elano the cocky shit

I think its absolutely ridiculous how Hughes treated Elano. He first punished him for saying stuff to the media which wasn't strictly controversial, a week later Robinho says something else and gets away with it.

Next he says he wants a contract, then Hughes responds through the media saying 'he is not one of the people we are looking to renew their contract, as we are only looking at players whos contracts are just about to expire'. Next thing he does is he renews Stephen Ireland's contract which expires in 2 or 3 years.

These double standards are disgusting and quite surprised that Hughes is that sort of person. He is definitely worth to play in the shirt as he is pure class. If he Hughes can't get the best out of him, I am sure Mourinho will. There is no surprise Inter Milan the best team in Italy want Elano but its just crazy how he is being disrespected at our club.
Chippy_boy said:
Well just to add some balance, I would like him to stay.

He's an outstanding player who after a bad spell has worked hard to get back on form and to win his starting place back.

He's asking for a new contract or to be let go, one way or another. I don't see anything unreasonable in that. It's no secret that Hughes has had a problem with him and he probably feels about as unloved as Tevez does at the rags, yet I don't hear anyone here slating Tevez for his outburst in the NOTW.

A lot of hypocrites on this forum imho.

He has already got a contract with 2 years left on it!!!! He wants more money and assurances that he will play more well no-one should be assured of playing games you earn the right by your perfomances. By him saying he would love to wear an Inter shirt says to me he wants to go so I say GOODBYE
Washing dirty linen in public springs to mind. I think he will go, pity because I would have loved him to fight for his place and been as good as when he first arived and with the better players coming through the doors I could actually see him improving his game. I think MH had him sussed from day one, along with Jo, difference between them I think he can get Jo to toe the MH line. I think with Elano he has just about burnt his bridges and I now expect him to leave. Oh well, I see Mascherano ain't happy at the bin dippers, he would be a great signing and would link up nicely with Tevez and Zab.
The way he's been treated ?

C'mon, it works both ways. He has the talent to give Hughes no chance but to play him but too often he goes missing. I'm not talking about fluctuations in form, I'm talking about atitude
The fact that he can be so good makes it worse somehow. You saw him against Spurs, after a run of decent games we were all completely behind him, but he get's a little poke in the eye and asks to come off.
SWP has played loads of games despite needing an op.

THe way he's been treated...what did he have to park his own Bentley at some point !?

How do you think I feel, I bought an "Elano" mug from the City shop, 5.99 up the swanny!
Kevcod said:
The way he's been treated ?

C'mon, it works both ways. He has the talent to give Hughes no chance but to play him but too often he goes missing. I'm not talking about fluctuations in form, I'm talking about atitude
The fact that he can be so good makes it worse somehow. You saw him against Spurs, after a run of decent games we were all completely behind him, but he get's a little poke in the eye and asks to come off.
SWP has played loads of games despite needing an op.

THe way he's been treated...what did he have to park his own Bentley at some point !?

How do you think I feel, I bought an "Elano" mug from the City shop, 5.99 up the swanny!

He only started working hard in the last 1/4 of the season so he could engineer a new contract. The guy has class but i bet you a pound to a penny no more than 1 champions league team comes in for him.

If its a choice between Barry and Elano, i would start Barry all day. In fact i would rather start Kompany and De Jong before him.
He is only wanting to know if he is part of MH plans for the future, wasnt MH screaming to the press for the same from our owners?

No problem with this at all.
chesterguy said:
Chippy_boy said:
Well just to add some balance, I would like him to stay.

He's an outstanding player who after a bad spell has worked hard to get back on form and to win his starting place back.

He's asking for a new contract or to be let go, one way or another. I don't see anything unreasonable in that. It's no secret that Hughes has had a problem with him and he probably feels about as unloved as Tevez does at the rags, yet I don't hear anyone here slating Tevez for his outburst in the NOTW.

A lot of hypocrites on this forum imho.

He has already got a contract with 2 years left on it!!!! He wants more money and assurances that he will play more well no-one should be assured of playing games you earn the right by your perfomances. By him saying he would love to wear an Inter shirt says to me he wants to go so I say GOODBYE

That's the crux. He signed under Frank & he thinks he can get more out of the new owners. If he had a great season & pulled his tripe out he'd be right but he expectes just to be given a raise anyway for playing 5 decent games a season. Wrong kind of bloke for our club.
If City have real ambitions of breaking into the top 4 then Elano is exactly the sort of player we need in our squad. To be honest if i had lost my place to Vassell who contributed absolutly Fuck all to the team in the matches he played them i would be questioning Hughes decision. When Elano did come back into the team he was probably our best player, if one of his free kicks against Hamburg had gone in he would have been classed a ledgend? It seems to me all Elano has said is if City want me im more than happy to stay but if im not in Hughes plans then let me go. Im sure Elano now realises that he wont play in every match which is the case with all top clubs now. But he still has the quality to be a major part of our squad and Robinho obviously feel this as he always seems up for the game more when Elano is on the pitch.
I think Elano has done more great passes in a game than most in our team. Seems to have the ablity to put in a great ball that ends up spliting defence apart? I for one like the fella not like love the man but think in some ways it would be shame to lose him. With more class comin to the blues it might help him improve not only his game and attitude. Reading that media spread of crap again as they want to print any owd shite.

" not read the press this morning but bet they are havin a field day as the cricket lost to Holland"

but this is how our press work love the shite stuff not the good? but thats the way it goes where is elano's quote in that spread as far as i can see its that?

I only asked that they be straight with me. If they offer me a new contract now, I stay. If not, I intend to leave, to find another club.'

whats wrong with that? Thats what most players are doin all around the world? askin about there future

If he goes he goes i for one wont be upset and would be glad to see him score pen's and do what he is good at the spliting pass. If he goes he goes and we move on.

here comes the quote quote of what i have put here go on slag it off?
You don't have to negotiate a new contract when you have 2 years remaining on the current one to know whether you are part of the long term plans. A simple yes or no from the management would sort that out. I doubt that he has actually had that conversation with Hughes otherwise he would know where he stood and there would be no need for making contract demands when you are on the other side of the world.

Elano's handled this very badly. If he had simply stated that he was seeking assurances about his place because it is World Cup year and he wants to make sure he goes to the World Cup with Brazil then everyone would have understood if he wanted to leave because he wasn't likely to get many starts next year, and we would have wished him well as he left. However, to come out with confrontational demands like he has, whilst begging Inter to come in for him is going about it all wrong. I think we can all conclude that regretably Elano will not be with us next season. His talent is undeniable, but if he is a rotten apple then we need to get rid.

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