Donald Trump

First they try to shame him, shame his supporters, call him names, try to jail him and even try to kill him. Those are the facts. Again, believe what you want. We have different perspectives. I recognize what I'm seeing.

Shame him? It’s his stock in trade! Childish derogatory nicknames for everyone and making shit up!

Shame his supporters? They do that themselves! Simply ask them a question!

Call HIM names? Hahaha!

Try to jail him? That’s the law. I know he thinks he’s above it, because for almost 80 yrs he’s stayed one step ahead of it, but it’s been so blatant, even some Republican judges can’t ignore it anymore. But, not to worry, the assholes he put on SCOTUS look to have given him blank cheque immunity to LITERALLY walk out on Fifth Ave and shoot someone!

Lastly, and it’s important, the person who tried to shoot him was NOT a Democrat in any way shape or form. He was from a Trumper family and just looking to make a name for himself on the way out. In fact, his list of potential targets only had 1 Republican on it and he just happened to be having a rally close by. Proximity, not ideology, cost Trump a sliver of skin from his ear!

I didn't vote for Trump in 2020. I agreed with him and his administration far more than I do Biden's. And yet, I voted my conscience.

Interesting that you agreed with his administration. Did you know that almost to a person they have come out AGAINST Trump in this election, because he is unfit for office?

Yes, even his own Vice President has come out against him in this election…a unique event in the annals of American history…his own VP and Administration (often multiple people who held the same cabinet post) are AGAINST HIM BEING PRESIDENT BECAUSE THEY SAY HE IS UNFIT FOR OFFICE!

But it's different now, I am absolutely voting Trump, no questions.

“No questions” is about the only way one can vote for Trump, because the minute you start asking them, his whole aura falls apart and the Naked Emperor emerges.

The whole world sees him. They know who and what he is. For some, especially those who hate America, he’s a Godsend. For others, especially those who look to America for stability, assurance, treaties and trade, he is the Anti-Christ and the purveyor of chaos and destruction.

Xi? Happy to deal with a buffoon who thinks tariffs hurt China.

Putin? Happy to have someone who will hand him the Eastern half of Ukraine (for starters) and trust him more than his own National security apparatus, because, “Well, why would he lie to me?”!!!

Jung-Un? Hey, let’s wander around the DMZ and cross No Man’s Land in a massive political victory for NK, then, we can have another of my chats behind closed doors without notes, because that’s not a problem at all, right, Vladimir?!

In short, your vote is your own, but it reflects on you and your mental acuity. You are speaking LOUD AND CLEAR that you are a fool, not to be trusted with sharp objects. Bravo…and thank you for the self-identification.
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If Trump wins, im willing to bet you $1,000 to any charity of your choice that he'd leave office in 4 years and never install himself as Supreme leader. And if he doesn't youd have to donate same amount to a charity of my choosing.

I'd even be nice, make sure it's a charity that you won't even object to, like an at risk youth center in Harlem or something. But I'd be my choice.

And I'm willing to extend this bet to anyone else here who sees a dictator in waiting... Let's put our money where our mouth is

I am that confident, are any of you?

I'll take your bet if we mutually agree that the chosen charity is one for acquired brain injuries.
Shame him? It’s his stock in trade! Childish derogatory nicknames for everyone and making shit up!

Shame his supporters? They do that themselves! Simply ask them a question!

Call HIM names? Hahaha!

That’s the law. I know he thinks he’s above it, because for almost 80 yrs he’s stayed one step ahead of it, but it’s been so blatant, even some Republican judges can’t ignore it anymore. But, not to worry, the assholes he put on SCOTUS look to have given him blank cheque immunity to LITERALLY walk out on Fifth Ave and shoot someone!

Lastly, and it’s important, the person who tried to shoot him was NOT a Democrat in any way shape or form. He was from a Trumper family and just looking to make a name for himself on the way out. In fact, his list of potential targets only had 1 Republican on it and he just happened to be having a rally close by. Proximity, not ideology, cost Trump a sliver of skin from his ear!

Interesting that you agreed with his administration. Did you know that almost to a person they have come out AGAINST Trump in this election, because he is unfit for office?

Yes, even his own Vice President has come out against him in this election…a unique event in the annals of American history…his own VP and Administration (often multiple people who held the same cabinet post) are AGAINST HIM BEING PRESIDENT BECAUSE THEY SAY HE IS UNFIT FOR OFFICE!

“No questions” is about the only way one can vote for Trump, because the minute you start asking them, his whole aura falls apart and the Naked Emperor emerges.

The whole world sees him. They know who and what he is. For some, especially those who hate America, he’s a Godsend. For others, especially those who look to America for stability, assurance, treaties and trade, he is the Anti-Christ and the purveyor of chaos and destruction.

Xi? Happy to deal with a buffoon who thinks tariffs hurt China.

Putin? Happy to have someone who will hand him the Eastern half of Ukraine (for starters) and trust him more than his own National security apparatus, because, “Well, why would he lie to me?”!!!

Jung-Un? Hey, let’s wander around the DMZ and cross No Man’s Land in a massive political victory for NK, then, we can have another of my chats behind closed doors without notes, because that’s not a problem at all, right, Vladimir?!

In short, your vote is your own, but it reflects on you and your mental acuity. You are speaking LOUD AND CLEAR that you are a fool, not to be trusted with sharp objects. Bravo…and thank you for the self-identification.
Chef's kiss!
You think I wasn't Trump to become Supreme leader? What.? I'm confused.
Read back how you defined the terms of the bet. I think you got a bit confused.

By the way, I would not take a bet that he would become “Supreme Leader”, as that was merely a joke response to a joke response, hence the reference to Taco Bell. It’s also far to specific, given he could name himself all manner of things.

But I would take a bet from a good faith actor (i.e. someone other than you) that Trump will try to stay on past his constitutionally mandated second term if he were to become president again.
Which one of his cunts is manipulating the stock market for the ****?
That’d be the Japanese ones who like to take interest free money and invest it in high return Us equities, until they think a consumer recession is coming, then they panic while Americans are out enjoying a summer weekend and wake up to Japan shitting its drawers…then it works its way to Europe…and finally arrives here with people wondering “WTF are you guys thinking?!”

The Jobs Report came in light. It’s what the Fed has been striving for to LOWER INTEREST RATES. However, because a few (bellwether) consumer stocks haven’t faired well in Q2, some have taken it as a sign that recession is imminent, WITH stubbornly higher than desired inflation that the Fed might take to mean they can’t lower rates!

Now, watch the Fed lower rates at their next meeting in September. In fact, there’s even a chance they lower rates .25% BEFORE the next meeting, as they just concluded one and the September meeting might be deemed to be too far away!

Japan shit it’s pants. Hopefully, Europe makes it up the bathroom before their close, because in the U.S., all we are seeing is a stinky fart that’ll soon dissipate, with fresh air just around the corner!
Any alternative opinions, or reasoned, balanced, objective discussion and debate are simply not tolerated.

I have ring fenced the one sentence that undermines your entire screed, even highlighting and italicizing the flaw.

Sadly, those words are usually the very reason such debates do not exist, because they cannot exist due to an absence of reason, balance or objectivity.
Read back how you defined the terms of the bet. I think you got a bit confused.

By the way, I would not take a bet that he would become “Supreme Leader”, as that was merely a joke response to a joke response, hence the reference to Taco Bell. It’s also far to specific, given he could name himself all manner of thing
Fair enough.

But I would take a bet from a good faith actor (i.e. someone other than you) that Trump will try to stay on past his constitutionally mandated second term if he were to become president again.
What exactly do you think he'd do to try to stay longer.

Like talk about it on Fox News? Make a joke about America needing him more than he needs them? Suspend elections?

What are we talking about here ... I agree Supreme Leader is far too specific...

Anything that would allow him to stay beyond the 4 years allowed by the Constitution will be acceptable evidence of Supreme Leader status in my view. Maybe @ Czar perhaps
I know you won't bet an untrustworthy person like me.

But was wondering what you'd consider an attempt to stay past 4 years.

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