Eliaquim Mangala - now official

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Re: Eliaquim Mangala

gordondaviesmoustache said:
Rammy Blue said:
Tricky_Trev said:
I'm really pissed off reading this thread. I'm recently back home from travelling around Indonesia and Thailand and I can tell you there is HUGE support for City in Indonesia, and the people over there are the friendliest ever. I came home and immediately hated my country. We are cunts, us English. It's no wonder everyone hates us. Why can't the guy be free to post on here, within the code of conduct, as he sees fit. People in our country are twats. Hence why I'm leaving for Australia in October. Need a change!

Not sure if serious?
He's fucking right though. I've felt the same myself, ever since they made Mars Bars smaller.

Yeah, good point. Although never been a big fan of Mars bars, prefer Snickers myself.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

Rammy Blue said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Rammy Blue said:
Not sure if serious?
He's fucking right though. I've felt the same myself, ever since they made Mars Bars smaller.

Yeah, good point. Although never been a big fan of Mars bars, prefer Snickers myself.
They were dead to me when they stopped calling them 'Marathon'.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

karen7 said:
Hope france go out tomorrow then we will find out if he is coming to us or not

I wonder if Mangala looks at the Nasri and Clichy situation and thinks "fuck that, I wanna play for my country" and it puts him off? It surely won't have gone unnoticed to the French squad that two prominent players for the Premier League and League Cup winning team didn't get a sniff at the World Cup squad and yet a well past it Evra and utter dross from Newcastle get called up.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

dan.j.mcfc said:
karen7 said:
Hope france go out tomorrow then we will find out if he is coming to us or not

I wonder if Mangala looks at the Nasri and Clichy situation and thinks "fuck that, I wanna play for my country" and it puts him off? It surely won't have gone unnoticed to the French squad that two prominent players for the Premier League and League Cup winning team didn't get a sniff at the World Cup squad and yet a well past it Evra and utter dross from Newcastle get called up.

The french team is so complex with cliche's and some hating others
To be fair clichy wasn't great,i don't know if evra was better or not and seems nasri is a right handful when he is in the squad
I don't think this kid is ready to join us but would be good to know if he continues to stall so we can look elsewhere
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

Mangara said:
AFFS said:
Mangara said:
Hello guys i'm new here and apparently not from England so excuse me if my english is not that understandable. (I'm from Indonesia)

But, is it just me that doesnt really want this guy to be the part of the team? He preferred to play for the ManU or other Premier League's team other than us. I mean c'mon there's must be other player that wants to be the part of the team. Like Eder Alvarez Balanta, a youngster that in FM is pretty good, but i don't know if its that good in real life though lol. I'd prefer we pursue Benatia rather than this guy.

Ah, another Indonesian! Welcome aboard!

Haven't seen much of Mangala to be objective of him tbh but judging from what most people say he's only a real good up-and-coming talent while Benatia seems like the finished article. I for one would prefer we concentrate on developing Rekik and Nastasic.

Also, FM is not a very reliable indication of good players mate, better than FIFA, but still not very good, and TBH we already have Nastasic and Rekik so no need for another young CB IMO.

Ah, so it seems many Indonesians come here often too i supposed lol.
Yeah i think i played FM to much haha. But i totally agree with you, since we have Rekik and Nastasic i'd say we focusing on them and giving them more play time in the senior squad. Nastasic is already giving some good prospect 2 years ago and last year there was some high and lows. But never seen Rekik playing really good though.
Oh how about de vrij from Netherland? I think he's pretty solid playing for Netherland in WC right? And he's still young too.

Yeah, I haven't seen many Indonesians here but I think there are a few lurking.

I haven't seen much of de vrij. (Not a fan of Netherlands) but from what I heard he's pretty good, but again I don't think we need many more young CBs right now.

Also, I don't know if you're really a troll or not, but the fact that you're citing FM and the way you speak English is VERY Indonesian. I should know, I'm one too. Don't know why people are accusing you of being a troll tbh (Mangara is a very Indonesian name too)
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

Did anyone say Indonesian? Relax Mangara, you're not alone.

I prefer Astori over him, it's way cheaper, but Txiki and Pellegrini seems highly rate him, and we pursued him since last summer.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

gordondaviesmoustache said:
Rammy Blue said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
He's fucking right though. I've felt the same myself, ever since they made Mars Bars smaller.
Yeah, good point. Although never been a big fan of Mars bars, prefer Snickers myself.
They were dead to me when they stopped calling them 'Marathon'.
I'm astounded you are acquainted with that confection, I was (apparently unreliably) informed that you porage eaters had all your teeth out and a set of gleaming new gnashers as a twenty first birthday present.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

Seems like Mangala is the man then. Gutted we seem to have passed in Benatia for Mangala as Benatia is a complete defender but it seems that Mangala is being chosen for pace, power and youth .
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

Tricky_Trev said:
I'm really pissed off reading this thread. I'm recently back home from travelling around Indonesia and Thailand and I can tell you there is HUGE support for City in Indonesia, and the people over there are the friendliest ever. I came home and immediately hated my country. We are cunts, us English. It's no wonder everyone hates us. Why can't the guy be free to post on here, within the code of conduct, as he sees fit. People in our country are twats. Hence why I'm leaving for Australia in October. Need a change!

You hate the English because we're twats and yet you're going to one of the most racist countries on the planet. That is glorious logic.
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