Donald Trump

Exactly why I have to scratch my head in these forums sometimes, blanket statements, that are full of holes, then backed up by a pile on.

So why talk crap in the first place. We all know that the US offered the choice between a shit butty, and a shit toasty for choice of President, now that has changed slightly with the latest offer of a shit butty, and the toasties substitute because she had access to the previously raised funding (after all, we can't return the cash, especially after act blue have washed it through thousands of who never even knew that they were contributing).

Isn't this just the same as the statement that all Brexit voters were racist/uneducated etc, etc ? Look how well that turned out.
I think we all know where you are coming from.

If you think Trump and Harris are both shit options then clearly the blatant lying, racism, sexism and bigotry of Trump doesn't bother you.

That's fine but as per every other Trumper that comes on, just be honest about who you support or if you don't claim to support either then why even suggest they are equally bad?
Exactly why I have to scratch my head in these forums sometimes, blanket statements, that are full of holes, then backed up by a pile on.

So why talk crap in the first place. We all know that the US offered the choice between a shit butty, and a shit toasty for choice of President, now that has changed slightly with the latest offer of a shit butty, and the toasties substitute because she had access to the previously raised funding (after all, we can't return the cash, especially after act blue have washed it through thousands of who never even knew that they were contributing).

Isn't this just the same as the statement that all Brexit voters were racist/uneducated etc, etc ? Look how well that turned out.
The reason you are scratching your head here is that you cannot tell the difference between a description of the electorate and action to change the electorate, a ‘solution’ Incidently proffered by JD Vance.
"The Mooch" Scaramucci on the Rest is politics has a theory that he's only running as he doesn't want to go to jail and with the polls turning Trump could try and strike a deal with the Biden govt for a pardon/commutation in exchange for dropping out of the race.

Seems far fetched to me but especially in America any old thing is possible.
The reason you are scratching your head here is that you cannot tell the difference between a description of the electorate and action to change the electorate, a ‘solution’ Incidently proffered by JD Vance.
It was you insinuating that one teams electorate were uneducated, not I, and there you go again except now it's a 'description'. I therefore have to presume that you think that the opposing team are all college graduates, this is obviously false.

For SWP, there are lies, damn lies, and statistics, I believe a prominent American said !

Why on earth would you think that I'm a Trumper (even though the wife may agree after I've consumed a good curry, but that's different), after I just called him a shit butty, you see why I scratch my head ?
Unless Harris wins by huge margins, I think it probably will.

The idiot hates the idea that he’s a loser.

Talking of which, after Biden had won Georgia, and his overall victory was confirmed, CNN seemed to use "loser" as often as they could, when talking about Trump.
Well yeah, as much as CNN are my US news channel of choice, like all of them they are very partisan. I'm a big fan of Jake Tapper, he's clearly partisan but presents politics and news programmes with a seriousness they deserve.

His novel is worth a read btw, it's a 1950's murder mystery set in Washington DC at the height of McCarthyism.
Exactly why I have to scratch my head in these forums sometimes, blanket statements, that are full of holes, then backed up by a pile on.

So why talk crap in the first place. We all know that the US offered the choice between a shit butty, and a shit toasty for choice of President, now that has changed slightly with the latest offer of a shit butty, and the toasties substitute because she had access to the previously raised funding (after all, we can't return the cash, especially after act blue have washed it through thousands of who never even knew that they were contributing).

Isn't this just the same as the statement that all Brexit voters were racist/uneducated etc, etc ? Look how well that turned out.
No one you have responded to even remotely made a blanket statement—each one you have replied to with nonsense like this has indicated tendencies and likelihoods. They are not responsible for your poor reading comprehension.

The fact that the less educated a person is the more likely they are to vote for Trump in an offering between him and a democratic candidate is a well understood and widely accepted statistical occurrence.

It would take you all of 2 minutes to verify this yourself.

But I think you aren’t actually trying to have a good faith discussion, so all of this misconstruing of posts and lack of effort to educate yourself is wilful, as you are just on the wind up.
Why on earth would you think that I'm a Trumper (even though the wife may agree after I've consumed a good curry, but that's different), after I just called him a shit butty, you see why I scratch my head ?
You clearly describe both as a bad option. So are you saying Trump and Harris are equally bad? Why is Harris a bad option when the alternative is Trump.

We get the odd Trumper on here. They all tend to start put by saying two bad options....

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