Donald Trump

It was you insinuating that one teams electorate were uneducated, not I, and there you go again except now it's a 'description'. I therefore have to presume that you think that the opposing team are all college graduates, this is obviously false.

For SWP, there are lies, damn lies, and statistics, I believe a prominent American said !

Why on earth would you think that I'm a Trumper (even though the wife may agree after I've consumed a good curry, but that's different), after I just called him a shit butty, you see why I scratch my head ?
Crikey. You need a lie down. I wasn’t insinuating anything, I described part of the electorate accurately as the stats show. I said nothing about the democrats, yet you can interpolate my view of them out of thin air.
You do sound Maga. MTG would be proud of you.
No one you have responded to even remotely made a blanket statement—each one you have replied to with nonsense like this has indicated tendencies and likelihoods. They are not responsible for your poor reading comprehension.

The fact that the less educated a person is the more likely they are to vote for Trump in an offering between him and a democratic candidate is a well understood and widely accepted statistical occurrence.

It would take you all of 2 minutes to verify this yourself.

But I think you aren’t actually trying to have a good faith discussion, so all of this misconstruing of posts and lack of effort to educate yourself is wilful, as you are just on the wind up.
Right, I see, I have to educate myself to get with your groupthink. I think that I'd rather stay as an individual thank you.
No one you have responded to even remotely made a blanket statement—each one you have replied to with nonsense like this has indicated tendencies and likelihoods. They are not responsible for your poor reading comprehension.

The fact that the less educated a person is the more likely they are to vote for Trump in an offering between him and a democratic candidate is a well understood and widely accepted statistical occurrence.

It would take you all of 2 minutes to verify this yourself.

But I think you aren’t actually trying to have a good faith discussion, so all of this misconstruing of posts and lack of effort to educate yourself is wilful, as you are just on the wind up.
More likely he’s a secret Trumper but can’t bring himself to admit it.
Right, I see, I have to educate myself to get with your groupthink. I think that I'd rather stay as an individual thank you.
I would say you need to educate yourself to even be able to participate in a rational, good faith discussion at this point.

“You have provided many reputable sources refuting my argument but I am going to ignore them and call you a sheep, because I am a free thinker!”
"The Mooch" Scaramucci on the Rest is politics has a theory that he's only running as he doesn't want to go to jail and with the polls turning Trump could try and strike a deal with the Biden govt for a pardon/commutation in exchange for dropping out of the race.

Seems far fetched to me but especially in America any old thing is possible.
I can’t see Biden pardoning him under any circs. Interesting theory but a bit wild. In any case some of the cases are state not federal and the president cannot interfere with them or pardon them.
Georgia RICO case is state charges. If found guilty there, he will be banged up for ever.
I can’t see Biden pardoning him under any circs. Interesting theory but a bit wild.
As I say, far fetched but it wouldn't put it past either party.

The Biden administration could spin a potential commutation (a pardon is off the cards I agree) as being about drawing a line under the madness and for the best interests of uniting the country.

There is some logic to it. I don't think it'll happen but it's not a crazy idea from either side.

As they say, almost all wars ultimately end in a meeting room somewhere.

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