
DTeacher said:
blumoonrises said:
Yeah, cos Bent of course, was wanted by all the best teams in the Prem but chose Villa...

Yeah, Harry tried everyfink he cud fink ov to keep him at Tottenham, but it just wasn't to be...makes me laugh how some people latch onto things to try to prove their non-existent theories and then, a month later, completely reverse their puerile posts to suit whatever agenda they have at that particular time.

You know the ones...Tevez is, he's brilliant like I always said...Tevez misses sitters and never passes...he is world class and the best striker in the Prem...I've always said it.

Same for Yaya Toure. Same for David Silva etc etc etc.

Some City 'fans' don't half get on my nerves.
The highlighted views are not mutually exclusive!
Dax777 said:
DTeacher said:
Yeah, Harry tried everyfink he cud fink ov to keep him at Tottenham, but it just wasn't to be...makes me laugh how some people latch onto things to try to prove their non-existent theories and then, a month later, completely reverse their puerile posts to suit whatever agenda they have at that particular time.

You know the ones...Tevez is, he's brilliant like I always said...Tevez misses sitters and never passes...he is world class and the best striker in the Prem...I've always said it.

Same for Yaya Toure. Same for David Silva etc etc etc.

Some City 'fans' don't half get on my nerves.

The highlighted views are not mutually exclusive!

Ha Ha - you won't believe me but I actually thought of that once I had written it, but was hoping it would slip under the radar!

I'm sure you got my point though.
santasa said:
I could see this coming from Mars, he made a bad, very bad, decision signing for club in Premiership ! He should know better.
I'm sure Dzeko would start a little more brightly had he signed for Tottenham or Arsenal - teams with a lot more creativity, something Dzeko thrives on.
Dead wood play leads to few chances.
Still I'm hoping the style changes, and that his team mates get this marvelous idea once in a while on the pitch: "Ah there's Dzeko, how about I pass the ball in that direction... yes here goes buddy."
Having said all that - it's only his 4th game and under these circumstances (new guy, new team, new league, no service) he's done pretty well - but something will have to change for him to show his impressive abilities.
My God, watching City play is like watching Bosnian National team 10 years ago. No game plan, no creativity in the midfield, a superstar striker who only plays for himself and a so called "creative midfielder" who has 5 successful passes the entire game. Dzeko will never be good at City as long as individual success has priority over team play. Dzeko is a team player, he needs support. Give him that and he will score.
PaulPowre said:
listened on radio not hears hia name more than 3 times in the second half.


Just an idea, but you may want to try watching games before passing comment on them.

Just think about it.

Just for a minute.


For all of our sakes.
Dzeko is already frustrated because of the "service he gets" and the ignorance from his teammates. I really hope that Mancini will find a system soon enough, because this what City is playing atm is nowhere near any system. No tactics, no teamplay, no spirit.. Really difficult to watch.

Having read all these comments, I can say that I'm really sorry Dzeko ever signed for City, many fans cannot realise that success cannot be made over the night. No patience, just spitting and insulting, thats why it will be difficult to ever win prem title.
I haven't read so much b*llocks as some on this thread.

Dzeko has played 4 games - TWO of which were against lower opposition with our second string.

He has played with Tevez twice - give them time to get some sort of understanding going. It hasn't helped him that AJ got injured.
Anyone getting on Dzeko's back already needs to take their head for a wobble or fuck off back to the swamp.
I can see two problems that are missing here for real Dzeko to come.
Lack of team play - Said enough in recent posts
Dzeko is still soft on the ball, lacks confidence and arrogance.(Also deal with Boateng). Defenders push him with arms, elbows and what else not but he does nothing. German league prevent this but EPL does not. He must use his hands and arrogance when getting the space, instead he only uses his body. Thats why he has a bad time when receiving a pass, because in the start there are 1 or 2 players coming from his back, pulling him over. This is also the deal with long balls, because it is evident that defenders push him with elbows or just rely on his back (Germany - foul) so he cant get the ball right. He knows to give a good pass and has the intelligence but as a forward he must feel a ball a little bit more. He almost always bass the ball after 1-2 touches and runs to the goal, but you dont see other players doing that as they always have 4-5 touches before making a pass. There he lacks confidence, because I only seen him 3 times going to the area with the ball in these 4 games( everytime got a freekick). At Wolsfburg, he had 5+ crosses like that in one game. He is in the different team, different players and the system. Only thing he needs is to have a ball more often, keep it, try to get past the defender and thats the only thing he needs. Lose it what the heck, Tevez lose it 10 times but then scores a goal.No point of pass the ball on the first touch when you will not get the same service from teammates. If he does not have touches with the ball more often , I afraid that it will cause him going deep into himself, causing barriers in his mind. And thats it. It is not the skill, not the pace, it is only in the head. The same thing is with Boateng.

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