Donald Trump

Who is "they"?
What generally forms the left
So the 1. Democrats, 2. Their political allies, the national Media in general ( a majority of them at least ( NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, Guardian, NYT, WAPO, and rank and file every bday people ( like say the majority of people in this thread), and some Wacos like the shooter.

Each plays their own part in the uncoordinated scheme.

But mostly the Democrats and their media Allies.
I asked the original question because the truth is, that on this forum if opposing
viewpoints are put forward, which disagree with the overriding liberal/leftie narrative then those posters are
shouted down and hounded out. Any alternative opinions, or reasoned, balanced, objective discussion and debate are simply not tolerated. The thread then becomes what it is. It is an echo chamber of around a dozen or so voices agreeing with each other and rounds of self-congratulatory posts from self-styled intellectual colossuses, who are boring and repetitive in reality.

I don't mean to sound harsh, but comments like this always confuse me.

Does someone have a gun to your head to stay here?

If you don't like the thread, don't moan -- just leave. Problem solved.

You can have reasonable, rational discussions with and among conservatives and liberals (or I can, and always did until about 2015).

You can't with cult members, or those that think that cults aren't harmful.
Wait till you see what he does as Supreme Leader!

Taco Bells will be fixed, post-haste.
If Trump wins, im willing to bet you $1,000 to any charity of your choice that he'd leave office in 4 years and never install himself as Supreme leader. And if he doesn't youd have to donate same amount to a charity of my choosing.

I'd even be nice, make sure it's a charity that you won't even object to, like an at risk youth center in Harlem or something. But I'd be my choice.

And I'm willing to extend this bet to anyone else here who sees a dictator in waiting... Let's put our money where our mouth is

I am that confident, are any of you?
I don't mean to sound harsh, but comments like this always confuse me.

Does someone have a gun to your head to stay here?

If you don't like the thread, don't moan -- just leave. Problem solved.

You can have reasonable, rational discussions with and among conservatives and liberals (or I can, and always did until about 2015).

You can't with cult members, or those that think that cults aren't harmful.
I'd have to disagree. I have rational disagreeable discussions with some cult members here all the time :)
If Trump wins, im willing to bet you $1,000 to any charity of your choice that he'd leave office in 4 years and never install himself as Supreme leader. And if he doesn't youd have to donate same amount to a charity of my choosing.

I'd even be nice, make sure it's a charity that to you won't even object to, but if be my choice.

And I'm willing to extend this bet to anyone else here who sees a dictator in waiting... Let's put our money where our mouth is

I am that confident, are any you?
I don’t bet with anyone that has shown themselves to be a bad faith actor and wholly untrustworthy. Not to mention your framing of the bet means you “win” if my projected outcome occurs. So, no.

But I’ll take it with anyone else that has shown to be a good faith actor and trustworthy.

I may not be alive to see the outcome but I am confident enough that you and many others are so deluded that you cannot see what is coming if he wins the presidency again.

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