Dzeko, Tevez and the system

It's actually good to see the OP frenetically back pedal this much as of lately, as it may be a sign that he's starting to actually learn something, but it would help if he reduced explicitly "agreeing" with everything all of the sudden, it's a bit painful to watch...

Thanks in advance.
I've never deferred from my original point. You have got absolutely no idea about football so I'd appreciate it if you didn't try and engage me in a conversation about it. I don't think football is for you, i'm sure you've got other interests you can talk about. Cooking? celebrities? gadgets? something like that, but leave the football talk to those that understand it please. Thanks
I primarily agree with the op. I see or would hope to see our system slightly change. Whilst I agree with the 'ain't broke don't fix' theory, I'm not 100% sure what we were watching was working perfectly. Lets not forget whilst Tevez is performing as one of the best strikers in world football, we are still only 3rd and score less than United or Arsenal.
I know we only saw 25 minutes of the City Valencia pre season, but it very much looked like Mancini fancied a front 1 with 2 behind. Vs Valencia it was Ade up top, Tevez and Silva with freedom to play. I guess Mancini is looking to replicate this with Dzeko up top, Silva and Tevez with freedom to roam.
I feel with Tevez as the focal point of attack and his willing to track back to get the ball it leaves us very short of a fulcrum for an attack.
I would guess or hope with a 4-1-2-2-1 that the fullbacks would provide width, Silva a link between all play, Dzeko a fulcrum for attacks, and a much needed aerial threat, maybe Tevez would not flourish to the extent he is doing now, but the team may score more goals.
I would hope that if this system were to work, and I have faith in Mancini to make it work City as a team will be better off. Hopefully Dzeko and Tevez will both be around the 20 goal mark, with Silva adding 5-10 and a good contribution from Balotelli when he plays, as apposed to being almost solely reliant on Tevez's goals.

If we were top and dominating the league I would have stuck with what were doing, but lets face it, Villa was not the first game in which we have struggled against the parked bus, maybe this system maybe in time will prove more affective against the parked bus.

If we only look at the swamp, last year Rooney scored 30+ goals and United won nothing, this year, Rooney is not as important yet they remain unbeaten and look like walking the league, favouring team play over Rooney's individual talents.
I'm not trying to engage you one way or the other (even this is painful, although I am laughing my arse off), but I cannot simply skip your posts and ultimately fast forward to some intelligent people here, and you are continuously making a fool of yourself. Not that it is a big surprise, nor difficult to do, but I'm afraid that your next major agreement is going to come when someone other than me proves to you that Dzeko has nothing to do with this, the system changes started before him, and would have continued even with him still at Wolfsburg (it was actually a close call, but how would you know that, the CBeebies haven't reported it yet).

I am simply afraid how all the resulting back pedaling and desperately agreeing with everyone in order to build a bit of a fundament to stand on, now that you are drowning in your own horseshit, combined with an excessive vertical movement of your thick, probably also rather bald yet toothless skull, is going to affect its bone consistency.

Metaphorically speaking, I simply don't want to see your so called head explode, spraying pimples all over the place, at least not before you manage to get yourself drowned in the aforementioned manure.
Don't go too much off-topic, could you please? :D

I believe that some posters are attacking Tevez a bit too much. They think he can't cooperate after only two games with Dzeko. I'm pretty sure that in a game or two we will see a nice partnership form between them. I saw a glimpse of that in the Wolves match, nice pass from Tevez to Dzeko just before Yaya's goal when he could have dribbled his way through to the box. You should understand that Tevez is used to playing alone and this is quite a change for him.

As for Mancini, he has probably worked out a system for the team with Dzeko a part of it before his arrival (although he didn't really show that in the Villa match, it was a pretty big mess at certain moments), but I'm sure he will find a good system for them very soon. It's just up to the players to click.
ibruzi said:
Don't go too much off-topic, could you please? :D

I believe that some posters are attacking Tevez a bit too much. They think he can't cooperate after only two games with Dzeko. I'm pretty sure that in a game or two we will see a nice partnership form between them. I saw a glimpse of that in the Wolves match, nice pass from Tevez to Dzeko just before Yaya's goal when he could have dribbled his way through to the box. You should understand that Tevez is used to playing alone and this is quite a change for him.

As for Mancini, he has probably worked out a system for the team with Dzeko a part of it before his arrival (although he didn't really show that in the Villa match, it was a pretty big mess at certain moments), but I'm sure he will find a good system for them very soon. It's just up to the players to click.

so...@wanderer72...well done mate...I guess you're someone I'd like to know just to be able to visualize your face expressions when you read and write all the posts here...

a) quoted post sums up roughly the argument going on around here for a while now
b) It is a matter of time when the team will start clicking together and go upwards and onwards
c) Mancini started changing the system long before Dzeko's arrival
d) tevez likes to be the lone striker, doesn't want to give into the new system so easily and will try to work even harder to prove how he is and must be the focal point of city (and city will finish 4th if other results go their way)
e) midfield needs a tweak, more penetration needed on the wings, more crosses into the box to utilize Dzeko's heading abilities
f) point a was the right one to finish this post :)
schfc6 said:
I primarily agree with the op. I see or would hope to see our system slightly change. Whilst I agree with the 'ain't broke don't fix' theory, I'm not 100% sure what we were watching was working perfectly. Lets not forget whilst Tevez is performing as one of the best strikers in world football, we are still only 3rd and score less than United or Arsenal.
I know we only saw 25 minutes of the City Valencia pre season, but it very much looked like Mancini fancied a front 1 with 2 behind. Vs Valencia it was Ade up top, Tevez and Silva with freedom to play. I guess Mancini is looking to replicate this with Dzeko up top, Silva and Tevez with freedom to roam.
I feel with Tevez as the focal point of attack and his willing to track back to get the ball it leaves us very short of a fulcrum for an attack.
I would guess or hope with a 4-1-2-2-1 that the fullbacks would provide width, Silva a link between all play, Dzeko a fulcrum for attacks, and a much needed aerial threat, maybe Tevez would not flourish to the extent he is doing now, but the team may score more goals.
I would hope that if this system were to work, and I have faith in Mancini to make it work City as a team will be better off. Hopefully Dzeko and Tevez will both be around the 20 goal mark, with Silva adding 5-10 and a good contribution from Balotelli when he plays, as apposed to being almost solely reliant on Tevez's goals.

If we were top and dominating the league I would have stuck with what were doing, but lets face it, Villa was not the first game in which we have struggled against the parked bus, maybe this system maybe in time will prove more affective against the parked bus.

If we only look at the swamp, last year Rooney scored 30+ goals and United won nothing, this year, Rooney is not as important yet they remain unbeaten and look like walking the league, favouring team play over Rooney's individual talents.
Another post I agree with, sorry to disappoint other members who don't want me to agree with people who are moving the conversation forward. The system we played against Valencia in the first 20 worked brilliantly, although against a side very early in their seasons preperations. Boeteng got forward loads and looked great offereing us attacking width.

It is quite possible this is the system Mancini sees as the future for us. Just to clarify the point I have been making since the OP, we are going to have to change from our shape that has Tevez as the sole central attcking player if we are to accomodate Dzeko.

Whichever Football Manager pre set formation people want to agonise over us playing, the fact remains however you position Yaya, Silva and AJ, Tevez has been playing as the sole central attacking player for the majority of the season. Anyone who doesn't agree with that either hasn't been watching or doesn't understand football. (They shall remain nameless!)
I agree with the OP too, even without reading it beyond the first sentence .

Now, surely he will agree back, as it has worked well before... Fucking hell, what is the world, City and this forum coming to... ;)
No17 said:
ibruzi said:
Don't go too much off-topic, could you please? :D

I believe that some posters are attacking Tevez a bit too much. They think he can't cooperate after only two games with Dzeko. I'm pretty sure that in a game or two we will see a nice partnership form between them. I saw a glimpse of that in the Wolves match, nice pass from Tevez to Dzeko just before Yaya's goal when he could have dribbled his way through to the box. You should understand that Tevez is used to playing alone and this is quite a change for him.

As for Mancini, he has probably worked out a system for the team with Dzeko a part of it before his arrival (although he didn't really show that in the Villa match, it was a pretty big mess at certain moments), but I'm sure he will find a good system for them very soon. It's just up to the players to click.

so...@wanderer72...well done mate...I guess you're someone I'd like to know just to be able to visualize your face expressions when you read and write all the posts here...

a) quoted post sums up roughly the argument going on around here for a while now
b) It is a matter of time when the team will start clicking together and go upwards and onwards
c) Mancini started changing the system long before Dzeko's arrival
d) tevez likes to be the lone striker, doesn't want to give into the new system so easily and will try to work even harder to prove how he is and must be the focal point of city (and city will finish 4th if other results go their way)
e) midfield needs a tweak, more penetration needed on the wings, more crosses into the box to utilize Dzeko's heading abilities
f) point a was the right one to finish this post :)

I am getting increasingly amused in here, especially in this very thread. Top entertainment value, you'd normally have to pay quite a few bob otherwise...

There are some great people on this forum, who basically don't post at all, e.g. those willing to help out with the tickets and such. (the tickets etc subforum, not here)

But, I certainly wouldn't raise my expectations as to keep anticipating and seeking any wisdom from people who do post, let alone start new topics here, on Bluemoon (that's the rule, there is a lot of exceptions to it), so I am basically continuously laughing my arse off, both when posting and reading all this "let's pretend I know what a football looks like, I've heard it's not made of leather any more, is it true, and in return I will agree with you, but you have to agree with me first" nonsense. Don't know for how long that novelty factor is going to keep me here though, I'll probably end up not posting or reading either Bluemoon or Off topic, and just focus on the tickets bit when required.

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