay Graham). Of course, he himself is compromised to the eyeballs as well and is the only reason he’s even a ‘politician’ in the first place. His old life was far easier, simply sitting on the sidelines, acting like a child and not actually having any work to do.

“Trump shooting was most significant failure in decades”,US Secret Service boss says.​

He went on to say that even a 6 year old could have hit the target from that distance…
Musk's political meddlings have more to do with the creation and protection of wealth.
I agree, but Musk’s political meddlings have as much to do with him being a thin-skinned nerd being “picked on” by the media and his desire to get revenge on and “own” those who’ve criticiz(s)ed him. Trolling and triggering others is 100% at the heart of the entire MAGA movement, as much as if not more than politics. I’ve said this many times before. There’s a reason MAGA attracts people with few social skills, few friends, parental-attention issues, and those who’ve received little outside validation of how smart they themselves believe they are. I can understand the dumb beig attracted to MAGA, but these are reasons why the otherwise smart are IMO.
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The discontent often side with the first that appears willing to "break the status quo". What is more surreal is what they are directed to as response. US capitalism is quite the predatory one and left a lot of the US lower class in discontent trough "lemon socialism", but the trick seems to be to attract those most affected by right wing economic policies that favor the rich, to then make them vote said right wing policies that will hurt them likely most, this represented by the most entitled baffoon ever lived. While all that is quite ironic, maybe it's just a logical outcome of political strategy that its going to be so ironic. Black is white afteral, like it really was to be a m an with "so much integrity" like Trump that was going to "drain the swamp".... Its the ones you think who would have most pressing reasons to not vote you, who should be absolutly convinced that not voting you would be a grave error....?? i guess ..whatever
There’s plenty about this that doesn’t add up.
There is. Like the roof that the shooter was on was deemed a health & safety risk by the US Secret Service because it was on a slope, so not manned or covered. That the Trump camp had repeatedly requested additional security for over two years and the requests were ignored. That Kimberley Cheatle the head of the Secret Service was appointed by Joe Biden after ‘a nudge’from the office of Jill Biden. And sleepy Joe saying ‘it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye’ a few days before the attempted assassination of Trump took place. Plenty doesn’t add up. Or maybe it does?

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