Dont ever doubt Garry Cook again......

mammutly said:

Raising the profile?

People seem to forget that MCFC is a football club. They need to succeed on the pitch. The ONLY measure of an executive is whether they add or detract from that goal.

Now, can anybody tell me how Garrrrrrrrrrry Cook shooting his mouth off at this time has done anything at all to contribute to us beating Scunthorpe tomorrow and Utd on Weds? Because as far as I can see he has just created a media storm that no manager anywhere would ever want going into two important games.
He wants too shut the fuck up, lie low let the lads do the talking on the pitch,success will come gobshites will go.
bizzbo said:
Perahps I move too far ahead with the following opinion, but however, pls start by reading this real piece (which is worth a laugh overall) of art from the independent:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 74105.html</a>

Then my proposed opinion:
What common people sometimes are difficult to understand is that action/behavior from top sided people might arise from not common/skilfull knowledge of very dark arguments , such us the handling of power.
Now, has anybody already noticed a slightly "different mood" of papers about City? Still very minoritarian indeed, but imo quite clear.
I hardly can immagine that an article like that, so "tranchant" about a flagholder of the still powerfull Utd, would have been written and published last year on a serious paper like independent.

My point is: is the CEO a foul because never played football, or perhaps his overstating action is well aware? It is not possible that this so unpopular way of conduct be meant to warn the media that the balance of powers (in football) is ongoing and, maybe not next year, perhaps even not the next next year, but definitely within 3 years there will be another club ruling over league table and tv audience?

Btw, and specially because of the fact that I joined because I am a Mancini fan, is not a simple matter of fact that City is already at a level where it had not been for last decades, neither when managed on field by the greatest football manager ever: Sven Goran Erikson (the actual very best ever I mean)?
And if this is true as it is, who either than the CEO is responsible for this already acheived success?

mancio mancio mancio. there is what we call a 'sea-change' underway. I could find you several even more astonishing articles to support your theory. the automatic deference to Utd and ferguson has come to an abrupt end.

this is my favourite...

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... x-ferguson</a>

I'm not sure if it's me or the gum-chewing, prune-faced Glaswegian who is losing it most

"I have started to feel sorry for Sir Alex Ferguson."

When a German friend phoned after Manchester United's defeat to Leeds and said, "Ferguson called the fact there was only five minutes injury time 'an insult to football'. An insult to football? Has he never once listened to himself talking in the last 15 years?"

Yes, I admit there was part of me that joined him in his outrage, and yet as I recall the scene I now hear clearly the other voice in my head that day, the voice that was saying softly, "Oh, poor Fergie, he's really starting to sound desperate these days."

There comes a point when the passer-by stops looking at the wild-eyed man ranting on the corner and thinking "maybe I should call the police before he hurts someone" starts to think "maybe I should call the social services before someone hurts him". And this is the point we are at now, I fear.

harry pearson and the guardian have gone out of their way to show their complete lack of respect for the man who, for years, demonstrated his power over football, and maintained deference and obedience amongst the media, by refusing to talk to the most powerful broadcaster in the world.

in the same week, city's 2-1 win was lauded as a coming of age.

even a sceptic would have to admit there HAS been a change in the balance of power.

the public revelation of the darkest secrets held in utd's accounts has been a major factor, no doubt, but that doesn't explain why Fergie himself has been transformed from 'he-who-must-be-obeyed' into a figure of fun and pity.

My feeling is that City have done everything they can to get the world to watch these two games, or at least read the story of them, and 'see' the balance of power shift.

I don't want to give Cook undue credit. I do think I have seen what look like glimpses of intelligence behind his eyes at the times when he is supposedly making an idiot out of himself, but there are more compelling characters in this 'plot'.

I certainly think that Khaldoun and the Sheik are consumate power-brokers. The story of the Sheik's father, and the politics of the UAE and Abu-Dhabi are fascinating... the achievements on a scale dwarfing football rivalries, are incredible, the political and strategic intelligence of the man is legendary in that part of the world

Bizzbo, I do underwrite any word of your assessment, and neither fail to catch the point that "but there are more compelling characters in this 'plot'." as my statement was just deemed to underline that I simply feel greatly confortable in a Club that, brick by brick, step by step, has endorsed a backbone of top quality in key roles (Owners/ CEO/Fans since ever/ Accademy/ and latest football manager.
As I posted more widely in the other Cook related topic I am about the fact that in a successfull company every leverage of the machine has to play its different role and tasks at the best and Cook is just one of that, performing his at utmost. imo

BTW great reading, indeed... :-)
Anyone want to explain the 'Cook is reaching out to the bombastic Yank audience by talking big' angle that has been on several threads today?

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the official line that Cook thought that this was a private function, despite the presence of camaras (are we really being told that he is that naive - wow - it fits in with past form though), and his quotes weren't intended for a wider hearing?

If so, then how on Earth does him coming out with some claptrap whilst looking like he has partaken in some refreshment going to make a contribution to 'cracking America'. Especially given that the bar was playing host to a City supporters group, none of whom would need 'converting' and the majority of whom, I would bet, are probably ex pats.

Some wild and wacky theories flying around to justify these comments.
MJ said:
Give some thought to what both Hughes and Mancini have said over the past year. They need people in the squad that are leaders and winners because the mentality of the players has to change. A certain level of arrogance is needed to win, you have to have confidence that you are the best and you can and will win, because you won't otherwise.

Maybe in the same way, the mentality of the fans needs to change as well. Cook didn't say we're already on top of the world, but he's saying we will be. Not maybe we can, not a timid I hope we will be, but WE WILL BE the best. It is arrogant, but personally I'd rather have people leading the club that do believe this. Of course we don't want to become as arrogant as the scum, but until everyone starts to believe, it's going to be an uphill climb.


Another clevver, very good point, imo
MJ said:
Give some thought to what both Hughes and Mancini have said over the past year. They need people in the squad that are leaders and winners because the mentality of the players has to change. A certain level of arrogance is needed to win, you have to have confidence that you are the best and you can and will win, because you won't otherwise.

Maybe in the same way, the mentality of the fans needs to change as well. Cook didn't say we're already on top of the world, but he's saying we will be. Not maybe we can, not a timid I hope we will be, but WE WILL BE the best. It is arrogant, but personally I'd rather have people leading the club that do believe this. Of course we don't want to become as arrogant as the scum, but until everyone starts to believe, it's going to be an uphill climb.


Another clevver, very good point, imo

Clever? Clever my arse.

I've watched City for 30 odd years and the rabble rousing bombast of some johnny cum lately who got giddy after too many Buds is not going to make me "believe".

My belief comes from the team I watch every week and the manager who buys and trains them.

Don't patronise me by saying this man is "educating me". He's a corporate clown trying to impose his trite values on our club.

The sooner he is out the better.
Tommy johnson said:
Fair play bluespana but the blues in new york have always been there and always will,ive come on here and seen blues from everywhere (clued up blues) ive just never wanted to be on sky news,look at tommy johnson and his mates in that bar in malaysia,this is now a city bar says garry cook.

Im sorry hes trying to be peter kenyon.

Why cant somebody who is actually city promote our club, im sure them lads in new york would of rather seen owen,sumerbee than him??

Personally, I would rather see someone who is transforming the club from where we were 18 months ago into a CL regular, than people from the past. Sure they are a large part of our history and they are very interesting for certain events, but if I was asked who I would like to meet from the club right now, it wouldn't be people from 20/30 years ago (and I watched them and enjoyed them), it would be Khaldoon or Cook. Sure we have history, but the future is going to be much bigger. Don't you want to know what is happening with the building of that future?

Btw, anyone here who was at the meeting in NY? I think you will find he passed on much more interesting information than this. I am guessing that this was just reported because it makes a good headline.
fbloke said:
For all of you who wonder why GC hasnt been fired adn would like to see him on his way feel free to doubt yourselves.

His recent comments in New York have even managed to get City talked about here.....

Yup we are the talk of Tehran.

Looks like City's world domination has begun.

Cheers Gaz

Oh Great.

Better ad 'axis of evil' to our world reputation now.

Didsbury Dave said:
Another clevver, very good point, imo

Clever? Clever my arse.

I've watched City for 30 odd years and the rabble rousing bombast of some johnny cum lately who got giddy after too many Buds is not going to make me "believe".

My belief comes from the team I watch every week and the manager who buys and trains them.

Don't patronise me by saying this man is "educating me". He's a corporate clown trying to impose his trite values on our club.

The sooner he is out the better.

Agreed. In PR terms, the man is an utter moron. Every time you think he can't be more stultifyingly idiotic, he manages to prove you wrong.

Please stop this gaffe-prone fool from ever opening his mouth in public again.

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