Dzeko (Merged)

Re: for all dzeko haters....

dref619 said:
my problem is, he doesnt even look threatening when he has the ball, he doesnt look like pushing the team forward, or being the spearhead of our attack. which makes me question why we ever bought the lad

To win the Title.
Re: for all dzeko haters....

A top striker should be able to create his own goals.

Dzeko has shown he cant control the ball, he cant run with it, he gets beat in the air every time, his shooting is always off target and hes extremely lazy.

He is a terrible striker, he only cut in germany because its a much slower league, hes not a premier league player.
Re: for all dzeko haters....

riley347 said:
you clowns make me laugh- if you,ve played to any sort of level you may have heard the phrase'play to his strengths'- how many games has edin had crosses coming in for him to get onto???...try looking at him prior to coming to us-look at where his goals come from- do we punt the ball up to carlos??-NO!!!!!-and why not???-BECAUSE THAT,S NOT HIS F**KING STRENGTH!!!!!!- and remember this - it took both bergkamp and thierry henry 9 GAMES to get their 1st prem goals!!!- neither turned out bad did they!!!???....

Erm for the record, anyone knows how much games has Edin played already? Cuz I can't wait for Edin to starting firing and we can all start a thread called 'Eat your words'.
Re: for all dzeko haters....

jellert said:
I agree with everyone that says Mancini should have played the Sunderland team.... 8 days rest and 6 days rest after the Liverpool game should be enough

Exactly, they have had sufficient rest, with only a maximum of 9 games left in the season, the possibility of winning the FA Cup and coming 3rd in the league would have spurred (no pun intended) many another team on. Where the bloody hell is the desire, hunger
Re: for all dzeko haters....

the goats backside said:
jellert said:
I agree with everyone that says Mancini should have played the Sunderland team.... 8 days rest and 6 days rest after the Liverpool game should be enough

Exactly, they have had sufficient rest, with only a maximum of 9 games left in the season, the possibility of winning the FA Cup and coming 3rd in the league would have spurred (no pun intended) many another team on. Where the bloody hell is the desire, hunger

It's also about momentum. Building it, not nocking it before it can really be established. Going there last night with the right team and tactics would have given us a far stronger chance of winning the game, and thus going into the semi final on the back of 2 key victories. Instead of a 3-0 hammering.
Re: for all dzeko haters....

balkanno said:
dref619 said:
my problem is, he doesnt even look threatening when he has the ball, he doesnt look like pushing the team forward, or being the spearhead of our attack. which makes me question why we ever bought the lad

To win the Title.

great answer , his plans working a treat then
Re: Dzeko

JBG said:
Dzeko needs to be sold to a team where he can score fast and often. Tottenham, maybe. If you gave him a million years he wouldn't be successful under the system that City uses. He would have to become a totally different kind of player to work out here, or the system would need to be changed drastically. It's much simpler for him to just go somewhere where his strengths will be played to, where he can score goals, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel around him at City.

Fair one, but want work.

Im starting to thing, Dzeko should really leave if its possiable. And i also can now understand the Users here who wanted him to go or to be solded out. The Reasons are obevious.
Re: for all dzeko haters....

balkanno said:
dref619 said:
great answer , his plans working a treat then

No, im serious.

Mancini: "We want to win the title, we need a Player like Edin."

ahh fair play, the guys got quality, but can't see it ever working here, he doesnt suit the way we play at all, strange signing all round really
Re: for all dzeko haters....

People keep saying he needs "service". Which means he is a 1 trick pony, the guy can only score from headers.

I disagree, every time the balls came to him in the air he's lost the header, I fail to understand how someone 6"4 can miss every single header.

A top striker should be able to use their feet, it is football afterall and Dzeko shows everytime the ball comes to him that he has no ball control at all, he also shows that he's a slow thinker because it takes him so long to decide what to do he loses the ball. The guys extremely lazy, he dosnt close the ball down, he dosnt run at all he just wanders about. I've been saying it since before we even signed him, he's not a premier league player and he never will be.

He's a white adebayor with a worse first touch.

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