Dzeko (Merged)

Re: for all dzeko haters....

Pigeonho said:
nevilletogoater-in said:
So why didn't we pay an extra £30m and get Torres? Yeh I know he hasn't scored yet either but at least he's got premier league experience.

I don't understand why we've bought someone who looks worse than Kevin fucking Davies to play up front when we don't use traditional wingers.

No pace, no control, no fucking clue
It's what we do, we pay over the odds for shite.
The accountants of Real Madrid, Lazio and Wolfsburg will currently be pissing their sides at us. The accountants of Inter Milan are about to piss their sides at us. Those clubs in Europe who have promising players will currently be deciding how many 0's to add to their assets when we come sniffing.

I know it's what we do. My post was in response to some complete and utter tosh I read further up the topic.

The frustrating thing is with Dzeko, he's been here 3months. Played quite a number of games and still doesn't like like a footballer.

We don't need to mention Balotelli cos we all know he's never going to be a Premier League player. Chelsea pay £27m ish for David Luiz, we pay £24m for Lescott. Chelsea pay £15m ish Ashley Cole, we pay £18m ish for Kolorov.

It all boils down to the manager.
Re: for all dzeko haters....

nevilletogoater-in said:
Pigeonho said:
It's what we do, we pay over the odds for shite.
The accountants of Real Madrid, Lazio and Wolfsburg will currently be pissing their sides at us. The accountants of Inter Milan are about to piss their sides at us. Those clubs in Europe who have promising players will currently be deciding how many 0's to add to their assets when we come sniffing.

I know it's what we do. My post was in response to some complete and utter tosh I read further up the topic.

The frustrating thing is with Dzeko, he's been here 3months. Played quite a number of games and still doesn't like like a footballer.

We don't need to mention Balotelli cos we all know he's never going to be a Premier League player. Chelsea pay £27m ish for David Luiz, we pay £24m for Lescott. Chelsea pay £15m ish Ashley Cole, we pay £18m ish for Kolorov.

It all boils down to the manager.
Exactly, and that's why the relatively small sums we paid for NDJ, Kopmany and Tevez make Hughes' signings the better ones. Course, he had some shockers too, Robinho being the pick of the bunch, however I have been underwhelmed, (for the prices paid), with most of Mancini's signings, Silva being the exception.
Re: for all dzeko haters....

Face it, dzecko is shit, he has been ever since he came here and will for ever, he has the fucking touch of an elephant and always has done. When he does get a chance to head it, it goes straight to the goal keeper
Re: for all dzeko haters....

you clowns make me laugh- if you,ve played to any sort of level you may have heard the phrase'play to his strengths'- how many games has edin had crosses coming in for him to get onto???...try looking at him prior to coming to us-look at where his goals come from- do we punt the ball up to carlos??-NO!!!!!-and why not???-BECAUSE THAT,S NOT HIS F**KING STRENGTH!!!!!!- and remember this - it took both bergkamp and thierry henry 9 GAMES to get their 1st prem goals!!!- neither turned out bad did they!!!???....
Re: Dzeko

Dzeko needs to be sold to a team where he can score fast and often. Tottenham, maybe. If you gave him a million years he wouldn't be successful under the system that City uses. He would have to become a totally different kind of player to work out here, or the system would need to be changed drastically. It's much simpler for him to just go somewhere where his strengths will be played to, where he can score goals, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel around him at City.
Re: for all dzeko haters....

riley347 said:
you clowns make me laugh- if you,ve played to any sort of level you may have heard the phrase'play to his strengths'- how many games has edin had crosses coming in for him to get onto???...try looking at him prior to coming to us-look at where his goals come from- do we punt the ball up to carlos??-NO!!!!!-and why not???-BECAUSE THAT,S NOT HIS F**KING STRENGTH!!!!!!- and remember this - it took both bergkamp and thierry henry 9 GAMES to get their 1st prem goals!!!- neither turned out bad did they!!!???....

Prior to signing Dzeko, did you ever see us play with 2 wingers whipping balls into the box and for us to be crying out for a striker to get on the end of them? NO!!! we played with 3 defensive midfielders and we always tried to work an opening at the edge of the box.

When we signed Dzeko we still didn't play we 2 wingers, we had a fucking winger on the bench last night who didn't even get a look in at 3-0 down.

SO Riley347 my question(s) to you is/are

What is the point is signing of Dzeko when we don't play with out and out wingers?

How many times did the ball get played into his feet last night and we lost possession cos of it?

How many headers did he win?

I've played football to quite a high level so I know exactly what 'playing to his strengths are' the trouble is, this uselss bosnian twat doesn't have any!!!!
Re: for all dzeko haters....

He is a quality quality player.

But I said it consistently - we don't need another striker.
Re: for all dzeko haters....

I agree with everyone that says Mancini should have played the Sunderland team.... 8 days rest and 6 days rest after the Liverpool game should be enough
Re: for all dzeko haters....

my problem is, he doesnt even look threatening when he has the ball, he doesnt look like pushing the team forward, or being the spearhead of our attack. which makes me question why we ever bought the lad

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