Donald Trump

Very interesting that several prominent republicans are saying not only will they not support Trump but will actively vote Harris. Traditional conservatives want their party back.
It's always been a marriage of convenience for them.

Mitch McConnell being the shining example. Clear as day that he's always thought Trump and his cult were a load of nutters but while it suited him he stayed quiet and played along.

Of all people I never thought I'd end up having a lot of time for Ol 'Dubya but there you go.
Are you trying to say he's not a Racist? Even his biggest supporter on here @Dax777 has confirmed he's a Racist but he still has his backing.
1. I'm not his biggest supporter anywhere.
2.' I've confirmed you and other 'left minded ' people' think he is a racist.
3. You are right, I will be voting Trump Vance in November.

1 out of 3 isn't all bad, I suppose. :)
I think Trump is a knob and id never vote for him, but calling him a fascist or a nazi is ridiculous. Words like racist or nazi are losing all meaning because of how easily they are being thrown around
I've made this point several times in here and elsewhere.

People called the Tories "fascists" and all sorts of shit as well. It's an insult to people who've lived under actual fascists oppression. (most on here will know anyway but I am a Blairite/centrist Labour/Lib Dem floating voter so my point isn't a party political one)

Trump is undoubtedly a racist though.
And still you die on this hill when anyone is able to go back and see that statement wasn’t made.
Here is what was stated..............
"Yes, but about a quarter of them don’t see thru him. That’s 45% of those who vote. His followers are typically not those who went to college."

I asked about this, this insinuates that his voters are lower edicated than his opposition, and that people who vote for the oppsition are higher educated. Nowhere does it state that Dems may have their fair share of a lower level educated folk.

I scratch my head that it is so easy to villify a proportion of the electorate. We did that here over Brexit, and that worked out well didn't it ?

It's actually the start of dehumanising the 'enemy', no wonder the trust in politics, and politicians is at an all time low !

And then the pile on started. ;-)
1. I'm not his biggest supporter anywhere.
2.' I've confirmed you and other 'left minded ' people' think he is a racist.
3. You are right, I will be voting Trump Vance in November.

1 out of 3 isn't all bad, I suppose. :)
1. You’re his biggest supporter here.
2. He’s a racist by any metric and I’m about as far from being a lefty as it’s possible to be.
3. Luckily your vote will count for around as much as mine.
1. I'm not his biggest supporter anywhere.
2.' I've confirmed you and other 'left minded ' people' think he is a racist.
3. You are right, I will be voting Trump Vance in November.

1 out of 3 isn't all bad, I suppose. :)
It's 3 out of 3.

You are his biggest supporter on this thread as you're the only one voting for him.

You've admitted he's a Racist.


Here is what was stated..............
"Yes, but about a quarter of them don’t see thru him. That’s 45% of those who vote. His followers are typically not those who went to college."

I asked about this, this insinuates that his voters are lower edicated than his opposition, and that people who vote for the oppsition are higher educated. Nowhere does it state that Dems may have their fair share of a lower level educated folk.

I scratch my head that it is so easy to villify a proportion of the electorate. We did that here over Brexit, and that worked out well didn't it ?

It's actually the start of dehumanising the 'enemy', no wonder the trust in politics, and politicians is at an all time low !

And then the pile on started. ;-)
It’s a statement of fact. Seb even went to the trouble of posting four different sources for you to read yourself. You chose not to.

Calling people “not college educated” is not dehumanising and they aren’t “the enemy”, but they’re more likely to fall for far right talking points as they haven’t spent a further 5-7 years being taught to fact check and critically think about statements they see, read and hear.
Tbf, Nazi is probably ridiculous, fascist is probably wait and see but racist is undoubtedly a given given his history.

I remember people calling Boris Johnson a fascist back in the day he prorogued parliament and me disagreeing with that. I was highly critical, but in its form i didnt thought it necessarily a fascist move, more like something different but also condemn able.

Fascism, afaik, is the ideology of "the strongest wins, and any means are justified". Its about killing democratic process in favor of the perceived political alpha male. It usually takes some forceful attempt though to establish it as such, like Hitlers failed putsch in 1933. Its also kinda typical for Fascists to foster having a army of militants on the ground and to create a hostile unstable environment.

A national socialist is yet another beast, and does not even need to be undemocratic by nature. It can be a form of xenophobic socialism, but can be based on the legitimacy of the self determinal wish of the ellectorate. Notably the national socialist element of Nazi Germany was kinda hollow, not the nationalist part but certainly the socialist part i would reckon.

But others might have a different perspective of it, so just my 5 cents.

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