
Data is bollocks , eddie is miles better than allison maybe not as good a shot stopper but a much better sweeper keeper
Why do you think this, if not based off data? Just saying he's better doesn't mean anything.

Looks? Tattoos? Just because he can kick it further? Back up your comment lad.

Alisson starts for Brazil too and his position is not in doubt. Delusional.
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Be sad to see him but like a few of our older heads they have won everything and now they are looking at fresh challenges and this is where we bring in hungry fresh players who want to win trophy’s and emulate our older players . Ederson has been a great keeper for us but there will be another keeper out there who will cone in and perform and win trophy’s .
Why do you think this, if not based off data? Just saying he's better doesn't mean anything.

Looks? Tattoos? Just because he can kick it further? Back up your comment lad.

Alisson starts for Brazil too and his position is not in doubt. Delusional.
I am a woman and i cant be arsed with fanboys , i have eyes and they tell me much more than data which just cant tell the whole story
Be sad to see him but like a few of our older heads they have won everything and now they are looking at fresh challenges and this is where we bring in hungry fresh players who want to win trophy’s and emulate our older players . Ederson has been a great keeper for us but there will be another keeper out there who will cone in and perform and win trophy’s .
You think Ederson is better than Alisson?

I love Ederson but this is false but every measurable metric (bar distribution), and the sample size is quite large. Even when you factor in Edersons positive influence in distribution Allisons goal prevention largely outweighs in in overall impact in aiding his team to win.

I know Alisson has had a couple stinkers against us so our fans' perception is tampered, but going off data (multiple sources), this is the reality.

I agree mate. Saudis should pay more than they are. But they won't. And we won't keep Ederson captive when his heads not in it. He's won everything he possibly could for City. His contract is running down, he's again. We can move on. We've moved on from more important players many times before.

And yeah I hope we pay more than 30m for a replacement. Tough to find quality for less these days innit.
Yes I do think Eddie is better than Allison. Certainly a lot less error prone and a thousand times better with his feet.
KDB is 33 with a year left in his Contract. He can walk free next season. Expect nothing more than 30 million for him. Eddy, I'd have pegged at 35 to 45 million.
I would expect City to laugh them out the building with that offer. Salah was being offered at 125 just last year

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