Donald Trump

No reason to believe Biden didn’t have Covid. It seems to be fairly widespread at the moment although the isolation seems somewhat excessive. Most people aren’t bothering anymore now it’s a minor illness thanks to the vaccine.
No reason to believe Biden didn’t have Covid. It seems to be fairly widespread at the moment although the isolation seems somewhat excessive. Most people aren’t bothering anymore now it’s a minor illness thanks to the vaccine.
Oh no. We have been told repeatedly on here that the vaccine killed millions.
Biden has been suffering post vaccine trauma.
You are conflating two events that are almost certainly not connected. If they were I highly doubt the assassination would have been botched, which has plainly worked to Trump’s discernible advantage.

On the other hand do I think that Biden is actually isolating because of Covid? Probably not. I think this passing the baton has been planned for weeks; Harris has come out of the blocks with too much purpose for that not to be the case.

I actually think it’s possible (although unlikely) that this was all planned before the presidential debate which provided a possible foil for this coronation which has obviated a time consuming and distracting campaign when time is running out. If true they’ve done Trump over like a kipper.

I’ll wager the **** will shit himself about debating against a black woman, and it will be interesting to see if his ego defeats common sense and those advising him between now and November.

Either way he will lose political capital amongst undecideds based on Harris’ performances yesterday.
There are rumors in the conservative echo chambers that Biden may be very ill. Hence why he withdrew in a letter that was 'seemingly' signed by someone else ( possibly his wife) on a piece of paper that didn't have the presidential seal, before later posting on X his support for Harris.

And he hasn't been seen since. Also his brother's statements seemed ominous, say Biden wanted to spend the "little time he had left" which is the kinda language you use when someone is dying as opposed to referring to his time left as President.

All quite odd. But fortunately for the Democrats, the media has returned to playing defense for them and seem unusually uncurious about the whereabouts of a stepping down candidate who is the sitting President.
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You are conflating two events that are almost certainly not connected. If they were I highly doubt the assassination would have been botched, which has plainly worked to Trump’s discernible advantage.

On the other hand do I think that Biden is actually isolating because of Covid? Probably not. I think this passing the baton has been planned for weeks; Harris has come out of the blocks with too much purpose for that not to be the case.

I actually think it’s possible (although unlikely) that this was all planned before the presidential debate which provided a possible foil for this coronation which has obviated a time consuming and distracting campaign when time is running out. If true they’ve done Trump over like a kipper.

I’ll wager the **** will shit himself about debating against a black woman, and it will be interesting to see if his ego defeats common sense and those advising him between now and November.

Either way he will lose political capital amongst undecideds based on Harris’ performances yesterday.
Not far off the mark I would say.
But after the botched assassination attempt Biden conveniently gets Covid and has to isolate. A few days later he steps down. The media Wolfpack jump on the new story and the assassination attempt is over. Trump is not the big story anymore. The Democrats are. How convenient is that?
Whether that's mad conspiracy or just serendipity, you must be as pleased as the rest of us (ignoring the Trump cultist).
Why does everything have to be a conspiracy. Bidens campaign was very clearly doing everything they could to shut down the talk of him stepping down. The party was mostly on board, or at least staying quiet, until George Clooney spoke his mind and it was hard to fight the blatant truth. The dam broke, but slowly.

Did he have covid, sure sounded rough when he phoned into the event last night.
I didn’t say it was, but am alive to the possibility that all may not be as it seems. Are you 100% convinced it is?
I didn’t say it was, but am alive to the possibility that all may not be as it seems. Are you 100% convinced it is?
I've seen zero evidence to suggest this didn't play out exactly the way it has been reported.

He was under pressure to step down following Clooney's intervention. That pressure was building and he wasn't getting away from it.

He then gets covid which happens, that bug is still very much in circulation and at his age that is going to set him back. He was hanging on before getting sick but the only way he was going to be replaced was if he made the call and I don't doubt that he made it over the weekend.

Is he really ill. I doubt it. Pretty sure he will be back on the job and back campaigning soon.
I wouldn’t bet against the Orange felon quitting the race if he thinks he’s going to lose, again. Harris has come out all guns blazing, the GOP only had one attack line, sleepy, old Joe, that ship has sailed. Now stand Harris against the felon, who looks sleepy, old and past it?

I wouldn’t bet against Tommy Vance v Harris, with a Kamala landslide.

Not half !
I wouldn’t bet against the Orange felon quitting the race if he thinks he’s going to lose, again. Harris has come out all guns blazing, the GOP only had one attack line, sleepy, old Joe, that ship has sailed. Now stand Harris against the felon, who looks sleepy, old and past it?

I wouldn’t bet against Tommy Vance v Harris, with a Kamala landslide.

Not half !
I would. Winning the presidency would be the only way he makes all those criminal charges and the rest of his life in jail go away. His ego’s too big for him to think that someone else could do better.
You are conflating two events that are almost certainly not connected. If they were I highly doubt the assassination would have been botched, which has plainly worked to Trump’s discernible advantage.

On the other hand do I think that Biden is actually isolating because of Covid? Probably not. I think this passing the baton has been planned for weeks; Harris has come out of the blocks with too much purpose for that not to be the case.

I actually think it’s possible (although unlikely) that this was all planned before the presidential debate which provided a possible foil for this coronation which has obviated a time consuming and distracting campaign when time is running out. If true they’ve done Trump over like a kipper.

I’ll wager the **** will shit himself about debating against a black woman, and it will be interesting to see if his ego defeats common sense and those advising him between now and November.

Either way he will lose political capital amongst undecideds based on Harris’ performances yesterday.
You should probably clarify that you don’t mean that the assassination attempt was “planned” by Biden (before the presidential debate), just to head off the conspiracy theorists in the thread that may misconstrue your assessment to fit their warped reality.

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