Edin Dzeko

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mancity5 said:
Nelly's Left Foot said:
If Edin stays and is a key part in our plans for the season,playing regularly he will score 25 goals for us.

In all fairness, I got several PMs from you a couple of years ago saying the same thing about RSC, after I had dared say he was shite.

I agree with him about Dzeko, although im not gonna commit to a figure he will score a lot more with the right service.

Also, RSC wasnt a "bad" player. Just injured all the time and never got back to full match fitness... He was however an extremely bad transfer!.
without a dream said:
AntiUnited said:
without a dream said:
That's a self fulfilling prophecy though, there won't be any service into the box if there's no-one there.

It's good to see the bosnian fanboys have moved on from Silva as being the selfish player though, showing some progression at least. Maybe in another 300 pages we'll get some form of admission that Dzeko once made a mistake and in a 1000 pages or so we might get some realisation that he contributed to him not getting picked through a series of lacklustre performances.

lal not bosnian move along

You didn't call Aguero selfish though unless I'm mistaken? I would hope you weren't one of the people idiotic enough to call Spanish Dave selfish, so it wasn't really aimed at you.

no worries :P. silva was not in top form last season but he was far from selfish
AntiUnited said:
Clowny said:
AntiUnited said:
Dzeko scored goals while playing the least time on the field, out of position, no service, and with out support from the coach.

Out of position? Pray tell me what exactly his position is? Surely as the striker? Didn't Mancini play him there? Or was he playing at Left Back?

As for no service and all, that is b*ll*cks. There were games like the Everton away and Spurs away(Note: He started and got loads of minutes in both the games but was sh*te), he got the ball many times and wasted it, and we dropped points. He also missed good chances away at Swansea and QPR. His awful body language doesn't help the team either.

Did you seriously watch any of the games this season? hes been on the wings and outside of the box more then in DUE TO NO SERVICE IN THE BOX. This has been rectified with jessus on the wings. He should have no excuse being outside anymore since (i believe) kun will be doing the out side of the box stuff.

Did YOU watch any of the games of this season? Aren't you the same person who said that Aguero's first touch is as bad as Dzeko's?

Will you deny that he missed a sitter at Swansea, he missed another good chance at QPR with his crap first touch, he shot atleast 3 goals towards Howard in the Everton game or he was incredibly poor at the Spurs game, so much so that Mancini had to bring in Lescott as a forward?

So many people change the goal post and call him a target man. So, how many headers does he actually win? Go on, give me a stat. How often is he able to hold the ball up like a supposed target man should? I would trust my eye here and say that he is actually poor in that regard. The fan-boys resort to statistics of his goal-scoring exploits, then go on show me how good a target man he is by statistics.

And if we have to change our entire passing teams style and turn to hoofing the ball in just to satisfy the Dzeko fan-boys, then what is the point? Why the fuck should the entire team-style, crafted after 3 years be changed just for 1 player?

He should have no excuse being outside anymore
And this is the problem I have. We cannot afford to have a passenger for 90 minutes. All our players need to press for our style to work.(There is a stat that we concede more when Dzeko plays, go dig it up) We need a player who can go deeper, who can drift wide whenever required to pull away some defenders, and not some guy who stands in the box and is anonymous while we are left with 9 outfield players. And this is precisely the reason that inspite of Aguero and Tevez having their limitations like the inability to win headers, they are better, BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT LIMITED PLAYERS and actually contribute to our team beyond standing in the box or losing the ball or complaining to the ref when tackled.

Navas was brought in not just to deliver crosses but to provide and pace and create more room for our other attackers by pulling the other defenders to the wide areas. Btw, this will be the first time that Pellegrini will actually use traditional wingers, He used inverted wingers in a 4-2-2-2 at his previous clubs with the full-backs coming forward(and neither of our full-backs can cross). If you for a moment think that we will play like the rags hoofing the ball in the box, then you are mistaken.

The likes of Silva are accused of being greedy(laughable accusation) because they don't pass to Dzeko. I think players don't pass to Dzeko, since there is always the lingering doubt that he will lose the ball.
Clowny said:
AntiUnited said:
Clowny said:
Out of position? Pray tell me what exactly his position is? Surely as the striker? Didn't Mancini play him there? Or was he playing at Left Back?

As for no service and all, that is b*ll*cks. There were games like the Everton away and Spurs away(Note: He started and got loads of minutes in both the games but was sh*te), he got the ball many times and wasted it, and we dropped points. He also missed good chances away at Swansea and QPR. His awful body language doesn't help the team either.

Did you seriously watch any of the games this season? hes been on the wings and outside of the box more then in DUE TO NO SERVICE IN THE BOX. This has been rectified with jessus on the wings. He should have no excuse being outside anymore since (i believe) kun will be doing the out side of the box stuff.

Did YOU watch any of the games of this season? Aren't you the same person who said that Aguero's first touch is as bad as Dzeko's?

Will you deny that he missed a sitter at Swansea, he missed another good chance at QPR with his crap first touch, he shot atleast 3 goals towards Howard in the Everton game or he was incredibly poor at the Spurs game, so much so that Mancini had to bring in Lescott as a forward?

So many people change the goal post and call him a target man. So, how many headers does he actually win? Go on, give me a stat. How often is he able to hold the ball up like a supposed target man should? I would trust my eye here and say that he is actually poor in that regard. The fan-boys resort to statistics of his goal-scoring exploits, then go on show me how good a target man he is by statistics.

And if we have to change our entire passing teams style and turn to hoofing the ball in just to satisfy the Dzeko fan-boys, then what is the point? Why the fuck should the entire team-style, crafted after 3 years be changed just for 1 player?

He should have no excuse being outside anymore
And this is the problem I have. We cannot afford to have a passenger for 90 minutes. All our players need to press for our style to work.(There is a stat that we concede more when Dzeko plays, go dig it up) We need a player who can go deeper, who can drift wide whenever required to pull away some defenders, and not some guy who stands in the box and is anonymous while we are left with 9 outfield players. And this is precisely the reason that inspite of Aguero and Tevez having their limitations like the inability to win headers, they are better, BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT LIMITED PLAYERS and actually contribute to our team beyond standing in the box or losing the ball or complaining to the ref when tackled.

Navas was brought in not just to deliver crosses but to provide and pace and create more room for our other attackers by pulling the other defenders to the wide areas. Btw, this will be the first time that Pellegrini will actually use traditional wingers, He used inverted wingers in a 4-2-2-2 at his previous clubs with the full-backs coming forward(and neither of our full-backs can cross). If you for a moment think that we will play like the rags hoofing the ball in the box, then you are mistaken.

The likes of Silva are accused of being greedy(laughable accusation) because they don't pass to Dzeko. I think players don't pass to Dzeko, since there is always the lingering doubt that he will lose the ball.

No player can be on top form every game some times u jst miss sitters kinda like kun last season a swell. Kun's touch last season was arguably worse then dzekos. and we will have to agree to disagree with the box situation. did i say silva was greedy he was not in top form but he was far from greedy.
AntiUnited said:
No player can be on top form every game some times u jst miss sitters kinda like kun last season a swell. Kun's touch last season was arguably worse then dzekos. and we will have to agree to disagree with the box situation. did i say silva was greedy he was not in top form but he was far from greedy.

But why are you bringing Kun in this debate? Can you actually debate by giving some proper points instead of dragging down one of our other players? Saying that Kun's first touch was worse than Dzeko is a gross exaggeration.

You haven't responded to anything I have written but are now resorting to the form argument. Even an out of form Kun still does something that an out of form Dzeko doesn't do: that is press the ball, link up with other players and be a part of team instead of sulking.
Phuket Blue said:
taconinja said:
Phuket Blue said:
It's a shame to see City fans being as obnoxious as this to fellow City fans and their own players.
To say Dzeko has not scored great goals for City is quite frankly a joke. Aguero has scored great goals for City, so has Dzeko. Aguero has scored very important goals for City. So has Dzeko. Anyone who says needs Dzeko needs the ball put on a plate for him is either blind, or has not been watching City.
Perfectly valid? ..... this post is certainly NOT.
Maybe he wouldn't act "obnoxious" if LookI'maKnob wasn't being obnoxious?
Couldn't agree more. I thought that was the point I made. My bad.
No worries. We're a testy bunch! ;)

Let's just hope whomever our forwards end up being, they score lots of goals!
He may score a load of goals if played more regularly but how many everton games will he have or spurs or Southampton?

He hardly started all season but he did in those three games and was poor. Yes he scored at Southampton before anyone points that out, but his all round play wasn't good enough and was non existent in the other two games. He was moaning an groaning against everton within 5 minutes just because Jagliega roughed him up a bit. For a big lad he is soft as shit.

We simply cannot afford that if we want to win the title. I am not confident in his attitude being correct and am unconvinced that a change will make much difference because I don't think he will start more than 50% of games even If we don't buy another striker. That's where the attitude problem begins. He doesn't like it.

It's risky laying all our hopes on him just because we have bought a winger!
LookIfoundmyKnob said:
Mrmcfc said:
LookIfoundmyKnob said:

Ok, whatever guy. I thought you were going to provide something useful.

Edin is going to win the Champions League, based on his 47 goals in the 08/09 season and his 33 in the 09/10 season. Shit, I'll even throw in the 23 he scored this past season.

I'll base it on the fact that aguero isn't absolutely fucking shite.Dzeko needs chances put on a plate for him, you'll never see dzeko score a goal like aguero v QPR or v the rags this season.

He's a finisher, fair enough. But there are players out there that are equally good at finishing and can contribute more overall to the team. He has been a liability at times, and considering he's an old fashioned centre forward he can't hold the ball up to save his life; touch like a fucking donkey and as strong as a mint imperial.

Above is a perfectly valid explanation as to why aguero will be the starter next year, you fucking condescending goon.

I'm sorry where was Aguero last season?

I'll respect your opinion that you think Aguero was "better" then Edin this previous season but realistically AND statistically speaking - your talking out of your arse. [1]

Also you didn't bring up a valid explanation considering that Pellegrini plays with a TARGET MAN at the ST slot. So you are saying that Aguero will be playing the target man role that he doesn't even know how to play? [2]


A.) He has no upper body ball control
B.) He is absolute shit at headers
C.) He's small.
D.) He's a selfish player [3]

So please do tell me again why Aguero will start over Edin?

A different poster pointed it out, most likely Aguero will be playing right behind Edin going forward. [4]

Why did we get rid of Tevez (our best striker) if having Edin up front wasn't part of the plan? Why tell Edin he has one more chance at City if he wasn't going to start? If he wasn't going to start that means that his chance has already gone out the window and he is in the same situation as he was under Mancini which would have made him force a move out of the club. [5]

If Edin was just going to sit on the bench, Pell could easily have kept Tevez for another year and kept him and Aguero up front, but yet they sold him? It's because they are carbon copies of each other minus the age differential.

As for taconinja293232, when people spout bullshit I will call them out on it. Just because someone had a 30 goal season 2 years ago doesn't mean squat if you are starting or not when a new manager is coming in, so when I ask someone to elaborate in an intelligent manner I don't expect their opinion[6] because I couldn't muster 2 shits about someone's opinion. I expect a reasonably thought out response. I could be the most opinionated person in the world but that doesn't make me an expert on anything.

[1] I never said Aguero was a better player than Dzeko last season. I said he's a better player full stop.

[2] Pellegrini used Higuain up top for his season at Real Madrid, and he is not in any way like Dzeko.

[3] one minute you're only asking for facts, then you're spouting opinion. Make your mind up sir.

[4] I thought we were aiming to play 4-3-3 next season? If Aguero was to play directly behind Dzeko it would be more of a 4-2-3-1. We already have enough competition for places on the wing without adding Aguero to the list (as well as Isco possibly).

[5] Maybe we have plans for Dzeko to exit too. Plenty of time in the window, with a number of potential suitors.

[6] Refer to number 3.

IMO (I am allowed one) Dzeko has a rubbish attitude and doesn't offer enough to the team to justify his place in the starting line up. There is no way on earth people can argue that his ball control and hold up play (winning headers/bringing others in to play) is anywhere near up to scratch. I believe there are players out there who possess the ability to be as clinical as Dzeko (allegedly) is, whilst also offering more of the things that Dzeko doesn't.

Edit: Oh and where was Aguero? Suffering with numerous injuries. Just thought i'd point out though...

Appearances/Goals/Minutes on pitch from Premier League / Champs League / FA Cup...

Dzeko 43 apps / 15 goals / 2468 minutes
Aguero 39 apps/ 17 goals / 2622 minutes
Mrmcfc said:
LookIfoundmyKnob said:
Mrmcfc said:
I'll base it on the fact that aguero isn't absolutely fucking shite.Dzeko needs chances put on a plate for him, you'll never see dzeko score a goal like aguero v QPR or v the rags this season.

He's a finisher, fair enough. But there are players out there that are equally good at finishing and can contribute more overall to the team. He has been a liability at times, and considering he's an old fashioned centre forward he can't hold the ball up to save his life; touch like a fucking donkey and as strong as a mint imperial.

Above is a perfectly valid explanation as to why aguero will be the starter next year, you fucking condescending goon.

I'm sorry where was Aguero last season?

I'll respect your opinion that you think Aguero was "better" then Edin this previous season but realistically AND statistically speaking - your talking out of your arse. [1]

Also you didn't bring up a valid explanation considering that Pellegrini plays with a TARGET MAN at the ST slot. So you are saying that Aguero will be playing the target man role that he doesn't even know how to play? [2]


A.) He has no upper body ball control
B.) He is absolute shit at headers
C.) He's small.
D.) He's a selfish player [3]

So please do tell me again why Aguero will start over Edin?

A different poster pointed it out, most likely Aguero will be playing right behind Edin going forward. [4]

Why did we get rid of Tevez (our best striker) if having Edin up front wasn't part of the plan? Why tell Edin he has one more chance at City if he wasn't going to start? If he wasn't going to start that means that his chance has already gone out the window and he is in the same situation as he was under Mancini which would have made him force a move out of the club. [5]

If Edin was just going to sit on the bench, Pell could easily have kept Tevez for another year and kept him and Aguero up front, but yet they sold him? It's because they are carbon copies of each other minus the age differential.

As for taconinja293232, when people spout bullshit I will call them out on it. Just because someone had a 30 goal season 2 years ago doesn't mean squat if you are starting or not when a new manager is coming in, so when I ask someone to elaborate in an intelligent manner I don't expect their opinion[6] because I couldn't muster 2 shits about someone's opinion. I expect a reasonably thought out response. I could be the most opinionated person in the world but that doesn't make me an expert on anything.

[1] I never said Aguero was a better player than Dzeko last season. I said he's a better player full stop.

[2] Pellegrini used Higuain up top for his season at Real Madrid, and he is not in any way like Dzeko.

[3] one minute you're only asking for facts, then you're spouting opinion. Make your mind up sir.

[4] I thought we were aiming to play 4-3-3 next season? If Aguero was to play directly behind Dzeko it would be more of a 4-2-3-1. We already have enough competition for places on the wing without adding Aguero to the list (as well as Isco possibly).

[5] Maybe we have plans for Dzeko to exit too. Plenty of time in the window, with a number of potential suitors.

[6] Refer to number 3.

IMO (I am allowed one) Dzeko has a rubbish attitude and doesn't offer enough to the team to justify his place in the starting line up. There is no way on earth people can argue that his ball control and hold up play (winning headers/bringing others in to play) is anywhere near up to scratch. I believe there are players out there who possess the ability to be as clinical as Dzeko (allegedly) is, whilst also offering more of the things that Dzeko doesn't.

Edit: Oh and where was Aguero? Suffering with numerous injuries. Just thought i'd point out though...

Appearances/Goals/Minutes on pitch from Premier League / Champs League / FA Cup...

Dzeko 43 apps / 15 goals / 2468 minutes
Aguero 39 apps/ 17 goals / 2622 minutes
Can't we all just get along?
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