Yea, “fam”, I can.
Donald Trump says that a 1970s racial discrimination case against his real estate business was settled "without any admission of guilt" and that the case was brought against "many real estate firms."
Also, he called for the death penalty against 5 innocent black teens in a full page newspaper ad, and when they were found to have been completely innocent he offered no apology or retraction. If you think he’s not a piece of shit racist cuntbucket, then I can’t help you.
He came from a father he not only adored, but who openly derided his older brother as weak. His Dad, who was arrested at a Klan Rally, taught him all he knew…including racist policies for tenants.
Run roughshod over everyone, especially poor tenants and contractors with no chance of affording quality legal representation capable of coping with corporate attorneys. Even when sued by authorities or the state, he simply paid the fines and agreed to change, albeit in a plea deal where no guilt was agreed. It’s the American Business way!
The entire Trump family is a criminal enterprise that had, until very recently, simply used attack dog lawyers to protect themselves from serious harm. When harm seemed unavoidable, the Trump Organization simply sued/countersued. This served to not only drag things out and make them evermore expensive, but also to tie them up in a bow with a small fine and zero assumption of guilt. Lather, rinse, repeat.
An integral part of that process was the slumlord actions the Trump Organization exercised over minority tenants in New York’s many boroughs. The family is famous for it, and it was only Donald Trump’s desire to build Trump Tower in Manhattan that changed their story into the one we see today. Before then, Daddy Trump simply printed money as a slumlord and used real estate shelters to avoid taxes and write-off as much income as possible under the law. Donnie continued that, using commercial real estate losses of almost $1Bn to offset any gains, and thus avoid paying income tax for almost 20 yrs!
Racist grifter, who buys favor, bends laws, and ignores the already highly flexible moral code of American business!
Or, in BM parlance…****!