Dzeko (Merged)

Re: Dzeko

Halfpenny said:
Deepest Blue said:
Quite sure Dzeko will be class for us next season but we can't use the PL games this time as bedding in time.
Hope we can accomodate him in the team but if not we must go with our strongest available team/formation.

Cups is a different matter. Being KO'd from one of them would be a blessing in disguise, IMO.
Europa, maybe. The FA Cup is a big big opportunity now.

Lets win both...
Brum winning was the romance of the cup how I want to be in Dublin or London celebrating.
Re: Dzeko

The lad is class, just look at his record FFS and there is good reason why we paid so much money for him.

He came in mid-season and very rarely do those buys come off straight away, give him time to adapt to his new team mates, Premiership demands, new culture and style of play etc etc and get a good pre-season behind hime and he will come good, he's a natural goalscorer.....again look at his record and oh, before i forget........HES A FOOKING BLUE, so get behind him FFS !!

Me thinks there will be some very humble people on this forum in the fullness of time!!......i remember some similar comments about a certain Mr Goater when he first signed and he turned out not half bad did he not??
Re: Dzeko

BufordUSABlue said:
The lad is class, just look at his record FFS and there is good reason why we paid so much money for him.

He came in mid-season and very rarely do those buys come off straight away, give him time to adapt to his new team mates, Premiership demands, new culture and style of play etc etc and get a good pre-season behind hime and he will come good, he's a natural goalscorer.....again look at his record and oh, before i forget........HES A FOOKING BLUE, so get behind him FFS !!

Me thinks there will be some very humble people on this forum in the fullness of time!!......i remember some similar comments about a certain Mr Goater when he first signed and he turned out not half bad did he not??

100% this.
Re: Dzeko

Although hes a bit hot and cold at the moment he clearly has ability.

I also believe he has the best attitude/ interests as opposed to our other strikers.
Re: Dzeko

No17 said:
ibruzi said:
I think everyone can see that he is a much more versatile player than Carroll...

hasn't got the agility of Van Persie, but has a better nose for goals and not so much injury prone as Van Persie...strong in the air, maybe not as strong as Carol (not as tall as Carol) but has as good technique if not even better...again uses both feet unlike Van Persie who has a left and a 10% of right used only for the tap-ins...(although he has improved on it) Dzeko is somewhere in between these two players...has large amounts of both the Carol stuff and Van Persie stuff...making him in my opinion a better player...just needs to get used to English top flight football and your team needs to start playing a bit more creatively, with creative players, not just giving the ball to Silva and hoping for some magic while the other three DMFs stay back and enjoy the show....
First of all Van persies biggest issues is his injuries. He is a superior footballer to Dzeko in terms of his technique, awareness and creativity. Van persie creates so much more for his team mates. Secondly some of his best goals come from his right foot and you would be surprised how many he has scored with his right. In this season alone he has scored more with his right that left. Would you really take a fit Van persie over Dzeko?
Re: Dzeko

gooney said:
No17 said:
hasn't got the agility of Van Persie, but has a better nose for goals and not so much injury prone as Van Persie...strong in the air, maybe not as strong as Carol (not as tall as Carol) but has as good technique if not even better...again uses both feet unlike Van Persie who has a left and a 10% of right used only for the tap-ins...(although he has improved on it) Dzeko is somewhere in between these two players...has large amounts of both the Carol stuff and Van Persie stuff...making him in my opinion a better player...just needs to get used to English top flight football and your team needs to start playing a bit more creatively, with creative players, not just giving the ball to Silva and hoping for some magic while the other three DMFs stay back and enjoy the show....
First of all Van persies biggest issues is his injuries. He is a superior footballer to Dzeko in terms of his technique, awareness and creativity. Van persie creates so much more for his team mates. Secondly some of his best goals come from his right foot and you would be surprised how many he has scored with his right. In this season alone he has scored more with his right that left. Would you really take a fit Van persie over Dzeko?

not at the moment, no. It'd defo be a tougher argument if Dzeko finds his Wolfsburg form. Chances are that won't be until next season, though.

I still rate RVP and Dzeko as two of the world's best, though.
Re: Dzeko

gooney said:
No17 said:
hasn't got the agility of Van Persie, but has a better nose for goals and not so much injury prone as Van Persie...strong in the air, maybe not as strong as Carol (not as tall as Carol) but has as good technique if not even better...again uses both feet unlike Van Persie who has a left and a 10% of right used only for the tap-ins...(although he has improved on it) Dzeko is somewhere in between these two players...has large amounts of both the Carol stuff and Van Persie stuff...making him in my opinion a better player...just needs to get used to English top flight football and your team needs to start playing a bit more creatively, with creative players, not just giving the ball to Silva and hoping for some magic while the other three DMFs stay back and enjoy the show....
First of all Van persies biggest issues is his injuries. He is a superior footballer to Dzeko in terms of his technique, awareness and creativity. Van persie creates so much more for his team mates. Secondly some of his best goals come from his right foot and you would be surprised how many he has scored with his right. In this season alone he has scored more with his right that left. Would you really take a fit Van persie over Dzeko?

I think that this proves that some City fans have become very spoiled, so you want every player that's fit and in form at this very moment ?, you have Dzeko, one of the most lethal strikers in Europe, deal with it, if not this season, it's time for City to play like a team with the players they have (mostly young and very talented) rather than buy every "fit" player that turn out to be another bashing as this threat proves.

Dzeko fan,

Re: Dzeko

gooney said:
No17 said:
hasn't got the agility of Van Persie, but has a better nose for goals and not so much injury prone as Van Persie...strong in the air, maybe not as strong as Carol (not as tall as Carol) but has as good technique if not even better...again uses both feet unlike Van Persie who has a left and a 10% of right used only for the tap-ins...(although he has improved on it) Dzeko is somewhere in between these two players...has large amounts of both the Carol stuff and Van Persie stuff...making him in my opinion a better player...just needs to get used to English top flight football and your team needs to start playing a bit more creatively, with creative players, not just giving the ball to Silva and hoping for some magic while the other three DMFs stay back and enjoy the show....
First of all Van persies biggest issues is his injuries. He is a superior footballer to Dzeko in terms of his technique, awareness and creativity. Van persie creates so much more for his team mates. Secondly some of his best goals come from his right foot and you would be surprised how many he has scored with his right. In this season alone he has scored more with his right that left. Would you really take a fit Van persie over Dzeko?

Since his arrival at Arsenal, the most amount of Premier League games he has played in one season is 28. Overall, he has played in just over 42% of league games in his time in England.

Van Persie is an excellent player but I would never, ever sign him. He makes Hatem Trabelsi look like Hulk Hogan.<br /><br />-- Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:19 am --<br /><br />
the_one said:
gooney said:
First of all Van persies biggest issues is his injuries. He is a superior footballer to Dzeko in terms of his technique, awareness and creativity. Van persie creates so much more for his team mates. Secondly some of his best goals come from his right foot and you would be surprised how many he has scored with his right. In this season alone he has scored more with his right that left. Would you really take a fit Van persie over Dzeko?

I think that this proves that some City fans have become very spoiled, so you want every player that's fit and in form at this very moment ?, you have Dzeko, one of the most lethal strikers in Europe, deal with it, if not this season, it's time for City to play like a team with the players they have (mostly young and very talented) rather than buy every "fit" player that turn out to be another bashing as this threat proves.

Dzeko fan,


Gooney is an (obsessed) Arsenal fan.
Re: Dzeko

I'm sure Dzeko will become a very good player for City in time.

But he's not shown too much in the time he's been in England so far.

Some foreign players take to the Premier League like a duck to water - Rafael van der Vaaet being a great example - but with others it takes a little time for them to get up to speed.

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