Donald Trump

You wouldn't know objective fact if it slapped you in the face.


Im not crowing about Biden's decline. Just pointing out the obvious that his decline wasn't an impediment in your's and the eyes of many here. But somehow you think Trump's should...

Forgive me for not finding that convincing.

He is thin skinned alright. He isn't a racist. At least not by any standard that won't apply to Biden and other Democrats in the past.

Again, saying I show him devotion speaks to your delusion.

I simply don't agree with your claims about him. And fortunately for me, here in America that's actually allowed ) at least so far). I am free to not agree with your views, ideas and opinions.

And even more importantly, I get to exercise that right to vote as I wish regardless of what you think or want. It is one of the beauty of America.and the West ( at least for now). And if you are an American, you too can freely vote your conscience and belief and then we'd both live with the consequences of the results of those votes

I'm totally happy and comfortable with that. No matter the outcome. Too many here seem to struggle with this. In spite of a constant lip service to the idea of 'saving democracy.'
Trump isn't a racist? Fuck off. I grew up in NYC in the 80s, before the rest of the country knew this dickhead. He's a rapist racist piece of shit. End of story. If you're voting for him, you're voting for a dictator in training.
Yep, something point out by Scaramucci recently. He's going to press the self-destruct button.

No comment on molesting a woman in a changing room then ?
Coz I don't believe the story. It's part of the attempts to derail him politically. Her story was less credible than the Biden accuser story.

I just don't buy it.
I agree with your conclusions on where the conservative Court seemingly landed. I.e being
anti-prosecution. But I think that's simply because they are balancing conflicting factors here...

Responding to your earlier criticism of the court not answering the question in front of them, I think they did:

The question was "Whether and if so to what extent does a former President enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office."

The question was whether he enjoying immunity. That question was fully answered.

1. Yes he does total immunity on some types of official acts.

2. On other types of official acts, he enjoys the presumption of immunity. ( This being the part you don't like coz it seems anti prosecutorial. I agree but I also agree with the reasoning.)

And 3. He enjoys no immunity on non official acts

Question fully answered. Defining official act wasn't in front of them. Sure I'd have been nice if they defined it. But it's actually better practice to let the lower courts carry the load here. They gave guidelines and can use the constitution as guide.

It's a clunky decision because it leaves more work to be done and harshed out. But the political question underlying this whole case makes it necessary.

Like it or not the Trump charges look like law fare to any honest observer.
You missed out the obiter dicta of the Chief Justice. Tut tut.
Trump isn't a racist? Fuck off. I grew up in NYC in the 80s, before the rest of the country knew this dickhead. He's a rapist racist piece of shit. End of story. If you're voting for him, you're voting for a dictator in training.
Cool. Can you give an example of this racismyou witnesssed in the 80s? Or is this one of those "believe me fam" type situation?
Coz I don't believe the story. It's part of the attempts to derail him politically. Her story was less credible than the Biden accuser story.

I just don't buy it.
So you are changing your view of juries?
Coz I don't believe the story. It's part of the attempts to derail him politically. Her story was less credible than the Biden accuser story.

I just don't buy it.

Despite the fact he confessed to doing similar things when bragging to Billy Bush?

You're showing your partisan colours again, Biden's accuser had a history of lying. Trump's victim was found to be credible and believed and won a huge payout. If it was a witch hunt wouldn't he have been found to have committed rape not sexual assault?

Trump has a long history of fraud and lies. The fact that you believe him innocent, tells everyone about the kind of person you are.
I think the conviction is political. And anti-democracy. I came from a country that did shot like this. So I'm very familiar.

He didn't attempt to cause a civil war. That's hyperbole..

I think the belief he is a loon job is a matter of opinion. Liberals tend to believe this. But I don't think he is. This I agree is a low bar.

He is not my guy, his is one of the least likeable President I've ever voted for. But I prefer him, his administration over what the other side offers.

I mean the Democrats are doing everything in their power to save Democracy. Including potentially killing democracy.
He didn't attempt to cause a civil war. That's hyperbole..

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