Edin Dzeko

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BillyShears said:
BosnianDragon said:
BosnianDragon said:
Thanks. I don't know about Dzeko's contract details (has 1-2 more years). Personally I think he should go back to Germany or Italy. Hope that he will have clubs interested for his services and that City will not add high price tag to it. Ofcourse, it is all upt to City and Dzeko, these are just my wishes.

Forget to mention that he was not really in position to pass the ball since there were no fully open space or player as well as timing of strike before defense close gaps. I think he made right choice and was very close to score. In the other hand, Negredo in same situation with better positioned/opened players hit way off. It is all decission making and personall perception of wiever.

Agree that Negredo did it too ...

On Dzeko ... he'll have a year left on his contract next summer. In think at that point he'll be affordable enough for Dortmund to do the deal. In fact, had Lewandowski gone this summer to Bayern I think Dortmund would've done the deal this summer.

Honestly i've not completely given up hope of him signing a new contract. But I think that's more wishful thinking on my part. I believe he's already one of our top earners and he won't take a pay cut to stay at City ... whereas he'll take a pay cut to join Dortmund.

BoyBlue_1985 said:
samharris said:
pominoz said:
We are not the ones that "follow" a football team because of one player, brainless indeed.

No...you lot just "follow" one particular thread because of one player..

Tell me, what happened with the give him til christmas comment you made pre season.??

Leave me out of this. I haven't said shit. Impartial all the way.

Fuckin fence sitters.. hope you get splinters as big as rolling pins. ;)
I don't know what the big deal is here because Dzeko started the CL game earlier in the week. Now if he gets benched the next game, then I will reconsider what value he still has for the club, but for now I think he will be splitting starts with Negredo. Pellegrini has to do what is best for the team in a particular match. I think this competition with Negredo, given their similar size and style of play will be good for Dzeko if he keeps the right attitude. I have full confidence in Pellegrini's man management and I think he will use Dzeko effectively.

Despite my username on the forum I can honestly say that I am a City fan first. Of course, it makes it even better when Dzeko is playing but if he doesn't I still root for City to win.
Yeah, there were two big games. Edin played the CL match, Negredo the Derby. And they're probably both better suited to the match they played in.

I'm a big fan of Edin's game, as I've stated repeatedly. It's a different sport, but in the book Moneyball, there was a great discussion about how you're not selling jeans, you're trying to win games. What is meant by that is, far too often as sports fans we get caught up in how pretty it looks or whether someone looks the part. Edin can often appear clumsy, his touch sometimes lets him down....there are plenty of things people harp on and on about, but how pretty it is is truly irrelevant. He's got a knack for burying the ball, the production is there.

I do hope, however, that watching Negredo helps Edin to learn what parts of his game need development (unless we sell him off to Dortmund, in which case I hope he learns nothing). If Edin could learn to use his size the way Negredo does, spend a bit more time hustling and making things uncomfortable for defenders, he could really become one of those players who can dominate a game. As it stands, he can float in and out of games and relies on his teammates a bit too much to bring him into the contest. Nonetheless, he's still a fantastic player and I can count on probably one hand the number of strikers for whom the above statement isn't true. If Edin is to rotate with Negredo, I hope a little of the other's game creeps into each of these players, because we'll be much better for it. I'm still pretty eager to see Negredo and Dzeko together at times. Aguero is really coming back into form, but I think Edin and Negredo could be a real handful in a match where we're gaining a ton of possession, especially with Silva and Nasri in the side if we end up playing more of the 4-2-2-2 than the 4-4-2 that's looked a lot like a 4-1-3-2 that we've been very successful with.
pominoz said:
bluebobom said:
Negredo had a great game yesterday. Among the great stuff he did, though, when he had a clear opening on goal in the second half, he was off target. He still had a great game, because one miss doesn't make a flop.

If it'd have been Dzeko free on goal and not got a shot on target, I suspect he'd have been pilloried on here today...

Football provokes strong emotions, and some players more than others. How fans react to players isn't 100% rational.

I disagree, if Dzeko had of put in the same effort as Negredo and not scored he would not have got any shit on here. That is the problem with him, very little effort and knocking in a few tap-ins (and the occasional good goal) does not make him "world class striker".

You are totally wrong, check discussion after Newcastle match, there are some real shit written about Džeko not scoring even though he worked his arse off (was MOTM).

There were few more similar comments in this thread after that match but someone deleted first 500+ pages for some reason.

Double standards anyone?
JasminBosnia said:
pominoz said:
bluebobom said:
Negredo had a great game yesterday. Among the great stuff he did, though, when he had a clear opening on goal in the second half, he was off target. He still had a great game, because one miss doesn't make a flop.

If it'd have been Dzeko free on goal and not got a shot on target, I suspect he'd have been pilloried on here today...

Football provokes strong emotions, and some players more than others. How fans react to players isn't 100% rational.

I disagree, if Dzeko had of put in the same effort as Negredo and not scored he would not have got any shit on here. That is the problem with him, very little effort and knocking in a few tap-ins (and the occasional good goal) does not make him "world class striker".

You are totally wrong, check discussion after Newcastle match, there are some real shit written about Džeko not scoring even though he worked his arse off (was MOTM).

There were few more similar comments in this thread after that match but someone deleted first 500+ pages for some reason.

Double standards anyone?
There were also a lot of us praising Dzeko for that Newcastle performance.
Señor Manuel said:
To be fair, Dzeko would take that Rag defence apart too.

Excactlly, Dzeko would be probably more leathal then Negredo. It is clear now that Dzeko has very strong oposition which is everywhere, in club, management, supporters etc. Therefore it would be the best for all that he leaves in January. He is too important for our national team and our small country so don't want City to destroy and waist his carrier.
BosnianDragon said:
Señor Manuel said:
To be fair, Dzeko would take that Rag defence apart too.

Excactlly, Dzeko would be probably more leathal then Negredo. It is clear now that Dzeko has very strong oposition which is everywhere, in club, management, supporters etc. Therefore it would be the best for all that he leaves in January. He is too important for our national team and our small country so don't want City to destroy and waist his carrier.

Not true. As others haves said, he played in the CL in midweek. You are taking the opinions of some of the contributors on this forum and interpreting their views as being representative of everyone associated with the club and supporters. I'm afraid you are wrong.
Wreckless Alec said:
BosnianDragon said:
Señor Manuel said:
To be fair, Dzeko would take that Rag defence apart too.

Excactlly, Dzeko would be probably more leathal then Negredo. It is clear now that Dzeko has very strong oposition which is everywhere, in club, management, supporters etc. Therefore it would be the best for all that he leaves in January. He is too important for our national team and our small country so don't want City to destroy and waist his carrier.

Not true. As others haves said, he played in the CL in midweek. You are taking the opinions of some of the contributors on this forum and interpreting their views as being representative of everyone associated with the club and supporters. I'm afraid you are wrong.

I've been following Dzeko for long time (since he was 19-20 y old). In my posts I'm just presenting facts and obvious conclusions. In last two years he was mainly last (4-th) choice. Without enough competative matches he started losing his skill, especially goal instict is slowly going down the drain and also not playing effecting his confidence and moral. You will not find a player thinking about his carrier who is ready to sit on the bench. Only reason they are on the bench is expectation that by time they will deserve place in starters. For Dzeko and City that time is long over. Dzeko gave City all he could (best striker last year, crutial goal for title win etc.) but it is not sufficient. Therefore he should move on, not to waste another year of 1/2 season. He has only 3-4 years left to play on high competative level.
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