Donald Trump

Yea, “fam”, I can.

Also, he called for the death penalty against 5 innocent black teens in a full page newspaper ad, and when they were found to have been completely innocent he offered no apology or retraction. If you think he’s not a piece of shit racist cuntbucket, then I can’t help you.
Vox did an article a while back with a huge list of racist shit he's said and done. It's harling surprising given his family pedigree of racism.

Yea, “fam”, I can.

Also, he called for the death penalty against 5 innocent black teens in a full page newspaper ad, and when they were found to have been completely innocent he offered no apology or retraction. If you think he’s not a piece of shit racist cuntbucket, then I can’t help you.
He came from a father he not only adored, but who openly derided his older brother as weak. His Dad, who was arrested at a Klan Rally, taught him all he knew…including racist policies for tenants.

Run roughshod over everyone, especially poor tenants and contractors with no chance of affording quality legal representation capable of coping with corporate attorneys. Even when sued by authorities or the state, he simply paid the fines and agreed to change, albeit in a plea deal where no guilt was agreed. It’s the American Business way!

The entire Trump family is a criminal enterprise that had, until very recently, simply used attack dog lawyers to protect themselves from serious harm. When harm seemed unavoidable, the Trump Organization simply sued/countersued. This served to not only drag things out and make them evermore expensive, but also to tie them up in a bow with a small fine and zero assumption of guilt. Lather, rinse, repeat.

An integral part of that process was the slumlord actions the Trump Organization exercised over minority tenants in New York’s many boroughs. The family is famous for it, and it was only Donald Trump’s desire to build Trump Tower in Manhattan that changed their story into the one we see today. Before then, Daddy Trump simply printed money as a slumlord and used real estate shelters to avoid taxes and write-off as much income as possible under the law. Donnie continued that, using commercial real estate losses of almost $1Bn to offset any gains, and thus avoid paying income tax for almost 20 yrs!

Racist grifter, who buys favor, bends laws, and ignores the already highly flexible moral code of American business!

Or, in BM parlance…****!
So, how long do you think it will take for the idiot to start his attacks on Tim Waltz?
His nickname game has always been bad, but has deteriorated markedly recently. Sounds like he's going with Laughin' Kamala or Crazy Kamala as his go-to. If he was clever he'd go with Tim "Won't Build Any" Walz; a more pedestrian one would be "Dim Tim".
This, of course, is 100% right and what I (and others) have been saying.

Yes, as you, I, and others have said many times, the election results needs to be a complete repudiation of MAGAism.

That won’t suddenly see Trump and MAGA cease to exist as entities, but it will likely start a purge of the ideological zealots from the party, including the party leadership and high administrative positions. This would hopefully see an ever accelerating shift away from the extremist positions of MAGA.

Whilst Democrat control of government is important to reversing the slide in to full-on white Christian Nationalist dystopia (and likely popular response leading to violent, prolonged conflict), the single biggest contributor to the fight against such an outcome (which could still occur even if Harris wins the election) is the return of the Republican Party to at least what it was prior to Trump’s rise (and, ideally, what it was prior to Reagan’s takeover).
Yes, as you, I, and others have said many times, the election results needs to be a complete repudiation of MAGAism.

That won’t suddenly see Trump and MAGA cease to exist as entities, but it will likely start a purge of the ideological zealots from the party, including the party leadership and high administrative positions. This would hopefully see an ever accelerating shift away from the extremist positions of MAGA.

Whilst Democrat control of government is important to reversing the slide in to full-on white Christian Nationalist dystopia (and likely popular response leading to violent, prolonged conflict), the single biggest contributor to the fight against such an outcome (which could still occur even if Harris wins the election) is the return of the Republican Party to at least what it was prior to Trump’s rise (and, ideally, what it was prior to Reagan’s takeover).
The hard part is going to be how to appeal to the base while still disavowing Trumpism. They may need to lose for awhile. It's going to take time to reconstruct from the ground up.

It strikes me that it's a lot like the problems the rags face!
Fair enough.

What exactly do you think he'd do to try to stay longer.

Like talk about it on Fox News? Make a joke about America needing him more than he needs them? Suspend elections?

What are we talking about here ... I agree Supreme Leader is far too specific...

Anything that would allow him to stay beyond the 4 years allowed by the Constitution will be acceptable evidence of Supreme Leader status in my view. Maybe @ Czar perhaps
I know you won't bet an untrustworthy person like me.

But was wondering what you'd consider an attempt to stay past 4 years.
He attempted to stay after he was ousted in 2021. With the Supreme Court bent in his favor with their bullshit immunity ruling, he'll declare thew constitution null & void and make himself king. If only, 6 inches to the right a few weeks ago.

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