Effigy of Tevez torched as Daily Fail need another story

they are saying that there where fans chanting tevez out as the dummy burned - why the fuk would a group of fans go in a secluded area at night and burn a dummy while chanting, but not secluded enough for a passing journo to spot and take advantage off.

Its so unbelievably rediculous - you would think that would at least put as much effort into making it seem realistic as they did in acctually making the dummy, and the reason its the retro saab one is cos they are cheaper than the latest shirts.

first the note on tevez's gate now this, cant wait for the next installment of bullshit.
Ah well, for what it's worth I have just fired off my complaint to the Press Complaints Commission!
That's Scout tunnel on the Huddersfield Narrow near Mossley, 7 miles from the stadium.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.penninewaterways.co.uk/huddersfield/hnc35.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.penninewaterways.co.uk/hudde ... /hnc35.htm</a>

Of all the places you could burn an effigy, why there? I wondered how they'd got it there, but it's hanging from a rope off the tunnel parapet. Is that some sort of accelerant on the jeans legs?

Where does the bloke from Cavendish Press live?

Definitely one for GMP's finest...
The sooner we see the back of him, the better I'll it. This sort of media bollocks will keep on happening until he's gone. Why can't we swap him for Sneijder? Or Suarez?
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
City should ask those in the club shops who print the names on shirts if they recall putting Tevez 32 on the back of a Saab shirt - if they did (and recently), maybe CCTV inside the shop can identify who it was.
As I said in my post earlier on this thread, I saw the guy who was wearing it on Market Street (It must've been, cos how many shirts are there like this?!) If the club really needed to find out, they surely could ask manchester council to have a look at the CCTV and like i also said, the guy and photographer posed in the window of the Nike shop so wouldn't have surprised me if they carried on to the City store, so the person who did it will be on CCTV somewhere
The Sun has made up quotes from an 'onlooker':

Onlooker said:
The fans that were there are very angry with Tevez given all the money he earns and they wanted to make their point in a dramatic way.

Virtually every City fan now wants him out of the club for good and burning effigies is probably just the start of things to come. The chances are they will be a repeat performance on bonfire night.

The Sun:
It is not yet known if City fans were responsible for the incident.
Now let me see we've got a well worn Saab shirt that looks as if someone's actually tried to remove the Saab logo.
On the back we've got a brand new Tevez 32. On the 32 we've got the Premier league logo on each number.
Now pardon my ignorance but does all shirt printing have the PL logo or just legitimate places like the City store. If it was done in the City store surely somebody would remember doing it or it at least being on cctv.
Just a thought.
peterctid said:
a. City replic shirts from the 80s were not used. That shirt is the old SAAB one and no City fan would burn one of those.
The tight bastards wouldn't even fork out for the current City shirt as part of their sad little stunt, opting instead for a £25 retro 80s shirt. Pathetic.

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