Donald Trump

Fine speech by a fine man (except of course unless he was really a coward who should never had let himself be captured.) That moment when he quietly rebuked the woman who thought Obama was an alien is what's been missing.

Will DT do likewise?
My arse he will.

The gall of the snivelling cowardly weasel to comment on McCain the way he did. Utterly shameless and base.
It has been said before.

"It's not an election it's an intelligence test"

America failed it once, i hope they don't fail again...
Donald Rump

I fully accept that the failures in security were both basic and catastrophic, and that gives rise to a number of possible explanations which must include collusion within the secret service at some level, possibly quite (or even very) high up.

Assuming that were the case, that gives rise to a number of possible causal actors, which are likely (but not certain) to be better (and more logically) explained by the eventual outcome, which was Trump surviving relatively unscathed, and actually enhanced politically.

Don’t think Biden talking about bullseyes on national TV was a coded message to any potential assassin, though. Don’t think that stands up to any objective or logical scrutiny.
But after the botched assassination attempt Biden conveniently gets Covid and has to isolate. A few days later he steps down. The media Wolfpack jump on the new story and the assassination attempt is over. Trump is not the big story anymore. The Democrats are. How convenient is that?
But after the botched assassination attempt Biden conveniently gets Covid and has to isolate. A few days later he steps down. The media Wolfpack jump on the new story and the assassination attempt is over. Trump is not the big story anymore. The Democrats are. How convenient is that?
You are conflating two events that are almost certainly not connected. If they were I highly doubt the assassination would have been botched, which has plainly worked to Trump’s discernible advantage.

On the other hand do I think that Biden is actually isolating because of Covid? Probably not. I think this passing the baton has been planned for weeks; Harris has come out of the blocks with too much purpose for that not to be the case.

I actually think it’s possible (although unlikely) that this was all planned before the presidential debate which provided a possible foil for this coronation which has obviated a time consuming and distracting campaign when time is running out. If true they’ve done Trump over like a kipper.

I’ll wager the **** will shit himself about debating against a black woman, and it will be interesting to see if his ego defeats common sense and those advising him between now and November.

Either way he will lose political capital amongst undecideds based on Harris’ performances yesterday.
You are conflating two events that are almost certainly not connected. If they were I highly doubt the assassination would have been botched, which has plainly worked to Trump’s discernible advantage.

On the other hand do I think that Biden is actually isolating because of Covid? Probably not. I think this passing the baton has been planned for weeks; Harris has come out of the blocks with too much purpose for that not to be the case.

I actually think it’s possible (although unlikely) that this was all planned before the presidential debate which provided a possible foil for this coronation which has obviated a time consuming and distracting campaign when time is running out. If true they’ve done Trump over like a kipper.

I’ll wager the **** will shit himself about debating against a black woman, and it will be interesting to see if his ego defeats common sense and those advising him between now and November.

Either way he will lose political capital amongst undecideds based on Harris’ performances yesterday.
Why does everything have to be a conspiracy. Bidens campaign was very clearly doing everything they could to shut down the talk of him stepping down. The party was mostly on board, or at least staying quiet, until George Clooney spoke his mind and it was hard to fight the blatant truth. The dam broke, but slowly.

Did he have covid, sure sounded rough when he phoned into the event last night.

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