Donald Trump

If I say I like white it doesn’t follow that I don’t like black. If talking about white it is not necessary or helpful to cover every other colour. It’s very basic.
At first I thought our “just asking questions” poster knew that and was intentionally misconstruing to hijack the thread…

But after his recent highly suspect comment about people in “inner cities”, I am starting to think he genuinely just cannot comprehend the fallacies inherent to all of his posts and he more closely aligns with Trump’s worldview than perhaps he can even admit to himself.
I included the full statement as that was the context of what could easily be interpreted as a very racist sentiment.
Now you are totally Maga bonkers. I can’t decide whether you are completely stupid or a wum. I lean towards stupid.
How would you know whether I read someone elses hand picked links, or not ?
Am I supposed to read them, have an epiphany, and fall on the alter of the groups opinion begging forgiveness ?


That's precisely what you are supposed to do.

That's what normal, undeluded people do when confronted with fucking facts.

They say, "Oops, you're right. I was wrong. My apologies."

So get with it.

Unless . . . you are deluded. Or didn't read the links.

My guess is both, personally.
I included the full statement as that was the context of what could easily be interpreted as a very racist sentiment.
Though you handily managed to forget the part that states "So this clearly isn't the case" for your own nefarious reason.

Which we find out now is the old "shout racist and win the argument".... Which is pathetic.

Though you handily managed to forget the part that states "So this clearly isn't the case" for your own nefarious reason.

Which we find out now is the old "shout racist and win the argument".... Which is pathetic.

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The premise of your statement, which was that “inner city” people are “stupid”, was not changed by “So this clearly isn't the case". That only dealt with the notion that all “stupid” people, as you continue to say (not anyone else, it should be highlighted), vote for Trump.

We all know what you meant by that, you can’t gaslight your way out of being racist.


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