Donald Trump

He’s beyond a loon. He’s got full on dementia. Ask the troll how he can vote for someone that comes out with this.

Being born with spina bifida, a doctor once told me about a condition known as “the cocktail party syndrome” (not to be confused with the “cocktail party effect”). It’s actually very serious, despite the name, they don’t understand it particularly well but it is a result of water on the brain during childhood development causing damage to the frontal lobe. This is something I was at risk of as a child.

Basically the way it manifests is in over-talkativeness, in fact quite incessant talking, and the use of cliches and sometimes surprisingly complex language. But the thing is, the person doesn’t actually understand what they’re saying, they often have quite profound intellectual disabilities. Though it might sound on the surface like high-functioning speech (the kind of talk you would hear at a cocktail party, hence the name), the meaning of words and phrases is often muddled and non-sequitur. The people suffering from this are brain damaged individuals merely trying to create the illusion of discussion but it is a sort of hollow effigy of actual discourse.

Trump sounds exactly like this and the above is the perfect example.
Fair enough.

What exactly do you think he'd do to try to stay longer.

Like talk about it on Fox News? Make a joke about America needing him more than he needs them? Suspend elections?

What are we talking about here ... I agree Supreme Leader is far too specific...

Anything that would allow him to stay beyond the 4 years allowed by the Constitution will be acceptable evidence of Supreme Leader status in my view. Maybe @ Czar perhaps
I know you won't bet an untrustworthy person like me.

But was wondering what you'd consider an attempt to stay past 4 years.
He wrote you a roadmap last time and doubled down with Project 2025.

If he doesn’t pull it off, it won’t be for lack of effort!

And, he’s lining up his family to become the Jong Uns of America…and it looks like Weic might actually be the one he’s picked as “the smart one” now Ivanka has fucked him off!

The grift is real. The only questions now are how, how much, when, and how long can we get away with it? That’s how he’s lived his entire life to date, so why change now when millions of people think he’s brilliant because of it?!
Fair enough.

What exactly do you think he'd do to try to stay longer.

Like talk about it on Fox News? Make a joke about America needing him more than he needs them? Suspend elections?

What are we talking about here ... I agree Supreme Leader is far too specific...

Anything that would allow him to stay beyond the 4 years allowed by the Constitution will be acceptable evidence of Supreme Leader status in my view. Maybe @ Czar perhaps
I know you won't bet an untrustworthy person like me.

But was wondering what you'd consider an attempt to stay past 4 years.
Well, first, let’s be sure to clarify that when I saw Trump in all most any post, I mean him and his handlers/backers. He is primarily a useful idiot for the real power brokers in the MAGA party at this point, so I when I refer to his intent, I mean his desperate, corrupt idiocy AND the intentions of those using him to gain and hold power and control. He is still a prominent factor in all of the events currently taking place (he is the leader of the cult that needs to vote him back in, after all, so he has to be empowered to the extent necessary to make that happen), but he is not the only element.

And there are many, many scenarios, but the most likely would be his administration attempting to create a national emergency and then claiming emergency powers, which includes suspension of the 2028 election “for the safety and security of the nation”, which would of course then be challenged all the way to the MAGA-controlled SCOTUS.

Would it be successful? Who knows. But will they try it? Absolutely.

This has already been discussed as an option during his first term (particularly after the 2020 election when they were trying any way of stopping the peaceful transfer of power) and the scope of presidential emergency powers—especially in the context of the recent SCOTUS Presidential Immunity decision—is truly astounding.

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Shame him? It’s his stock in trade! Childish derogatory nicknames for everyone and making shit up!

Shame his supporters? They do that themselves! Simply ask them a question!

Call HIM names? Hahaha!

Try to jail him? That’s the law. I know he thinks he’s above it, because for almost 80 yrs he’s stayed one step ahead of it, but it’s been so blatant, even some Republican judges can’t ignore it anymore. But, not to worry, the assholes he put on SCOTUS look to have given him blank cheque immunity to LITERALLY walk out on Fifth Ave and shoot someone!

Lastly, and it’s important, the person who tried to shoot him was NOT a Democrat in any way shape or form. He was from a Trumper family and just looking to make a name for himself on the way out. In fact, his list of potential targets only had 1 Republican on it and he just happened to be having a rally close by. Proximity, not ideology, cost Trump a sliver of skin from his ear!

Interesting that you agreed with his administration. Did you know that almost to a person they have come out AGAINST Trump in this election, because he is unfit for office?

Yes, even his own Vice President has come out against him in this election…a unique event in the annals of American history…his own VP and Administration (often multiple people who held the same cabinet post) are AGAINST HIM BEING PRESIDENT BECAUSE THEY SAY HE IS UNFIT FOR OFFICE!

“No questions” is about the only way one can vote for Trump, because the minute you start asking them, his whole aura falls apart and the Naked Emperor emerges.

The whole world sees him. They know who and what he is. For some, especially those who hate America, he’s a Godsend. For others, especially those who look to America for stability, assurance, treaties and trade, he is the Anti-Christ and the purveyor of chaos and destruction.

Xi? Happy to deal with a buffoon who thinks tariffs hurt China.

Putin? Happy to have someone who will hand him the Eastern half of Ukraine (for starters) and trust him more than his own National security apparatus, because, “Well, why would he lie to me?”!!!

Jung-Un? Hey, let’s wander around the DMZ and cross No Man’s Land in a massive political victory for NK, then, we can have another of my chats behind closed doors without notes, because that’s not a problem at all, right, Vladimir?!

In short, your vote is your own, but it reflects on you and your mental acuity. You are speaking LOUD AND CLEAR that you are a fool, not to be trusted with sharp objects. Bravo…and thank you for the self-identification.
This is a forum and so debate will continue without any last word but honestly this should be the last word on the daft bugger.
(The one running for president, to avoid ambiguity.)
Cool. Can you give an example of this racismyou witnesssed in the 80s? Or is this one of those "believe me fam" type situation?
Yea, “fam”, I can.

Also, he called for the death penalty against 5 innocent black teens in a full page newspaper ad, and when they were found to have been completely innocent he offered no apology or retraction. If you think he’s not a piece of shit racist cuntbucket, then I can’t help you.

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