Dortmund Fans

Its the Ultras movement. Came into german football about ten years ago and every club has an ultra group now (The Unity is the Dortmund one). They are highly organized. They follow their team at every match. At away matches everyone joins in (even i do at my club, and i´m far from being an ultra, even not a fan of them). At home matches it´s different, at some clubs they have to do the job on their own and the rest of the stadium is silent.
there was a fair few of them in 222. They didn't cause any harm just enjoyed themselves and added to the atmsophere. Some City fans in that area don't like having them there but its been the same for every champions league game. I do think the club should email fans in the area to advide them incase they have a problem with it.
Our support is rubbish though.

Far too many lazy fans. I really don't know why most fans go to the game. They contribute nothing, absolutely nothing.
We sit in the family stand where the atmosphere is always poor but tonight we never heard a peep come from the south stand, whats going wrong everything used to come from that stand.
ImAwesome said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
I just find that whole choreographed stuff utterly soulless. It's the same whether they're winning, losing, drawing, the game is exciting or boring. Just background noise not real passion.

If I wanted to listen to a choir I'd go to the Bridgewater Hall.

This really just sums it up. Its like they pay stupid money to travel europe just to make silly pictures and put on shows. They only reacted once to the game and that was when they scored. They didn't react to any tackles, corners, free kicks or anything. Bunch of fat ugly german puffs.

...and their team cost me £40

Agree with others on here. RIGHT SAID FRED with a drum and 3000 members just played against City. No interest in the game. Load of line dancers with football scarves.
Mike N said:
Our support is rubbish though.

Far too many lazy fans. I really don't know why most fans go to the game. They contribute nothing, absolutely nothing.

most fans certainly dont go to home games to jump up and down and sing, that is obvious, and it will be hard to change this. They go to the games to watch the game, that doesnt make them "lazy". We certainly have more bodies in the "singing" sections on both sides of the away fans than there are visitors and yet the visitors made 10 times more noise.

The point was made earlier that they never respond to what is happening in the game, they just make a noise all the time. It does sound and look good but fucking hell it would do your head in week in week out.
danebanksheik said:
Mike N said:
Our support is rubbish though.

Far too many lazy fans. I really don't know why most fans go to the game. They contribute nothing, absolutely nothing.

most fans certainly dont go to home games to jump up and down and sing, that is obvious, and it will be hard to change this. They go to the games to watch the game, that doesnt make them "lazy". We certainly have more bodies in the "singing" sections on both sides of the away fans than there are visitors and yet the visitors made 10 times more noise.

The point was made earlier that they never respond to what is happening in the game, they just make a noise all the time. It does sound and look good but fucking hell it would do your head in week in week out.

constant noise and passion getting behind the team what shit support.
I respect all German and Dortmund fans, you are brilliant, puts us English to shame. You don't realise how good you have it over there.

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