Eliaquim Mangala - now official

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Re: Eliaquim Mangala

I'm just going to sit back and wait on this one. Not worth stressing out about whether he will or wont sign for us. I trust the club to do the right thing at this point, they've got nearly ever transfer decision right in the past few years.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

I think he wants to go to Chelsea as he will doing lots of defending based upon Moronho's preferred tactics. Seriously, if he really said he would prefer London we should consider other targets. If eating out and the theatre are priorities for him he can sod off. Tosser!
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

gordondaviesmoustache said:
Given the choice between living in London and Manchester, ceteris paribus, the latter would win every time.

I've lived in both btw.

Can't say I agree with that if you were on a footballer's wage. London is a world-class city if you can afford it.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

Bez said:
I think he wants to go to Chelsea as he will doing lots of defending based upon Moronho's preferred tactics. Seriously, if he really said he would prefer London we should consider other targets. If eating out and the theatre are priorities for him he can sod off. Tosser!

Chelsea have signed someone with similar characteristics. As far as English clubs go, it's between us and United, and I think we'll be the only winner there. The real threat may come from Spain if we have competition.

Asked about Mangala, Mourinho added: "We can't. We signed [Kurt] Zouma [for £12.5m], who is even younger and a comparable figure."

And posted in the last hour by The Guardian:

Despite Mangala's comments that he preferred Chelsea to City because of their London location, it is understood José Mourinho is not interested in the £35m-rated defender, clearing the way for City to buy him.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

gordondaviesmoustache said:
Given the choice between living in London and Manchester, ceteris paribus, the latter would win every time.

I've lived in both btw.
its different strokes for different folks
i'm 48 and have lived half my life in each. when living in one, i'd spend a good amount of weekends in the other too. for me, much as i love going "home" to manchester, i don't think i could live there now. it feels small which is crazy i know, it just feels that way.
if you said which do i love the most i'd say manchester though.
so thats not every time
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

I have watched him a few times since January and I have to say he's very good but makes some almighty cock ups.
Fernando is amazing but Mangala is more like David Luiz than Vincent Kompany, The reputed €45m (£37.8m) buy-out clause is DEFINITELY far too much for him
Frankly I think Nastasic is the steadier player. I'd rather we kept Nastasic and brought Karim Rekik into the first team to play in the LC and occasional first team games.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

The problem I have with what Mangala is meant to have said is the fact he is bound to have known we have a big interest in signing him and Chelsea have barely been linked he could have lied like most footballers (if he had of said city we would be loving it) or he could have been honest and said he didn't know enough about either club or city, hell even a no comment would have been better. But instead he chose Chelsea regardless of his reasons. I know he was meant to have been backed into a corner but at the end of the day he admitted he would rather be playing for one of our direct rivals. Why would we spend that kind of money on anyone who would rather be anywhere else we have an amazing project going here and in my opinion Mangala is lucky to even be linked with us. There is a lot of CB's out there who are just as good and would break their arm to get here.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

I am not liking his lack of enthusiasm in wanting to join City but if he does sign for us then then there will be time for to win me over.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

BlueAnorak said:
I have watched him a few times since January and I have to say he's very good but makes some almighty cock ups.
Fernando is amazing but Mangala is more like David Luiz than Vincent Kompany, The reputed €45m (£37.8m) buy-out clause is DEFINITELY far too much for him
Frankly I think Nastasic is the steadier player. I'd rather we kept Nastasic and brought Karim Rekik into the first team to play in the LC and occasional first team games.

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