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I have a moral quandary with Dzeko, as I believe he deserves a starting spot at a top club, but he's way too good to get rid of. Every other team in the league would snap our arm off for a striker like him.
I wouldn't mind him signing a new contract and staying but if he wants to go then £25m is about right.
Like I said in the Negredo thread, we don't need both of them, so if someone offers as much as £25m for either of them then I'd take it and spend it on the areas of the squad that are far more in need of it
salfordbluetrue said:
every year you need to freshen up your strikers so looking at city first choice is aguero second is dzeco the other two are the ones who should be worried about their places but guidetti should go as for dzeco ungainly lazy and slow he might be but defensively and attacking he is the best in the air

Does this post come with some oxygen?

For the record I agree. He is ungainly, and I was in the out camp for a while. He scores goals you can't put a price on.
BigOscar said:
Like I said in the Negredo thread, we don't need both of them, so if someone offers as much as £25m for either of them then I'd take it and spend it on the areas of the squad that are far more in need of it

But both of them played a key role this season.
IMO, Negredo at his best is a better player than Dzeko. But for both Sevilla and City, Negredo has shown that he can have long periods out of form. With Dzeko, he'll be up and down and frustrate the hell out of you, but the next goal is never too far off - and he scores big goals. So imagine we sold Dzeko and then Negredo went on to have another half a season slump, we'd be without a regular goal scoring target man. On the other hand, we could sell Negredo and he could have an incredible full season, making us regret it.

Keeping all four would be ideal, but if Aguero and Jovetic aren't as injury prone next season, which we hope, at least one of them would really suffer. If I had to make a choice right now who to keep, it'd be Dzeko... but it's easy to forget just how incredibly good Negredo was before his injury. The Premier League couldn't handle him.
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