Dzeko or Adebayor

bluefoever said:
Wait when he'll get the contract signed with Spuds, he'll show his true self, especially when asked to sit on the bench sometimes.

May not go anywhere. I hope I'm wrong, but he has already said he can't take a pay cut (Bellamy said same) due to his commitment to the starving in Africa. Expects City to work it out to enable him to join the club where he is now really happy. Code for a pay off on his contract to enable him to join Spurs who will only pay him around £80,000 per week!
I'm life long blue who currently works for the club, so where uve got I'm a spurs fan from is beyond me.

I was merely asking the question, sorry I did now
Or to put the thread another way....

"Hughes or Mancini".

poor effort.

Oh....and Dzeko every day of the week and twice on Matchday.
both frustrating tbh

dzeko and his wooden legs and heavy touch but then scores a peach like at spurs!

maybe i jus expect to much!

i cannot knock his scoring record , its just his general play at times!

hope he keeps making me look a **** for doubting him!!

keep em coming edin lad!
Batman said:
I'm life long blue who currently works for the club, so where uve got I'm a spurs fan from is beyond me.

I was merely asking the question, sorry I did now

apologies mate thought i remmebered a spurs fan called batman

as far as the reaction goes, i dont know if its just me, but im getting fed up with the stick dzeko gets, comparing him to ade has been done and seems to be a stick to beat him with when he isnt playing too well and when ade is
To compare Dzeko to Adebayor is like compairing Vincent Van Gogh to Rolf Harris. The two are leagues apart.

Adebayor has scored four goals in two games - Dzeko has scored four goals in one game (remember spuds away?). Adebayor will soon become his lazy, stroppy moaning self. Dzeko will continue to improve and remain committed to the cause.

These inane threads wind me up!
Right I apologise for making the thread!

I too agree Dzeko is miles better than ade,

I just wondered what u all thought that's all :'(

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