dont think loyalty point fiasco will happen again

The club has to be very careful now. CDS members have already been rewarded with priorty for the semi final, and it will have the desirerd effect to get more people to sign up next season. But the final has to be on loyalty points only, or next season if we get to the final again everyone in the CDS will expect a ticket and the chances are the club wont be able to accomodate this.
GStar said:
Blue Maverick said:
What would happen if every season ticket holder joined the CDS next season then how the hell would they sort it out, they should go to some sort of ticket stub system so when you go to the cup games you are given a ticket once you go through the turnstile.


If we were to reach the SF next season, allocation would go:

ST+CDS+'X' amount of loyalty points
After a few levels of that, it may then go to

ST holder with 6000 points etc

If this current plan has anything to go by it will be the same as the rags.

Premium SC where you have to attendend every cup game and are guarunteed a ticket for Finals, Semi's and priority for away games.

Or the normal one where you can opt out but get no option other than to get whats left. regardless of loyalty points.

let it stand this season and the slope gets very steep and very slippy
GStar said:
Blue Maverick said:
What would happen if every season ticket holder joined the CDS next season then how the hell would they sort it out, they should go to some sort of ticket stub system so when you go to the cup games you are given a ticket once you go through the turnstile.


If we were to reach the SF next season, allocation would go:

ST+CDS+'X' amount of loyalty points
After a few levels of that, it may then go to

ST holder with 6000 points etc
Yep but then people at the bottom could never get to the top because everyone's loyalty points would go up at the same rate, the only way would be to get away games but then most don't have enough points to get away tickets it would be a never ending circle.
Blue Maverick said:
GStar said:

If we were to reach the SF next season, allocation would go:

ST+CDS+'X' amount of loyalty points
After a few levels of that, it may then go to

ST holder with 6000 points etc
Yep but then people at the bottom could never get to the top because everyone's loyalty points would go up at the same rate, the only way would be to get away games but then most don't have enough points to get away tickets it would be a never ending circle.
The reason why I believe loyalty points should only incorporate the previous five or six seasons. Gives the younger fans a chance to build up points and get to the top if they so wish. Getting tickets for the vast majority of away games isn't a problem even for a City card holder, despite what people would have you believe on this forum.
I thought the terms and conditions of the cup scheme stated that the tickets will be guaranteed for HOME GAMES ONLY? or am i wrong?
when was the last home cup match we sold out since we played the havnt been expensive.we couldnt even fill one level 3 for a cup quarter seems to me that because someone decides to join the cup scheme they get blasted on here for doing so.ive been in the cup scheme since the club introduced it,simple reason being so i didnt have to go to eastlands to get my ticket,or spend hours on the phone.its everyones choice,i made my choice,ive got enough points anyway so it wouldnt have mattered to me if you were rewarded for joining the cup scheme or not.
To be fair i reckon 99% of CDS have enough points anyway. I've got 3600 points and no CDS if i get a ticket that's great, if i don't then i'll search elsewhere. I'm just glad to be in this position rather than talking about our 3rd round exit.
GrumpyBlue86 said:
Blue Maverick said:
Yep but then people at the bottom could never get to the top because everyone's loyalty points would go up at the same rate, the only way would be to get away games but then most don't have enough points to get away tickets it would be a never ending circle.
The reason why I believe loyalty points should only incorporate the previous five or six seasons. Gives the younger fans a chance to build up points and get to the top if they so wish. Getting tickets for the vast majority of away games isn't a problem even for a City card holder, despite what people would have you believe on this forum.

If getting away tickets isn't a problem why aren't the younger ones going then and building up their points. I'm sorry but loyalty means loyalty so why should the people who have proven their loyalty and built up a large amount of points suddenly lose them so that youngsters can catch them up? We all started at nothing at some time.

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