Early Leavers

gordondaviesmoustache said:
oakiecokie said:
GaudinoMotors said:
Blimey aren't the EL's an angry bunch - happy for them to go early if it means avoiding any road rage incidents - must be hell out there in the North carpark at 3.40pm.

Only if its a 2.00 pm kick off. ;)

I think he was referring to the VEL's.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh.But what about the VLC`s ?
oakiecokie said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
oakiecokie said:
Only if its a 2.00 pm kick off. ;)

I think he was referring to the VEL's.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh.But what about the VLC`s ?
I think that's why there are so many clashes in the North Car Park at or around 3.40pm. It would probably be in both parties best interests if they came to an arrangement tbh.
GaudinoMotors said:
Blimey aren't the EL's an angry bunch - happy for them to go early if it means avoiding any road rage incidents - must be hell out there in the North carpark at 5.40pm (doh - edited).

Surely that's a bit late.
troadie said:
I appreciate some of the car parks are a nightmare going home and if sitting in traffic is what people don't like then ironically the opposite of leaving early is the way to go, we usually go in one of the pubs near the ground after the match, have a pint for half an hour and fly home on empty roads, I know that everybody won't be able to do that but you get my point.

Also, after watching players like zabba literally spilling blood for the team, getting home in time for some shit Saturday night TV doesn't seem as important to me as appreciating his efforts by clapping him and the rest of the team off at the end of the match.

I totally agree with this last paragraph, even if only one player apreciates my aplause at the end of a game I will stay.... Leave early if you choose to but dont tell me it looks good.... To many "bluemoaners".....
Sorry apart from the main car parkers and the odd pregnant wife I will never understand all the early leavers. These are the good times FFS don't you want to cheer the team off ?
I know this won't be popular, but I have found leaving at half time to be the best option. You avoid the massive scramble to leave the car park, and avoid them shutting the main road off. I've found I can be home before the second half kicks off, and watch the rest on TV....."perfect".

I have already got my second phase ready, for when this becomes more popular. I will leave 5 mins "before" half time, therefore avoiding the rush. I think any body leaving 10/15 minutes before half time are wankers and don't deserve to get tickets....

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