Eliaquim Mangala - now official

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Re: Eliaquim Mangala

It's like Hazzard all over again with those comments. If he's dragging his feet this much he obviously doesn't want to play for us. Just look how Fernan was saying he wanted to come to us for ages and ages trying to force the move and look how well he's played for us. That's the sort of player you want not someone who will only come if all of his other choices don't come in for him.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

tolmie's hairdoo said:
Porto are desperate for this deal with us.

Everything is agreed with them but the lad is seemingly stalling with these comments.

The Benatia links are a leak to put the pressure on before the World Cup.

No way Chelsea would be in, Mourinho went on record at the time of the Zouma deal to state there was little difference between the pair, and Zouma was a third of the price.

I agree.

Something start......I like Benatia....Mangala is so foolish boy.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

I thought he said he wasn't going to make a decision before the World Cup, and his agent is Mendes who is closely linked to CFC
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

RandomJ said:
It's like Hazzard all over again with those comments. If he's dragging his feet this much he obviously doesn't want to play for us. Just look how Fernan was saying he wanted to come to us for ages and ages trying to force the move and look how well he's played for us. That's the sort of player you want not someone who will only come if all of his other choices don't come in for him.


I think the trouble is the combined deal for Fernando and Mangala suited both Porto and City - we were by all accounts going to overpay for for Fernando and get Mangala at a reduced price (as Porto own a bigger chunk of Fernando and would get more money that way)stall andd wait to see if more offers come in .....

If this lad is messing us about we need to move on ... I'm not really interested in any tw*ts like Hazard and Isco with people around them who are trying to screw us for more money on the transfer or wages or look for big hand-outs to agents and or greedy Dads (in Isco's case allegedly) .... You would think Mangala's agent has told him to stall and wait to see if more clubs come in (or maybe there are more clubs already interested)
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

MillionDollarDream said:
Ever since the new quotes and who his agent is I'm not worried about him coming. Waiting till after the World Cup goes against our plans because we want to get the transfers sorted quickly. He's auditioning during the World Cup and not in a Fernandinho sort of way. Don't think he matches with the ethos of the team.

Agreed it would be the Isco fiasco all over again!!!
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

fuck him if he doesn't want to come. I saw him get absolute anal off Sevilla in the Europa league anyway !
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

Those comment absolutely reaks of Jorge Mendes tbh. Mourinho and Mendes constantly try and sign as many players from his stable as possible to increase his power at the club, so I wouldn't be remotely surprised if Mendes was "encouraging" Mangala to speak about Chelsea in an attempt o insitgate a bid. From what I've read, Abramovich learnt his lesson from Mourinho's first time at Chelsea and his time at Real, so has given him a lot less power over transfers, especially regarding Mendes clients, so I imagine they are trying new ways to get what they want
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

I normally enjoy taking the piss out of the hordes of 'Just walk away City' posters whenever a deal hits the slightest hiccup, as if the only consideration is whether or not they'll have the piss taken out of them at the pub for another Kaka saga, however with what (little) information we have, it doesn't exactly sound promising. Set to complete in January > he didn't want to leave. Set for the end of the season > wants to wait until after the world cup. The Chelsea comments.. It has all the hallmarks of another billy big bollocks thinking he deserves all the top clubs fighting over his signature in some protracted transfer.

I appreciate that not everyone will be falling over themselves to come to City, and if you think Manchester is a patch on London I can only assume you haven't been to both for any decent length of time, but we seem to be the main club to make huge efforts to sign him in multiple transfer windows. Is it worth pissing us around for another couple of thousand on your paycheque, or just to make a statement? You shouldn't let your heart rule your head in business, but lets get it straight we're not missing out on Messi here. I wouldn't be at all averse to leading this on post world cup and just telling him to go swivel. If he's trying to sound out PSG to play in a shit league more fool him.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

adrianr said:
I normally enjoy taking the piss out of the hordes of 'Just walk away City' posters whenever a deal hits the slightest hiccup, as if the only consideration is whether or not they'll have the piss taken out of them at the pub for another Kaka saga, however with what (little) information we have, it doesn't exactly sound promising. Set to complete in January > he didn't want to leave. Set for the end of the season > wants to wait until after the world cup. The Chelsea comments.. It has all the hallmarks of another billy big bollocks thinking he deserves all the top clubs fighting over his signature in some protracted transfer.

I appreciate that not everyone will be falling over themselves to come to City, and if you think Manchester is a patch on London I can only assume you haven't been to both for any decent length of time, but we seem to be the main club to make huge efforts to sign him in multiple transfer windows. Is it worth pissing us around for another couple of thousand on your paycheque, or just to make a statement? You shouldn't let your heart rule your head in business, but lets get it straight we're not missing out on Messi here. I wouldn't be at all averse to leading this on post world cup and just telling him to go swivel. If he's trying to sound out PSG to play in a shit league more fool him.
I've done plenty of time in both and prefer Manchester a million times over !
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