Drunken city fans

Billy Spurdle said:
give & go said:
Like a pint myself and had a few at wealdstone before game , but was amazed at the state of some blues yesterday, one lad at wealdstone could hardly stand a good 3 hours before K.O
In the match itself in 535 one lad fast asleep, one to pissed didn't know where his seat was, another couple nearly going over top rails when they came running down to front.
Like I say like a beer myself, but to spend all that cash on tickets and transport , not to see the game or remember what went on baffles me,
Tell me if I am a boring old fart , but I can remember every wembley city vist since 1969 including full members,
Bet there was a few who never made it home

Agree completely. It's a real pain in the arse having these idiots sat anywhere near you in the stadium. It's always baffled me why they bother buying a ticket when they could use the money for beer. It's obviously far more important to them than the game. Very sad.
Agree with this. The Blue sat next me could hardly speak, but mithered me to death all the feckin game, total distraction. Then at the end of the game, found out he lived half a mile from me. Lol!
there was a lad completely off his tits in the Greyhound at about 2;30 and the two girls selling shots let him spend his last two quid on one, which they were selling at £3.50 a go.<br /><br />-- Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:52 pm --<br /><br />PS did anyone see the sing in the bogs 'pissing in style since our summer refurb' The place made the Hacienda bogs look like a palace.
Ducado said:
MCC said:
Some absolute messes near me. One lad was asleep for most of the game and another spent most of the game hugging the stewards.
I think a fair few of them might have been from downstairs, was there a guy dressed in combat fatigues and loads of medals on his chest, accompanied by a crowd that looked like extras from Citizen Smith?

Roaminblue. If you were at the back of Block 549 and the person who fell on you was a very happy 50+ yr old fan in a City polo shirt then I apologise. Should no better but I was having another great day at Wembley after beer on the train up, a rack of cans at the roundabout (less half of one that the nice Police lady tipped out) and I got the merest of shoves from behind and went 2 rows forward. If it was you, thanks to you and those around you for picking me up. Got a graze on my shin that looks like the after effect of a Sergio tackle!
Great day out. Chant of the day was when the Asian man entered his house where we were all stood at the roundabout and out came "Sheik Mansour my Lord".
Markb109 said:
Roaminblue. If you were at the back of Block 549 and the person who fell on you was a very happy 50+ yr old fan in a City polo shirt then I apologise. Should no better but I was having another great day at Wembley after beer on the train up, a rack of cans at the roundabout (less half of one that the nice Police lady tipped out) and I got the merest of shoves from behind and went 2 rows forward. If it was you, thanks to you and those around you for picking me up. Got a graze on my shin that looks like the after effect of a Sergio tackle!
Great day out. Chant of the day was when the Asian man entered his house where we were all stood at the roundabout and out came "Sheik Mansour my Lord".

hi mate, no it wasn't there.

My first post made me sound like a grumpy git, I didn't have a problem with it at all, it made me laugh. I find drunk people hilarious for the most part. To be honest I was pissed as a fart as well, I just have good balance ;-)

But no, wrong area, and I didn't blame him, good giggle. I'd have joined him for a pint though, as he looked like he had been having fun. I did stop his head from crashing onto the concrete though :-)

Pretty sure he had a thick London accent, but as I said, my memory of the day isn't spectacular.

great day with only a few down sides. One being the size of the queue for the mens toilets at the pub I was at, and the second, not going for a piss before I left the ground. The journey back seemed like an eternity.
Mate I used to work with was steaming before he game when I saw him, text me today saying he didnt know the score until on the way home and apparently got chucked out at half time.
Seen another mate outside my entrance who didnt remember seeing me !!
And a random guy asleep in a kebab shop opposite the greyhound around 2pm

Me, I was sober yesterday drove down with my 6 year old son and he loved every minute of it !!
notdead said:
lads got kicked out because they wouldn't]produce a ticket.

Was it me who fell on you after nasri goal.

was this one aimed at me?

if so, I don't think so mate. Seems like there were a lot of happy faller-overs :)

all good though I hope guys, and no injuries<br /><br />-- Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:10 pm --<br /><br />
Pagie said:
Me, I was sober yesterday drove down with my 6 year old son and he loved every minute of it !!

I've got to say I like nothing more than hearing about blues' kids having a good time. It reminds me of when I first started going. The turnstiles at maine road scared the crap out of me.

My dad used to make me wait in the stands while he went and got me a pie. he said it was because it would be "safer" for me. Now I think he was just getting on the ale!
We had fans almost fighting each other on our row too. All over standing/sitting argument.

Not sure about the chucking cans blindly at that bus carrying Chelsea
Fans near the greyhound. City fans were on the opposite side of the road and plenty missed the bus!

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